masamasa's avatar


28 points

2:34 - table 3 - KK - When you checkraise with straightdraws villain calls and turn is 5 or 6. Will you continue barreling with 56s? what if turn would be 3 or 4 will you barrel straightdraws? if you do then what would be your turn sizing?

May 12, 2017 | 6:32 p.m.

Hi Ryan i did watch your first video that you made for RIO and personally i did like it. But after i saw the critique you got it surprized me bit. For curiosness i took a look on your results and it made me bit skeptic. Becouse i think you should do better at those stakes. Not sure where are you losing your edge, but somewhere you are loosing it badly. either you play too many tables or then you loose it by these super light 3bets. I have not saw anyone else suggesting to 3bet 98o SB v BTN and i belive that is just unnesessary and you wont gain anything by doing it. In theory you might gain few chips but increases you variance alot witch is obiously bad.. your ITM% is much lower than top players. and i belive this is why. I understand that it might have positive chipEV but it has to be marginal. And i think you dont have to do so marginal 3bets against anyone.

I would compare this to heads up SnG against weak opponent with super shallow stack depth (7-10bb) there is lot of people who shove nash at these depths and by shoving nash at these depths against weak opponent they are just losing their edge and increasing variance. shoving nash at these depths might be ok against maniac who shoves anything over limp but against weak player it is better to limp super wide range becouse weak player wont know how to adjust properly. By shoving 7bb with Q2o you basicly gain nothing unless hes folding somthing ridiculously good. but if he calls bit wider than nash Q2o might have even negativeEV. If opponent will call nash you gain 0.01bb? You basicly gain nothin'

I belive 3betting 98o is as nesessaty as shoveng Q2o hu for 7bb against weak opponent.
You basicly gain superloose image and thats it. It doesnt block it doesnt flop good either.

there is huge difference compared to another pro playing PS similiar stakes as you do.

But you are cool guy and im goin to watch ur content in future as well.
Good luck at the games!


May 11, 2017 | 11:18 p.m.

Jan. 13, 2017 | 5:02 a.m.

30:00 I cant understand ur turn call with AQ on the turn.. in my opinion hes not goin to have many bluffs here when you open early and he 3bets lo-jack. I can see him having lot of AK some rare AA QQ maybe KJo 79s not very often.. anyway isnt it just better to shove here with your holdings snice the board is so wet?

Jan. 10, 2017 | 7 p.m.

In beginning of the video you opened HJ A9cc btn and blinds called and flop was 942.. you said after the hand that he should 3bet or fold his K9hh even versus 2x.. why so?
I would maybe 3bet that against loose recreational player opening but against ur 2x I quess I would play like he did??

Jan. 3, 2017 | 12:31 a.m.

I will remember your name after 10 years.. very nice effort.

Dec. 31, 2016 | 8:13 a.m.

great idea for different content :)

Nov. 19, 2016 | 12:54 p.m.

J33 is also board that favors him 6-0 its hard to represent anythin here and becouse that i think its impossible to be balanced here with 3 street line.. he will always have not enough combinations that fold to river shove and that in mind i think you shouldnt bet this flop too wide. and if you want to be balanced with checkback line then you should do some checkbacks with value? what you think about this?

Oct. 27, 2016 | 3:52 a.m.

is it really profitable to start barrel this wide in 3bet pots when flop favors opponent so much that you expect them to cbet 100% and it is suspicious when they dont. You also said you expect them to check call flop very oftens witch means you have to double barrel more often but after he check calls twice this board texture he has often not many combinations hes goin to fold on river. tell me the run outs that you are goin to barrel him off on river coz i cant see those. turn 9 is clearly better for your range compared to his..but all the other turns are neutral or better for his range in my opinion.. . also with small flop sizing i think you face more CR snice it looks like your range is draw heavy/shit heavy in my opinion.. on KJ6 i think its over bluffing on flop snice flop favors him quite a bit. you still have QTs Q9s T9s. wouldnt it be logical to reduce these flop betting combinations snice the flop favors him this much? what you think about this?

Oct. 27, 2016 | 3:36 a.m.

interesting video.. i think you should stop smoking that shit, like did :)

Oct. 25, 2016 | 3:55 p.m.

would like to see your approach to spin & go's. mostly i would like to see your quick adjustments against different bad players when stacks are shallow and quick adjusting is beneficial. great vid.

Oct. 18, 2016 | 12:14 p.m.

I would like to see more sng hu.

