mikehunsucker's avatar


59 points

sorry to hear about the stuff, outside of poker.  hope all your personal stuff is getting back into order.  thanks for your honesty, and looking forward to the new content.  thanks jkoon!

Oct. 7, 2014 | 7:26 a.m.

another great vid, from the mind of a sicko.  thanks for taking the time, to answer all the questions above. best of luck for the remainder  of WCOOP stevie

Sept. 21, 2014 | 4:37 p.m.

folding preflop seems criminal, against a very capable player.  having a plan on multiple runouts, and his perceived range is the important part of this hand imo.  if your plan is to check/call flop, evaluate turn, then i think your plan is fine.  you just have to figure out how often you think he is double barreling.  also before we auto-call flop just because we have top pair.....we need think about what turn cards can we, ,or are we, going to be continuing on?  if the only turn cards we are prepared to continue on are a K or a T, then we are burning $ if we just check/call flop and check/fold turn. (though i think that  is prob the best line, in this particular hand, without knowledge of his barreling frequencies.)

Sept. 21, 2014 | 4:33 p.m.

it's a fold imo.  too much exposure to your left, and an unnecessary flip for a large percentage of your stack.  if he shipped from later position....this is a much easier rejam.  as played, villian is shipping UTG and going through 5 other players.  think we can fold, preserve, and wait for better spots a large percentage of the time.

side note: raph is spot on, in the "if he is shoving perfectly".....in a low buy in tourney such as this....think it's safe to assume villian isn't shoving perfectly....and most likely a bit tighter than optimal....so all the more reason to not call, or reshove with the bottom of our range here.

Sept. 15, 2014 | 8:03 a.m.

turn and river betting frequencies are big here too imo.  we do get owned on the flop a small % of the time by folding.  but think we are bleeding chips by flatting because all we really have is a bluff catcher and there are not too many runouts that favor our range,but a ton that favor theirs. 

thanks for posting the hand though raph.  i agree with both flatting pre, and 3 betting, as their are merits to both.  i also agree that sometimes it's ok to "get owned", while preserving EV for much more favorable situations.

like to know results when the thread is done.  i'm guessing, you sigh folded

Sept. 9, 2014 | 6:05 p.m.

Comment | mikehunsucker commented on AKs facing 4bet

good fold imo. he's def capable of just about anything, but your large 3 bet narrows his bluffing frequency in this spot, imo.   "he is quite good"....lol.  currently the best in world according to pocket fives.

side note:  what are you doing with JJ and QQ in this same spot?

Sept. 5, 2014 | 8:26 a.m.

in a full ring, maybe flatting is fine.  i agree with raph, that this hand should  be 3 bet pre , very often, in this 6 max format. think we get more folds, by the turn, with our line as well.  if villian is still around, by the river after we 3 bet pre, we can consider giving up, as our range is less weighted towards straights, and more weighted towards top pair, two pair, etc.

Sept. 3, 2014 | 6:51 a.m.

Sept. 2, 2014 | 4:24 a.m.

what is your plan on the river, if it bricks again?  you firing? or check/giving up?

Aug. 26, 2014 | 10:17 p.m.

agree with everything you said raph, minus the "i can't 3 bet fold from 18 bbs".  though risky, 3 bet/ folding from that stack size looks ridic strong to any raiser, and most will assume you have the very top of your range, and they are more likely to fold the vast majority of their opening ranges. used sparingly, against aggro players, it can be very effective.  i know VERY good players that raise/fold from much shorter stacks than 18 bbs when they think the situation is correct.

Aug. 24, 2014 | 4:49 p.m.

against a single LP raise, this is normally a jam.  against 2 flats from big stacks, this is(and many will prob disagree) an easy fold imo.  you have little to no fold equity, and this is an unnecessary risk with 18bbs.  you shouldn't be set mining here, and you almost always getting called, and are flipping, at best, when you jam. going from  18 bbs and 25 bbs isn't that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things.  also, ask yourself how often you think the CO is going to be raise/folding 22 bigs.  seems like a value raise to me.  the cutoffs previous aggression, raise sizing, etc. lead me to believe he/she is an experienced player and is prepared to reisolate if you jam from the BB.  Knowing the tendencies of the flatters is equally important.  are they tricky and capable of  flatting, to induce a jam?  are they flatting small and medium pairs?  What are their 3 bet frequencies?  if we don't know the answers to all these questions....i think ripping in 77,with very thin FE, is  very ambitious(we are not in the danger zone with 18bbs, especially live), and prob -EV, imo.  

side note:  if any of you agree with me....what should our jam range be? i think(and maybe super nitty of me) 99+ AQs+.....and maybe AQo

Aug. 24, 2014 | 9:23 a.m.

great video, as always.  can you post a hand where you speak on your live thought process, on what your plan is on the flop for different runouts, and why you would bet, check, or raise, those different runouts.  I know players like doc sands and marvin are renknowned for tanking, but i think they are some of the best at constructing their opponents ranges and how to exploit those ranges, on a number of different runouts.  thanks for sharing, and congrats on bracelet numero dos!

