0 points
Hi all.
What is your thinking process when you play poker (cash)?
It would be nice if you had written it as a list.
For example:
1) What are my opponents stacksizes?
2) Whats my opponent range?
1) what odds am i getting?
2) whats my opponent range?
3) are my opponents capable of bluffing?
4) what is my plan for later streets?
1) Whats my opponent range?
2) Why am i betting (value or bluff)?
Aug. 10, 2015 | 6:12 p.m.
I open 50% SB
What should i do with 5x and 8x on Q85ss SBvsBB?
What should i do with 99-JJ?
I check call some Qx which don't have 3 streets of value, some 8x+FD, strong Ax
I constructing cbet ranges and check call ranges, but have difficultlies.
Probably i can cbet 5x and turn it into bluff, but probably i can check call and check fold Turn.
With 8x i can bet Flop and check fold Turn.
Another way i can check call Flop and Turn.
May be you can show me good check and cbet ranges for that structure?
April 10, 2014 | 1:48 p.m.
Anybody knows winrates of bss topregs at nl50,nl100,nl200, 500 sh zoom at 200k+ sample? nl50,100,200 sh (not zoom)?
April 3, 2014 | 7:30 a.m.
July 25, 2013 | 7:58 p.m.
Please help.
What should i do against this opp??
And with what range you call there?
July 25, 2013 | 6:26 p.m.
May be i ask obvious and primitive questions but today i am so boring and your answers may cheer me up and return motivation to play poker.
So excuse me for this and for my english.
I am russian, not moron, i think=)
I played up to nl100 and go down to nl25 after a streak.
I think my skill is much better than nl25-nl100.
But last 3 months i really suck and not
winning money(((
Now I play zoom sh BSS nl25+nl50.
So what the best way to develop!?
I want to made a bankroll for nl100+ as soon as possible.
1. Play LAG.
2. Play TAG.
I think dispersion will be less while playing TAG + it is much easier to play because ranges are stronger.
And may be i would have more $\hour by playing more hands and not playing microev hands.
Is it ok or i am wrong!?
My last 30k+ hands (LAG style)
May be i played bad and has serious leaks, please help me and specify them.
Fold to cbets:
flop 44
turn 31
river 46
Fold to 3bet and fold to raise are not representative stats because there are a lot of nits and i exploit their low 3bettin\raise cbet by folding=)
Gametheory, can you explain this "If we want to realize three times our equity, we need to add bluffs with a factor 3^(1/3), or the cube root of 3, on each street.
3^(1/3) = 1.44, so we need to add 0.44 bluff combos for each 'value' combo on each street. "
It is very hard for me to understand why do we use this formula and what it means(((
April 9, 2014 | 9:51 a.m.