3 points
Excellent post. Great analysis.
Oct. 7, 2013 | 6:01 a.m.
1.75x please. 1.25 is not worth the effort. glad you guys are doing this. i will subscribe annually when it is implemented.
July 23, 2013 | 3:52 a.m.
Is this sizing good or retarded? Does it make sense to drop our cbet size in spots we expect a flop raise often, but we still want to have a cbet range?
July 23, 2013 | 1:37 a.m.
Add options to increase playback speed please.
April 12, 2013 | 1:48 a.m.
Oh bumpitty.
April 5, 2013 | 1:40 a.m.
Bump bump.
Feb. 14, 2013 | 2:24 a.m.
Is there a rough rule of thumb for turn bluff combos as a ratio to value combos? Equity, hand vulnerability, bet sizing will influence the ratio, but how can someone approximate it in game? Janda talked about 1:1 being a good approximation in a lot of his vids, but I'd like to know if that is still thought of as a reasonable approximation?
If somebody could go into more specific detail I'd be very interested to hear it. Suppose our value hands have a 100% equity and our bluffs have 0% equity. How is the ratio affected. How about closer to 80% and 20%, value:bluff equity. How does board texture affect the ratio? For example 567 monotone board, versus QQQ board or A22 board. Etc.
If somebody could go into more specific detail I'd be very interested to hear it. Suppose our value hands have a 100% equity and our bluffs have 0% equity. How is the ratio affected. How about closer to 80% and 20%, value:bluff equity. How does board texture affect the ratio? For example 567 monotone board, versus QQQ board or A22 board. Etc.
Jan. 14, 2013 | 3:45 a.m.
Please offer video speed controls. 1x is nearly unwatchable. Thank you.
Jan. 10, 2013 | 5:14 a.m.
Given that it's rainbow, what do you think of betting 1/3 on the flop and sizing to bet 3 streets but not be allin by the river? That's what I've been doing at 6max lately in the exact same spots, rainbow, paired boards, 3bet pots. Considering we like betting the flop with most of our range, it forces him to call the flop with more of his weaker combos, and it's likely turn and river will be hard for him to play. Also, what do you think of a QQQ flop? Are there flops we just can't 3 barrel? Or can we design our river range such that we have a bluff range, xc range, and value jam range? Been curious about this for a while. Thanks.
Jan. 3, 2013 | 12:58 a.m.
Thanks, Sean.
Jan. 1, 2013 | 1:45 a.m.
100bb. Sb is unknown. 6max. These numbers won't be perfectly accurate, using approximations to hopefully understand the underlying theories.
Btn opens to 2bb. sb 3bets to 7.5bb. Btn flats. Suppose btn 4bets a 10% range of value and bluffs and flats 30% of his 63% btn opening range. Suppose Sb 3bets 18%. Btn flats a range of 22-TT, KJo_AQo some sc's. Axs,J9s+ or 205 combos.
Flop: 222
Sb cbets 1/2 pot.
To prevent sb from profitably cbetting atc (even on a board that hits sb's range inherently stronger than btn's), does btn continue with 66% x 205 combos, or 135 combos? The weakest hands of 135 combos would be QJs bkdrfd. QJs-bkdr has about 31% equity vs sb's 3bet range. KJs has about 36%.
Question 2. Turn is 9bkdr. Sb cbets 1/2 pot. Does btn continue with 90 combos (.66 x 130)? That would be about pp33+ AJo/AQo. Axb+ QJb. (b = turned bkdrfd).
Question 3. Say btn continues with 90 turn combos. Versus a "reasonable" sb turn 2 barreling range, pp33 is best 63% and has 53% equity or so. Does it make sense to jam all pp's and any turned bkdrfd bluffs that btn can continue with versus sb's 2 barrelling range? Can btn jam his entire continuing range? If btn jams a balanced range, sb folds some better hands that have equity. Takes away an option from sb ( 3 barreling). Protects hands like low pp's with decreasing equity. And gets value from worse hands some of the time.
There are obviously significant problems with this turn strategy, but so are there too with call call call. Is it reasonable?
Is the math used here: defend x% of button's range versus sb's sizing of bet/(potsize+bet) applicable here?
expandBtn opens to 2bb. sb 3bets to 7.5bb. Btn flats. Suppose btn 4bets a 10% range of value and bluffs and flats 30% of his 63% btn opening range. Suppose Sb 3bets 18%. Btn flats a range of 22-TT, KJo_AQo some sc's. Axs,J9s+ or 205 combos.
Flop: 222
Sb cbets 1/2 pot.
To prevent sb from profitably cbetting atc (even on a board that hits sb's range inherently stronger than btn's), does btn continue with 66% x 205 combos, or 135 combos? The weakest hands of 135 combos would be QJs bkdrfd. QJs-bkdr has about 31% equity vs sb's 3bet range. KJs has about 36%.
Question 2. Turn is 9bkdr. Sb cbets 1/2 pot. Does btn continue with 90 combos (.66 x 130)? That would be about pp33+ AJo/AQo. Axb+ QJb. (b = turned bkdrfd).
Question 3. Say btn continues with 90 turn combos. Versus a "reasonable" sb turn 2 barreling range, pp33 is best 63% and has 53% equity or so. Does it make sense to jam all pp's and any turned bkdrfd bluffs that btn can continue with versus sb's 2 barrelling range? Can btn jam his entire continuing range? If btn jams a balanced range, sb folds some better hands that have equity. Takes away an option from sb ( 3 barreling). Protects hands like low pp's with decreasing equity. And gets value from worse hands some of the time.
There are obviously significant problems with this turn strategy, but so are there too with call call call. Is it reasonable?
Is the math used here: defend x% of button's range versus sb's sizing of bet/(potsize+bet) applicable here?
Dec. 23, 2012 | 7:34 a.m.
Load more
Exceptional video. Perhaps in the top 20 vids of the last 6 years across a lot of sites. You're teaching concepts not strategy here--dangerous stuff. And maybe the best spoken vid maker out there in regards to pacing, vocab, intonation. Rare find.
April 13, 2016 | 3:27 a.m.