The best way

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The best way


May be i ask obvious and primitive questions but today i am so boring and your answers may  cheer me up and return motivation to play poker.

So excuse me for this and for my english.

I am russian, not moron, i think=)

I played up to nl100 and go down to nl25 after a streak.

I think my skill is much better than nl25-nl100.

But last 3 months i really suck and not
winning money(((

Now I play zoom sh BSS nl25+nl50.

So what the best way to develop!? 

I want to made a bankroll for nl100+ as soon as possible.

1. Play LAG.

2. Play TAG.

I think dispersion will be less while playing TAG + it is much easier to play because ranges are stronger. 

And may be i would have more $\hour by playing more hands and not playing microev hands.

Is it ok or i am wrong!?

My last 30k+ hands (LAG style)

May be i played bad and has serious leaks, please help me and specify them.

Fold to cbets:

flop 44

turn 31

river 46

Fold to 3bet and fold to raise are not representative stats because there are a lot of nits and i exploit their low 3bettin\raise cbet by folding=)

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