87 points
Hi, wish you best of luck with the new site. You've probably already thought about the following: You should consider working together with the guys who uncovered the bot ring on Stars/Party.
Their data analysis methods should be a great help in finding the bots. Maybe it also has some positive effect on the reputation of RIO Poker when you announce working with the guys that spotted bots on Stars whereas the Stars staff was not able/willing to do so.
Oct. 26, 2016 | 8:36 p.m.
Oct. 26, 2016 | 8:03 p.m.
Having 3 suits one could make an argument for folding AxKxQx2y but opening AxKyQx2x. Although AKQ combos are pretty strong in general. I think your question is most relevant for double suited disconnected hands like AK73. AxKx7y3y has a lot less playability than AxKy7x3y, especially when oop.
Aug. 29, 2016 | 5:22 a.m.
8822r is in the 87th percentile in the PPT 6max ranking. So you are talking about not folding a hand in the bottom 13% of your range vs a tight UTG range.
Btw. 7755ss / TT77r are in the 25th / 33rd percentile.
Aug. 29, 2016 | 5:02 a.m.
"59%6h" means PPT uses the 6max ordering of cards. Entering just 59% means PPT uses the fullring ordering of cards. I don't know the exact differences between those two options. I guess there are just minor differences. It should be explained somewhere in the links I provided.
Aug. 24, 2016 | 2:52 a.m.
Propokertools Odds Oracle does this. There is an online documentation.
Range of Hands
Example: Open PPTOO -> open range explorer in the tools tab -> select Omaha Hi -> entering 59%6h-60%6h gives you all hands in the 59th and 60th percentile -> click the "Show Hands" tab to view all hands that match the input
Some info about the ordering of hands can be found below:
Pokerjuice is based on PPTOO. Pokerjuice provides some custom ranges based on playability and player experience. PPT's ordering is more equity driven.
Aug. 19, 2016 | 5:23 a.m.
For example JNandez87 opens 60% as a default and adjusts from there. He also mentioned that it hurts you if you open too wide. Makes sense to me, because after getting 3bet you basically fight to not loose more than your open raise, e.g. for a pot sized raise you want to perform better than -350BB/100. So I guess his RFI drops down to or below 50% in that scenario.
Aug. 16, 2016 | 3:15 p.m.
2) I think by limping you will end up in a 3way pot most of the time. The bottom of your range does not play too well multiway, because it contains lots of non nutty and disconnected stuff. You are in position but have a highly capped range. If I could choose I would prefer to play this part of my range in a raised HU pot than in a limped mw pot.
1) If you get 3bet too often, your raising range should probably drop far below 70%.
I would approach this scenario based on playability and not purely focus on the range percentages. Limping trashy high pairs that play poorly in 3bet pots makes a lot of sense and maybe trashy nut flush draw hands like A932 as long as it plays well multiway. I would still raise all the non nutty semi connected hands that I want to play HU and that play reasonably well in a 3bet pot scenario.
Considering that SB should still fold a lot vs BN steal I prefer raising over limping. You can still widen your 4bet range if you get 3bet too much.
Aug. 15, 2016 | 7:10 p.m.
That was quite entertaining, thx very much. I agree that you have to pay close attention what everybody is doing, since the "average player" only makes up a small fraction (maybe 20%ish?) of the player pool.
March 30, 2016 | 10:23 a.m.
If 5 or more players get dealt a hand the rake cap is 15BB at PLO10. It is lower for fewer players.
March 30, 2016 | 10:03 a.m.
Well, congrats. I agree with not 3betting too much in a high rake environment. Also depends a lot on your opponents at the table. "My C Blind" and "My C Won w/o Blind" are quite useless stats imho.
March 23, 2016 | 3:17 p.m.
The line itself is fine vs thinking players. The river sizing is too big imho. You can vbet all 3 Straights (QJ completed OTT) and villain most likely has 2P or a set that you want a call from. It is on you to figure out how many bluffs you can add.
I think you tried to bluff the wrong player type. No full stack and minraises are a first indication that sth. is off. Take a note, start vbetting 2P+ OTR and never bluff against this guy.
March 22, 2016 | 8:08 a.m.
Nope. I just figured that RIO limits the image width to 630 pixels. So it is impossible to read the numbers. Try to capture the Pokertracker screen only. Use select and crop in Paint. You can post the value from the calculator as text if it is important.
March 22, 2016 | 7:36 a.m.
How to make screenshots
Press the print key on your keyboard. Open Paint from Windows Accessories. Press "Strg" and "V" (at the same time). Select and crop what you want to share. Save image as png (not as jpg).
March 21, 2016 | 4:39 p.m.
I think this topic is covered by Tom Coldwell in his vid about 4betting
A quick guide:
We are looking for the EV of calling a 4bet. You need to calculate, how much equity X% you need OTF to stack off after calling the 4bet. In PPT Odds Oracle you ask "How often" "Player Hero" "have hand vs. range equity of at least" "X%" "on the flop" (recommended trials: 25000).
Then you ask PPTOO what is hero's equity on those flops where hero can stack off (recommended trials: 50000).
