31 points
there are many situations when i've run sims in PIO that it won't defend checking ranges 1-a e.g. when using a high frequency cbetting strategy, expecially if villian wont raise flop enough or for example if RangevRange we have a big disadvantage
Sept. 18, 2016 | 12:19 p.m.
Hand 1 - good analysis, a slight challenge that we were deducing benefits of check jam AK because he only has limited non broadway flushes but he doesn't overbet them on the turn anyway, so AK with A diamond blocks majority of his value range and we are check jamming to fold sets + two pairs only? It could be interesting to understand if we knew villian is not overbetting broadway flushs and not thin valuebetting two pairs / sets like our population reads suggest then EV of check jam AK could be much lower and x/c should be higher as bluff catcher?
Aug. 27, 2016 | 9:35 a.m.
25:19 : ah9h table 2 what stat are you using to know villian wins alot when her bets river?
Aug. 12, 2016 | 2:46 p.m.
@ftb186 No I would not call JJ+ AQ, these hands fall into the 'very strong' hands catagory not 'strong' hands as i mentioned and would just be 3bet for value.
July 21, 2016 | 9:36 p.m.
Conical your strategy is the wrong way round. Vs a player who folds a lot you want to 3bet polar and lots of junky hand. Vs a player who calls a lot then liner range as you make it to the flop more often with a strong range.
Why would we want to 3bet strong hands vs someone who folds alot as the EV of calling will be higher and conversely why 3bet junky hands vs a player who is calling a lot.
Whats our range in BB assuming SB opens around 45%
July 20, 2016 | 6:26 p.m.
39:03 - 77 i think even though our read is sometimes right we have really poor visibility to x/c two streets. His overcards have equity, we block 7hearts and some natural bluffs + he can obviously just be value betting makes me want to fold the turn
July 6, 2016 | 9:38 p.m.
you can change the settings, just click on the loading screen and it popped up for me to change
July 5, 2016 | 6:31 p.m.
With the A3o hand 17:20, we say it's not like villian is exploiting us if his strat is only value but we can exploit him by folding as I think pop is never bluffing with two overbets like that
June 27, 2016 | 9:12 p.m.
why use a tight linear 3betting range in this spot BTNvCO? Think that's likey a sizeable mistake vs the pool and also in general an error
June 23, 2016 | 9:11 p.m.
Can villian shove QQ for value?
I think in theory call but people don't triple it off too light here and maybe I am over adjusting but I tend to fold until I see withers stats or examples that make me call as opposed to other way. Especially @25
June 22, 2016 | 6:09 p.m.
@12:00 how would you play the A2 as villian? I think leading makes sense don't expect that flop to be cbet a tonne as a bluff especially multi way + we have hands that don't want to give free cards or face a bet. I also think the sizing probably makes sense given dynamic texture but the UTG player can have more stronger hands and monster draws (KJo&QQ,AKdd,AJdd). Facing the raise..... just call and fold the turn? assuming hero is rarely/never bluff raising into 3 other people so fold equity is low but we aren't getting odds and it's likely we won't see a river unless we hit the turn. And what about if we had the middle set? In spots like that I see most people playing face up and they call the draws and jam the sets or better.
May 30, 2016 | 8:12 p.m.
With the AQ hand.... from my experiences at lower stakes certainly the majority of weaker players are weak passive not weak aggressive and very often the 3rd barrell is not fired. Yes I have seen people show up with weird S**T there but i don't see it enough to make a population call. Depends alot if you want to make the call now and take the note or overfold and wait. Also not sure about the tendency if its different @200
It's hard to fold it especially on that turn and especially on a video but I I guess weak players are weak players and my assumption is mainly only the true whales are overplaying TP or bluffing enough and the rest are not. In most games i play in I see more passive fish than whales so I lean to fold
May 24, 2016 | 7:05 p.m.
hi i noticed twice you probed turn half pot on drawy or 4 straight textures i would have used a much larger sizing and was checking out my thought process (both were bb vs btn).
1) There was one 42spdes on two flush and 4 straight where we probe half pot and fold to a raise - are you using half pot because you want to bet some pairs there or thinner valuebet? i was thinking ingame around PSB or over there because we half alot of flush draws / hands that could bluff and some 6x for the straight.
2) 47:51 similar example, we turn the nuts and we do have alot of flush draws but also alot of Qx given we have many offsuit combos and i was expecting a bigger bet
Why half pot? and how should i be thinking about turn sizings in those spots
May 5, 2016 | 8:21 p.m.
Use a more linear 3betting range
April 25, 2016 | 8:06 p.m.
Min raise is nutted
I would consider over betting turn but given positions maybeee TT is too weak because he can still have JJ QQ and the paired board texture not ideal but something to consider with some very slight different conditions
April 25, 2016 | 8 p.m.
Blackjack involves two hole cards
April 25, 2016 | 1:28 p.m.
Why should we play a polar range vs a fish? If fish arent check raising or bluff raising anywhere near enough to punish us betting middling hands and calling down too wide then merged/ linear is much better and then even more so an exploitative betsize where I'd be close to potting river and feeling fine to fold vs raise
April 25, 2016 | 1:22 p.m.
