11 points
Hi guys.
I'm a NLHE player, I play MTT Low/Medium stakes online and High stakes live in Brazil.
When I discover about PLO, I really liked but it seems to me that to get really good I would
have to invest more money, since the nice cash games are more expensive and in tournaments
is more easy to go broke.
My question is: You guys think is possible to learn PLO, without dominate the NLHE (in results and the game philosophy)
or NLHE is a kind of step for the PLO?
If yes, does anybody have any good PLO article, book or pdf ?
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:27 p.m.
Hi man, salute from Brazil!
Sorry for the cancer situation, but you guys should be brave at all time!
Cool, 100k thats awesome! GL at the tables!
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:10 p.m.
If you're not willing to 5bet the aggro reg player, you shouldn't even 3bet him.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:57 p.m.
why you bet flop if this flop is exactly hitting his range? Ax+, 22+ and more....I think that he might have made 2 pairs or found a set on the flop. The best line here is flat call pflop, check call flop, turn and river dependending on the bet size is either call or fold (allin call never).... idk, hard spot.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:52 p.m.
I don't like this line.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:44 p.m.
lol, I think I might just jamm everything pre flop brother. He is putting you in a enormous range: 22+, Ax+, Kx+ even Q8o+ and J9+.....shove pre flop.... you are only losing for 4 hands (AA, KK, QQ and AK and fliping or geting a 70/30 with a lot of hands)
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:10 a.m.
the perfect action would be check call river.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:03 a.m.
yeah, would never 3bet with 66 someone that I still don't have enough info.
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:01 a.m.
First of all I don't like applying pressure with T6o, I prefer to wait for a nicer sittuation. Since you 3bet him, I agree with q3timmy, it has to be at least 4x. On the flop I would cbet 55%-65%...I think 70k is to good for him, specially with he has a any str8 or flush draw, or even a pair. Turn I`d go check check for pot control and river would bet something like 150k...
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:56 a.m.
hey guys
how this study group is working?
everybody connected via phone on skype?
or only texting?
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:46 a.m.
Hey guys,
When we will have some products available at the store?
And some new collections also.
Sugestions: card protectors, more decks, hoodies
Aug. 4, 2016 | 5:42 a.m.
don't agree with the ATo shove, rest is fine I guess
Aug. 4, 2016 | 4:57 a.m.
Look in Nico Villa Lobos section videos, he s doing a $500 mtt video with 4 parts and most of the time he was between 20-30bbs.
Maybe he explained a sittuation you`re having doubt.
Aug. 3, 2016 | 4:41 a.m.
Hey Nico, on that AdQd minute 29:00
You bet flop and receive 2 calls, so probably the first guy has the flush draw or a weak ace (more likely to have the flush draw as you said in the video) and the original raiser, probably a weak ace. The turn is a Q and they both check.
Can we check behind? I know we are giving a free card, and the flush might appear but with this check, you re giving space for bluffs and the weak ace gets stronger. They would probably bet something like 50% pot, maybe more and you d have space for a shove with AQ (of course if the river is not a flush card).
So resuming my line is: bet flop, receive 2 calls -> check turn w/ 2 pairs, giving space for bluff bets on the river.
there are 3 thing that I usually do and it makes me feel good and ready for a new session:
1st -> after a bad session I break some cheap things that I'm not attached att all. It helps me realease pressure and makes me feel good. Like hitting someone when you are angry. (Best option: low prices plates and cups, it works if you shout loud too)
2nd -> turn off computer and go for a beer and weed with my friends, laugh a lot and forget about the game.
3rd -> take some days or even some weeks of break. Before I comeback to play, I'm used to watch some motivational videos, some coaching videos and read good poker stories, for incentivate matters.
Hope that helps you!
Aug. 4, 2016 | 6:19 p.m.