Oct. 10, 2016 | 3:18 p.m.

My friend played this hand and we had big discussion and very different assuming for opponents range in this spot. So i wanted to post this hand here and ask what would you guys estimate for villains range? We are playing 11€ "LaFievre" at There is 3 players left and stacksizes are roughly something like this. Hero ~50bb, SB ~25bb, BB ~55bb. Hero openraises button for 2.25x with QsQh and gets called by big blind. Flop comes Qc 4d 2d. Villain checks, Hero CBets flop 35% of the pot and villain calls. Turn 7s. Villain checks, Hero bets 40% of the pot and villain calls. River is 3c. And villain goes somewhat quicly all in. Witch is exactly 2x pot sizebet. Hero doenst have any specific reads, except Villain is playing loosish, and will defend BB wide. Villain has also done few similar overbets on river. but those hands did not get to showdown. And those previous river overbets might be done with slightly lower SPR.

My friend was expecting villain to show up with 2pair+ much more often than i did and he also thought that we should be allways calling here with Queens and there is nothing else we can do here than call.

My thoughts were that if villain would be likely to shove here all that light for value. then he is propably playertype who is not balanced and at the same time he isnt going to shove that many if any missed FD'sf for this sizing. I think villain cant have many sets way as played. Becouse he is chipleader and he might put some pressure on us by 3betting some of those pairs pre. And even if he just called he would play 2pair+ most likely agressively on flop turn, given that hes chipleader and able to put some extra pressure on us 3-handed. I neither expect that he would ever overbet this river with weakest 2pair combos. It just doesnt make any sense to overbet river with these hands. I wouldnt even expect him to defend BB with 23, 24, 34 all that much. Q4s, Q3s, Q2s are also likely to playmore agressivly preflop or postflop.

I made EQ calculation where I assumed that villain would go for all in with..

9 combos of missed FD
3 combos of pocket 3's
4 combos of 56s
6 combos of A5o
4 combos of A5s
3 combos of 56o

And Queens end up having EQ 41.38% against this range. I still think this is bit optimistic range for villain becoz i just cant belive villain would take this line and bluff so many missed FD's for this sizing. And its possible that he could have more A5o, 56o.

What kind of range would you give for villain overbetting all in river ?

How much EQ do we roughly need to make this call. Payjumps are getting really big and would still have 35bb after laydown while shortest stack would be 25bb??

Payout looks like this.


Thanks for answers..


April 30, 2016 | 6:59 a.m.

Comment | masamasa commented on SQz

thx kafrinius

April 13, 2016 | 12:32 p.m.

Post | masamasa posted in NLHE: SQz

Hellou, I have plenty of questions about squeez play? I feel like im doin it wrong and out playing myself with decent hands when i decide to squeeze. I also feel like im getting in to extremly difficult sopts after ive squeezed. I would be very happy to see more videos about squeezing and playing against squeeze. Becouse i feel like my biggest leaks come up in these pots. I dont even know what should i ask first snice there is so many things what i would like to know. But have to start with something. Lets say there is loose HJ openraises 3x with 100bb stack (~25%range) and (44/25/14) calls from CO with 65bb stack. What would you squeeze from button in this spot if you expect openraiser to fold a lot and give you credit... You also know that CO would 3bet all premium hands. and right now he is holding a shit witch he is goin to call again.
I squeezed this spot 2 hours ago to 12bb with AJo and everything did go as i expected. Openraiser folded CO called and flop did come 7d7s4d witch he checked to me. on flop we have SPR ~2 and i feel like i have to CB this for protection. at the same time i feel like my opponent is goin to check-shove this flop alot with anypair anydraw and some air aswell and he will be hoping that i have AK AQ... So made my cb 12bb CB and he shoves i fold and he shows me K4s. Did i make mistake when i Squeezed AJo and expected well this preflop action. I feel like its extremly hard to play this hand with these stacksizes. Would it be better to just call this AJo and let everybody else as well come to see a flop when im pretty sure i could get this pot in to heads up with CO? One option would be check back flop but it doesnt change much if turn is blank and he leads 1/2pot. I think i would be ahead most of the time but call doesnt sound good when he can shove river with anything. Again i feel like i should fold or flat this AJo even if know i would get this pot in to heads up with CO. if i shouldnt squeeze here with AJo then what should i squeeze here with? and what if i would be on blinds with this same spot?


April 13, 2016 | 11:51 a.m.

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