pedrolliveira's avatar


9 points

Its seems to me super unlikely that he choose this spot to bluff given how wet the board is. Lets face it, you can easily have two pair here and even a set, any decent player that plays poker for a while realizes that is not a good idea to bluff a guy on the river that has two pair+ a lot of the time. Its only a question what he could have worst than you that you beat, and i dont find anything except Kh9h, and maybe some others Kx flush draws if he likes to limp with this hands and see a flop, not many combinations as you see. So if you decided to fold i think its quite okay. BTW i subscribe the idea of BigFiszh, i think that he has KJ a lot of the time, which makes a lot of sense as played given that it is a loose recreational player that we are talking.

Sept. 15, 2013 | 3:27 a.m.

So some things to collect to have a clear answer here. 

Does he frequently open raises against your BB ? 

You said that youve been active with your 3 bets, did any hand got to showdown ? 

Since is on the table with you, did he ever 4bet jam to any 3 bet from certain player? Or did he ever 4 bet some player ? 4 bet fold ? 4 bet call ?

If the all the answers to this questions are no, i will just call. Call some c bet in certains flops and expect him with his stack to give up after get a call from you. Dont think with is stack of twentish BB that hes going to double barrel light and leave himself with 15/10 bbs behind. 

To 3 bet call i think its ok, its 6 max he s opening wide you re not going to be dominated too often to this be a really -EV play. Make 2400 to call shove.

BTW do you have an edge on the players of your table ? If its a clear yes, think you should try to play post flop with your 88 and be sure that you stay on the tourney.  


Sept. 14, 2013 | 3:48 a.m.

Well you could tribet if hes a passive station fish, if is agressive and can take you in tought spots dont do it. You will be in guessing mode most of the time, no time for the game of guessing when theres huge difference amount of money in stake.

I would say that is turn bet sizing is a hand that is very strong (overpairs, sets, and two pairs) but is Quite vulnerable in most rivers and wants to stack off while is good. 33% of your stack its what a good player will do to try to induce to commit all your chips giving the illusion of fold equity and give a tought time with a hand like AQ and others that have a lot of Equity in this board ( A pair and gutshot for example).

Sept. 12, 2013 | 11:51 p.m.

Unless you have a read that he is super passive fish lets say with a AF 0,5 throught more than 100 hands i think that you can find a fold here, cause you will see sometimes A3 or some other 3x. Without a read and with this strange line i would call also. Few combos beat you and he could be a spewying away chips trying to make an orthodox bluff. Take notes on the players , see in showdown how big was his sizing on the river and what hand did he show in what specific board. That would do a huge difference sometimes. 

Sept. 12, 2013 | 11:34 p.m.

On the river with your check on the turn you represent exactly what you have in the eyes of the villain, a medium strenght hand. Dont think he has a busted draw, what sense would it make a very good player call OP with a strong draw (flush draws with an over ) and then shove almost 2x pot on river. There s few combos of J9 and KJ that he could have, think that on the river the only thing you can beat is a hand like 7s6s and some Tx hands that turned to a bluff, which i think its unlikely :S . Hands for value : Any Qx that he defends the BB (the way you played the hand i think that he would feel good with about any Q), some 4x( with a backdoor flush draw) . Bluffs : (suited spades middle connectors) and pairs turned to a bluff. 

Now think with me, your check on the turn is either to pot controlling to call a decent size river bet or is to give up on the pot. Thats what is in his mind. So now he thinks : What s the best size i should now make since he is probably bluff catching me. Hmm what about it all ? Its the bubble he will think that im just messing with him and this is the only way i can win the pot, and my range is super polarized, how can he put me in 4x hand? Some pros mind are tricky to enter, but look with a deep thought in things, and then think why they did that. 

Interesting hand. Gl on the tables.


Sept. 11, 2013 | 11:36 p.m.

The AQs hand, i love the check on the turn cause he either is bluff
catching with a hand like a pair (77+ lets say) or is floating you OP with some
random broadways ( i normally believe that a guy that is the chip leader on a
tough tournament with 10 left is capable of doing a lot of advanced moves to
take down pots that most of people cant, using some high leveling on the other
players). Well now lets assume : Pocket pairs can call turn, but i think that
can fold to a decent river sizing which you are always making for obvious
reasons. With the check on the turn you also get 2 streets of value, and who
knows he maybe folds the turn cause it seems unlikely that you barrel the A
turn given that his raising range on the BB intead of checking includes a lot of
medium to high Ax. You get also some extra chips with his random floats on the

 The 66 hand, it happens to me a lot in the late stages of a tournament
when i put my chips in with a small/medium pair against what could be a light
open in what it seems to be a +EV spot. But in this case i think that you can
correctly just call (tribet to call shove or tribet to fold seem gross options
in my perspective :S), check call some flops against a wide Cbet and expect him
to give up in most turns and rivers. He is in a lot of pression and hes not
going to bluff of his chips or value bet thin worst than top pair in most
boards cause there is 2 players significantly shorter than him. Still
think that in your position I probably would just shove, just thinking in a
different option. 

 The 5h6h , i actually think than the quicker you make the 4bet the more
weak you look. If you had AA (or other hand that wants to get in) wouldnt you
be actually thinking quite some sec. to what sizing should you make so he can
5bet shove on you? BTW why do you choose this time to not limp, given how wide
the BB is going to 3bet you cause of the super short guy on the SB ?


Sept. 8, 2013 | 9:03 p.m.

I think its a close spot if you think that is capable of turning a hand like a weak pair into a triple barrel bluff or not ,  like 56,57,52,A5,A3... It ill be also important to know if he likes to chase this small dry pots to taking stabs with air cause then on the turn he can barrel K6o,Q6o,J6o, some back door flush draws that he had air on the flop but got eq on the turn and then bet bigger on the river to fold your perceived holding. They are some players that like to chase every pot, but it seems unlikely that he choose this spot in particular when is wide range vs wide range to bluff away chips. I find this hand really interesting because it was 55%,57% and then 73% on the river. In some players bigger sizes on the river are bluffs in others they look to make the biggest size possible because its their last opportunity to get value. The sizes on the flop and turn can be different comparing to river because he can expect to induce a raise with his value hand or also to get the right price on his bluff. Well for me its a fold in this spot most for icm reason and no great read on the player. Good Video Sir. :)

Sept. 2, 2013 | 7:53 p.m.

I was watching you, thank you for doing this :) Remember that you got super short stack like 3bb or less in the late stages and manage to get back. Looking Forward.

Aug. 20, 2013 | 6:08 p.m.

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