stars vs partypoker rakeback

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stars vs partypoker rakeback

hey guys

im an MTT player lookin to improve his game by playing more cash...dont want to donate so starting lowstakes...played 25K hands fastforward with 15BB/100 but recently been folding topset vs nitregs flopraise due to the lack of timebank at fastworward tables while trying to figure out the raisesize...which obv is annoying

also there is a lack of action sometimes at when i wanna play i gotta switch to zoom

good friends told me to go to fastforward at lowstakes cause the rake is lower...i found out that i prefer zoom cause of timebank/bigger(softer??) playerpool/better gameplay

now i tried to search online for exact rake conditions of zoom on stars but didnt find anything...this is where im lookin for input and help

how much higher is the rake at zoom ??
how much of that cost is covered by the higher rakeback at stars ??
is it reasonable to think my winrate might makeup for the higher rake in this bigger(softer??) pool

thx for the help guys

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