Aug. 12, 2014 | 12:40 a.m.

creative thought process, with the math to back it up!  i'm not sure squeezing is necessary in this spot, because brazilian players are so sticky preflop, and on the flop.  mixing it in sometimes here, is def profitable though.   if squeezing, i would make it a little larger pre to try to avoid getting multiple callers

July 18, 2014 | 9:41 a.m.

bri, couldn't agree more, but then calling the reshove, when it's through 2 players, for 1/2 your chips?  would obv have to know dynamics and jam frequency, but seems pretty close to a fold imo after the jam.  sam disagrees......and he is very good.  i don't know.  weird spot, especially with ICM considerations, with 10 left in the tournament

July 15, 2014 | 10:16 a.m.

how dare you refer to the beautiful kitchies as a trash hand.  shame on you grafton, shame on you

July 9, 2014 | 8:21 p.m.

think the final table will speak for itself.  thay3r: longtime mtt boss. hustlergrune: very accomplished online player  dude904: former competent online reg, turned live pro....and josh hillock who is an accomplished grinder as well.  and sean drake who is a bracelet winner.  thats 5 of 9 and at least 4 of 9 play poker full time.  

side note: the final 64 can be largely based on variance in such a huge MTT field.  seems most of the "cream" of the final 64, rose to the top.

June 30, 2014 | 11:31 a.m.

fair enough.  trapping was prob a poor choice of words.  seems more optimal to be 3betting this hand, or folding pre, imo, with the reshove stack behind, especially OOP

June 30, 2014 | 11:12 a.m.

agree.  maybe its very good, just seems high variance

June 19, 2014 | 8:26 p.m.

Comment | mikehunsucker commented on SCOOP Recap

hi nick.  second hand against tony gregg.  curious the line you would have taken with AsJx in this same spot.  on the 4sQh9s2s3d runout when checked to on the flop.  Im assumed you would flat AJ preflop,  before i asked for the rest of your line

June 19, 2014 | 6:55 a.m.

Level 23: 8,000-16,000, 2,000 ante 

Timo Pfutzenreuter raised to 32,000 from the cutoff seat, Josh Arieh called from the small blind, and Justin Kindred reraised all in for about 310,000 from the big blind. After Pfutzenreuter folded, Arieh called with the . Kindred had the .

The  board gave Arieh the win and sent Kindred out the door in 10th place.

arieh started the hand with roughly 41 bbs.  timo, who has been hyper agg all tourney started the hand with 32 bbs.  and the 4 bet shove was for 19.5 bbs

does arieh think he is trapping here?  just seems bad to be calling off half your stack here, from a guy shoving into two players.



June 18, 2014 | 11:23 p.m.

Would like a video or post on general strategy in the early levels of the short starting stack wsop 1ks and 1500s. Obv several table dynamics will factor in. I've heard mixed opinions. Play TAG or play hyper LAG and try to build quickly. I'm sure there are merits to both 

Would also love a theory vid on donk betting. When to do it.  Which villains to try it against.  Which flops are more favorable for our perceived range to try this. And what sizings should we employ.;

May 30, 2014 | 5:06 a.m.

Scary there are good thinking players like steamer in micros.  #pokerisdead?

May 30, 2014 | 4:59 a.m.

sick call, but i love pauls line. #blockers

May 22, 2014 | 8:51 p.m.

if you folded, i honestly think you played it perfectly.  your back raise screams KK and AA, and if he's comfortable jamming here, he is repping AA imo.  flatting his 3 bet is a disaster for the above mentioned reasons.  but auto folding to the squeeze seems nitty when you are so (drumroll) "underrepped" . by flatting,  you get outplayed so frequently post, and/or are already dominated, that folding to the shove seems like the correct play

side note:  would you ever play QQ this way? 

May 22, 2014 | 8:46 p.m.

1) i think betting is best here against ben, bc i can't see him folding many of the stronger Kx in his preflop calling range.  the river ace is such a good card for you to barrell, and he knows this, making it much more likely to get a bet called

2) river sizing is dependent on how wide you think he will call you, and if staying balanced is important to you.  I like the smaller sizing even if you had JT in this spot.

side note:  My ionly issue with betting the river is that after he puts in 36% of his stack by the turn, do we expect him to shut down to a river shove?  

tricky tricky spot.  interested to hear more feedback


May 13, 2014 | 9:32 a.m.

bizarre payout structure for 8th and 9th imo.  would be interesting to see by the numbers, how much Rajb3 very short stack, should factor into the equation.  @stevie444 would be a very good person to get feedback from in this spot.

May 13, 2014 | 9:12 a.m.

great vid guys!  looking fwd to the next one

May 9, 2014 | 10:01 a.m.

Comment | mikehunsucker commented on WTD?

without any other info, or previous history, i think bet/fold river is better than check/fold. If we are ever, going to check/fold, river blanks, I think we should bet larger on the turn, to further polarize villians value range.  

*leave the results out of the post*

May 5, 2014 | 3:12 p.m.

Comment | mikehunsucker commented on Flatting risky ?

played perfectly.  you got exactly what you wanted, besides the suckout

May 4, 2014 | 10:39 a.m.

Comment | mikehunsucker commented on fold qq pre ?

tough to constuct a perfect get-in range, but i would most likely get in TT+ AKo+   

April 28, 2014 | 10:14 p.m.

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