Theory Question. Turn bluff combos.

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Theory Question. Turn bluff combos.

Is there a rough rule of thumb for turn bluff combos as a ratio to value combos? Equity, hand vulnerability, bet sizing will influence the ratio, but how can someone approximate it in game? Janda talked about 1:1 being a good approximation in a lot of his vids, but I'd like to know if that is still thought of as a reasonable approximation?

If somebody could go into more specific detail I'd be very interested to hear it. Suppose our value hands have a 100% equity and our bluffs have 0% equity. How is the ratio affected. How about closer to 80% and 20%, value:bluff equity. How does board texture affect the ratio? For example 567 monotone board, versus QQQ board or A22 board. Etc.


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