The EV calculation can be found at PLO From Scratch - Part 6 under 3.2
The resulting EV is varying quite a bit if you do not use enough trials. The graphical approach is outdated because it is not very accurate.
March 18, 2016 | 11:49 p.m.
Calling is lighting money on fire with the SB left to act. Raising seems very spewy, esp. when A and 6 are no clean 2P outs.
March 11, 2016 | 7:19 p.m.
I cannot find many hands in villain's raising range that don't contain dd besides some sets. So P&SO sounds reasonable. Check back makes some sense with bare 86 I guess since you want to pot control.
March 11, 2016 | 7:14 p.m.
Hi guys,
I have watched this scenario multiple times. Two Russian players open a fullring PLO table and 5+bet each other until one of them has a tiny amount of money left and folds to the next raise. Obviously Syklo762 folded here. It is always two Russians I have never seen before. The betting happens quite fast which raises the bot question. I have seen those betting lines both preflop and on the flop though.
The user names have a random 3 digits ending. Some kind of automatically created accounts? If someone has more insight, feel free to comment.
Feb. 15, 2016 | 3:41 p.m.
Looks like you are playing A LOT of hands at a daily basis. Probably you are massive multitabling or 4tbl zooming. I cannot imagine that you are really able focus on every decision at every table. I think that holds you back the most. Try playing 1 zoom table or max. 4 regular tables for the next say 10 sessions at least and see if there is some improvement.
Feb. 2, 2016 | 6:21 a.m.
To find out whether a hand like AK75 or AQ54 with nn FD is a stack off you have to switch perspective and assign yourself a stack off range and give villain different hole cards. You can ask about this in the PJ community as well. However, at SPR around 8 I doubt that many bare nn FDs can stack off.
Jan. 10, 2016 | 8:53 p.m.
P&SO only makes sense if you turn polarized equity. Having a FD this rarely applies. I think you line is standard here, since you can fold out OESDs and medium FDs that don't contain a pair. The stack off range you assigned villain is way to simple imho: P+SD/FD and SD+FD combos are missing, AA/KK+GS+ might stack off as well.
Jan. 10, 2016 | 4:52 p.m.
The rank of your hand is in the 10th percentile (PPT iterative 6max ranking). With an UTG limper and a non full stacked overlimper (probably weak players) I consider folding here a pretty big mistake having a high pair and a NF possibility. This hand plays well oop mw or HU.
Jan. 9, 2016 | 3:44 p.m.
The preflop call still has lots of reverse implied odds. Like hitting trips with a Q high kicker being up against better kickers with very few outs; or playing a Q high flush oop 4way.
Jan. 8, 2016 | 3:23 a.m.
HNY! May the variance be with you.
Jan. 1, 2016 | 5:28 p.m.
Sick. You lost almost as many big blinds as cents.
Jan. 1, 2016 | 5:26 p.m.
Stakes -- % Rake -- 5+ Player Cap
$0.01/$0.02 3.30% $0.30 (15BB)
$0.02/$0.05 3.90% $1.00 (20BB)
$0.05/$0.10 4.25% $1.50 (15BB)
$0.10/$0.25 4.25% $2.00 (8BB)
Above is the rake structure from https://www.pokerstars.eu/poker/room/rake/ for microstakes games for 5+ player games. Since your challenge is about beating the rake you should play in the worst case environment imho. I would consider the two lowest stakes too fish heavy. At PLO10 players start to think about hands in one or another way and the difference to PLO25 is probably not that significant. However the rake cap is almost twice as high as PLO25 which is significant. Eliminating seat selection and playing in a large player pool where gathering reads is a slow process should further decrease your winrate.
Long story short, I would favour PLO10 zoom over PLO25 zoom for the challenge. Btw. I very much believe the games are beatable.
Nov. 13, 2015 | 12:20 a.m.
Pretty much this. Fold to the 4bet.
Nov. 2, 2015 | 12:21 a.m.
I also favour a cbet to checking back. After chb we cannot raise any turn and are forced into a call Tu + call R line since most of the BD flush draw/2pair outs bring in the Straight or we make bottom two pair. It would suck more to bet/fold a hand with nut outs or a strong backdoor draw. I would probably bet OTF and check back most turns.
Nov. 1, 2015 | 4:55 a.m.
I think the ranges might be even wider given the SPR and given that UTG is a maniac. Considering the reads and the very short stack for BB I think nobody folds a bare FD or any P+OESD. But I will stick to my first post's range assumptions for the EV results:
Flop pot: $17.4
Stacks OTF: UTG: $19.87 (Eff. SPR=1.1) -- BB: $5.32 (Eff. SPR=0.3)
Probability of stack off: UTG: 47% -- BB 71%
SO-Equity: vs UTG: 33% -- vs BB: 31% -- 3way: 15%
EV of shove: $2 or +8 BB
Shoving has a very positive EV in this specific situation. Increasing BB's stack to an eff. SPR of 0.9 the EV of shoving becomes zero.
There is no triple suited double pair though.
Oct. 27, 2016 | 5:42 a.m.