1 points
July 27, 2016 | 3:52 p.m.
dont think nl10 pool gonna float flop/turn...turn random pairs into bluffs...also most of his floats picked up pairs by the river
could see him having worse 4 value tho...idk bout the river decision
im not a fan of your flop/turn sizings...for value or as a bluff it seems suboptimal...from my experience its pretty comfortable to play against "regs" choosin those half pot sizings in 3bet pots...especially if u playin against a wideish SB 3bet range that bets so small on flop/turns and gives up a ton on turns/rivers
reg vs reg id like to be able to bet/bet/bet gii here in a 3bet pot SBvsBTN
July 27, 2016 | 12:48 a.m.
31 hands isnt a lot but villain looks supernitty plus hes not fullstacked so my best guess is thats hes a nitty fish
id size bigger PF...bigger OTF...bigger OTT plus id jam river
not saying its optimal...but thats what id do :D
guess his most likely holding is JJ QQ KK
maybe im puttin too much in 31 hands but i dont think he got a lot QJ/T9//T8/89 and hh combos in his range if any at all
July 27, 2016 | 12:25 a.m.
my approach is to grind up a seperate BR aswell...so its not like im only playing to learn
July 26, 2016 | 7:42 p.m.
well its not like i wanna donate either
im lost way too often already :(
July 26, 2016 | 7:37 p.m.
hey guys
im an MTT player lookin to improve his game by playing more cash...dont want to donate so starting lowstakes...played 25K hands fastforward with 15BB/100 but recently been folding topset vs nitregs flopraise due to the lack of timebank at fastworward tables while trying to figure out the raisesize...which obv is annoying
also there is a lack of action sometimes at partypoker...so when i wanna play i gotta switch to zoom
good friends told me to go to fastforward at lowstakes cause the rake is lower...i found out that i prefer zoom cause of timebank/bigger(softer??) playerpool/better gameplay
now i tried to search online for exact rake conditions of zoom on stars but didnt find anything...this is where im lookin for input and help
how much higher is the rake at zoom ??
how much of that cost is covered by the higher rakeback at stars ??
is it reasonable to think my winrate might makeup for the higher rake in this bigger(softer??) pool
thx for the help guys
July 26, 2016 | 6:01 p.m.
locke547 on skype...pls add me
Dec. 1, 2015 | 2:51 p.m.
could you explain the A8s r/f and the A2o r/f top right...im pretty sure both hands are thin +Cev openjams...so r/f makes no real sense...especially the A2o where you are so short...tbh id rather openfold A2o than r/f it...the A8s...you say you are not ahead of his range which is pretty obv...but at this point you dont need to be ahead to make a profitable call...so just sayin its a fold because you are behind his range seems not to be the way to make the correct decision
kinda the same with the KJs BB to SB iso...im not sayin its a call...but sayin his range is always Ax with this line is just not right...i mean its a crappy spot...but just saying his range is always Ax so we have to fold is not why i paid to see you guys play
also sure the AQTddd HU pot is a profitable cbet vs a guy playing 28/3
kinda funny u talk about the offsuit combos makin ranges too wide...yet your jamming Q8o couple minutes later...fwiw i think the jam is ok since people will still call you too tight these days
cmon this cant be true...i want my money back...:) the A4s top left seems just wrong on so many lvls...firstofall there is no reason to think villain will play str8 forward when there is a relative small sidepot vs a guy whose range is ridic wide havin less than 1BB...its basically flatting the EP open with A4s from the SB...coming to the river the same guy you said to be very tight pre cant have a strong hand on the river...wat does you lead to this assumption...?!? just seems like random btn clicking to me
no offense...maybe i expected a little more but its still one of the nicer livesweat vids ive seen...did you comment live oder did the commentary later...?? im sure youd do some things different too in retro
thx for sharing
it is...i also realized i should be able to play 4zoom tables which is double my fastforward tables...only cause of the better gameplay setup at pokerstars
July 29, 2016 | 12:43 p.m.