WCOOP 530 6-max, midpair to open with +20bb

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WCOOP 530 6-max, midpair to open with +20bb

UTG: planty07/08: 39736
HJ: gregior: 9504
CO: PrinzPoldi20: 29179
BN: Nielsml: 11747
SB: nizmo jiz: 4657
BB: MilanRabsz: 31801
Preflop (600) (6 Players)
Nielsml was dealt 8 8
planty07/08 folds, gregior raises to 1000, PrinzPoldi20 folds

Good reg who has been opening frequently, but not seen getting out of line. 

I have been active both opening and 3-betting and had build a decent, but have lost a couple of all in to shorties and now down to 23bb 

So I see my options here as 3-bet/calling or jamming. What do you prefer and why? 

My thoughts are basically that our hand plays bad if he elects to call a 3 bet, but he is playing a 20bb stack so I do not see him flatting often. My 3 bet range is obviously wider than my jamming range here and by jamming I pretty much turn my hand face up? 

Had I had 17-18 bb my whole range would have been screwed towards jamming, which makes lift easier in this spot. 

Oh, sidenote; since this is a wcoop with great structure, do you ever r/f 8's in this spot vs. described villain type? 

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