We have a LOT of kx combos given how wide we are defending and also offsuited combos increase the count a tonne.
Villain does have more nutted hands but would need to work this out how really snappy this call is. Based obviously on us having a bucket load of kings, having the 6 of diamonds I's not insignificant given it blocks some of villans worst diamond draws and most villians arent even bluffing enough anyway.
April 25, 2016 | 1:16 p.m.
Agree bet fold the flop should be okay for this size also half pot also fine IMO
Donk shoving the turn isn't great, the ten doesn't hit you that well for cbetting the flop and don't think you'd play tt/jt/jj like that. Also sucks if he calls you with a Ace high draw like AQ OR Axdd as we are behind.
April 25, 2016 | 12:57 p.m.
do you think you have the same fold equity with a pot size bet, or 3/4 bet for example?
I mean, villian aint folding an ace whatever size i guess so bet designed to target hands like 8x,9x,JJ,77 etc which i think he probably folds without the overbet jam
April 21, 2016 | 10:04 p.m.
shoving flop is gross
shove the flop vs like 1 maybe 2or3 combos of flush draw semi-bluffs (AJs, maybe (AT/AKs if they dont fold or 4bet) and 6-9 combos of sets....
yeah, IMO shoving is just spew, general pop is not even calling KQs 100% facing 3bet UTG OOP and definately not check raising it when they make TPMK. OK villian showed up with 77 this time which is also likely terrible but most players in the pool or even on earth aren't doing weird shit like that and we can't try to value hands like that
April 21, 2016 | 9:57 p.m.
Think you can still call the turn and fold river unimproved.
Also not sure even it is matters that much what we rep because peiple are terrible hands readers and in spot villan is likely already snapped the call button whatever because he's only got aQ+ and maybe even ak+
Getting people to fold top pair in 3bet pot after the barrel the turn is unlikely
April 16, 2016 | 8:57 a.m.
If your initial assumption is correct about single club hands and two pairs calling the flop then why call the turn?
I tend to agree most villas don't have a bluff x/r rasing on this texture. Flop probably can't fold small size & implied but imo all over pairs without a good redraw can lay, in general people at micro don't x/r bluff anywhere near enough and especially on mono boards
April 15, 2016 | 2:21 p.m.
Mp vs utg you don't need to flat that wide, probably close depending on various things but likely too loose in any tough game. Pre flop just fold, again you don't need to defend much especially as the cold caller and this hand is the bottom of your range right?
Shoving turn is bad imo, villian squeeze pre vs utg and Mp who have the strongest ranges possible and then double barrels on a xx. The reason to jam draws is fold equity. Think about villian hand range and what is going to fold? most players at 10nl will have a range of basically aa, ak with this line and even if he has any bluffs they can contain an ace.
Think about positions and ranges, you have minimal fold equity
Q) what if I shove here, a) you get snapped off by ax+ at a very high percentage
April 15, 2016 | 7:04 a.m.
SB: dddscorpion: $40.48
BB: EVParadox: $25.00
UTG: gajii22: $25.00
MP: MxFlosh: $66.48
CO: Moscowman72: $29.27
April 14, 2016 | 9:19 p.m.
6 tables is too much IMO due to the sizing, i find it too hard to see whats happening as the details are small, cant see betsizing and HUDs look crowded etc For me because i cant focus properly I find it difficult to engage with the gameplay and more actively interact. I'm fine with 3/4 zoom tables it's the sizing more than the speed so If the 4 table reg is too slow and thats the reason for the 6 tables maybe could speed up gameplay and record audio over. Content is good but just could improve the format IMO but maybe it's because I'm used to playing zoom.
April 11, 2016 | 6:55 p.m.
i also thought about that line to lead the jack when i saw it, then talked myself out of it as i prefer the line in a single raised pot or when ranges are wider and also we have more showdown value. Even though ranges are wider bvb i think something like A8s would be better to lead 1/3 and some QJs and maybe something like AT hearts for example and x/f 65 planning to bluff the river when turn goes x/x
March 28, 2016 | 1:34 p.m.
Most fish and even most players here don't have a bluff raising range on mono boards. Feeling ok to lay most things on the flop and the turn meh it's exploitable but at these stakes the river follow up is nutted. I think if your on a* game you can even lay turn but then lay river for sure. People aren't bluffing like this and usually nitting with the trip jacks be a use they are scared of the flush. To a fish I don't think they hardly ever bluff the turn and to a regular your range is so strong for betting this turn he's unlikely to bluff and if he does at this take don't think he follows through on the river because your range is face up as jack or better and people can't fold. Worth to note this is exploitable but guess what, not being exploited by 98% these players for sure
hey - like the format for HH review and that you noted some good adjustments to different player types! would be interesting to see some spots which you found tough or looking at multi street betting plans as opposed to biggest wins /losses etc as it can be nuts/cooler show (flop a set bet bet bet)
37:29 with 3s5s - i agree after flop play our range is polorized so do you consider to use a bigger sizing then 50% on the turn? especially at that stack size and it reduces to make the big overbet jam OTR and as our range is polor then i guess should be a big bet?
Sept. 18, 2016 | 12:28 p.m.