hurricane562's avatar


19 points

I think, given how weak your rivercheckingrange is, kanu shouldnt go allin on the river with his whole range! i dont know if its true, but i think its very plausible for him to bet like 3-5k...

May 1, 2013 | 5:35 p.m.

phil you always recommend "more than usual" watching the parts before :D

Jan. 6, 2013 | 7:59 p.m.

Hand History | hurricane562 posted in NLHE: 10/20: Superweird KK
UTG: $5496.06
HJ: $19111.38
CO: $2030 (Hero)
BN: $6585.80
SB: $2274.82
BB: $2226.09
Ok this hand bothered me a lot today and I still have no clue how to approach this spot
I was at least 6 hours on the waitinglist for this game and was several times offline in between but somehow got to this table.
UTG is a solid reg who opens quite a lot from ep and plays pretty straight forward postflop.
HJ is the fish at this table; unknown but from china :D ; (he somehow managed to get a 20k stack) hes playing like i said for at least 6 hours and most chinese guys like to 3bet pre and dont like to fold to 3- / 4bets; they also like to barrel postflop. this is pretty speculative though, since i only see his country and his sick stacksize.
BTN is in this game for at least 6 hours too. he plays really aggressive and loose play (i havent decided yet if hes too aggro or really good, but definitely annoying to play against)
Preflop ($30.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K K
UTG raises to $43, HJ calls $43, Hero raises to $200, BN calls $200, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls $157, HJ calls $157
3bet is pretty std, but i dont know exactly what BTN's coldcallingrange there is (is it like TT+, AQs, and maybe AK to get the fish in, or like every pocketpair and like JTs?) note that hes quite deep against the fish and utg
Flop ($830.00) 3 4 5 (4 Players)
UTG checks, HJ checks
Ok what are your plans here???? b/f against the regs and stackoff against the fish??? or is the stack to pot ratio to small to find a fold?

Jan. 3, 2013 | 5:47 p.m.

this hand reminds me of the legendary galfond series "philosophy" where phil talks about how to adjust against a superagressive flopraisingrange.
here we are at the turn and i think there is merit to fold to his turnraise, if you think he is at the point where hes only raising the turn for value. if not, click call call...
the adjustment you have to do though, is to valuebet rivers superlight, when he only called the turn, so id b/f a lot of turn, but when he only calls, you have to bet all rivers hard...
after that it might be reasonable to check back some flops with good hands or hands with backdoor/barrel-potential...
btw id bet my whole turnrange smaller...

Dec. 28, 2012 | 1:22 p.m.

ok if i managed to calculate it correctly, you have to call 65 into 176. its pretty obvious that one of them has flush or even AA... this means you arent getting the right odds + you it looks like one of the good players is crippling or busting the other so you can make a lot more in the next hands with less pros at the table...

Dec. 27, 2012 | 7:56 a.m.

"To prevent sb from profitably cbetting atc (even on a board that hits sb's range inherently stronger than btn's)..."

tbh i think its impossible to prevent sb to do so...
this board is just hits his range just so much better, that we pretty much have to chance to make a profit with our whole range :(
more important is, to play all our hands the most profitable way, and if its folding, we should fold
Q3: i dont think we should have any turnjammingrange, since this board is so locked down and sb is drawing to 6 outs at best or has us pretty much drawing dead (2 outs...)
there are just some hands you have to calldown 3 streets with closed eyes imo

Dec. 27, 2012 | 7:37 a.m.

yea i also think a cbet is best here to take down the pot...
c/shipping the flop is pretty light and i think you have to have some history to make this a profitable play...
on the turn i also like a bet since its kind of a good card (at least its not a bad card ^^) to make him fold hands that have like 30% against us and if the river bricks or a diamond comes id bet, with a hearts i like c/folding

btw i personally wouldnt 3bet this hand because its so tough to play oop with such a marginal hand against a good opponent...

Dec. 26, 2012 | 11:45 a.m.

Hand History | hurricane562 posted in NLHE: 5/10: Trun decision with strong draw ip
HJ: $1112
CO: $1135 (Hero)
BN: $1000
SB: $1204
BB: $1484
Hey guys
here is a hand where im curious about your turnplay + plans on the river
villain seems to be a decent, i havent played in the past (since im not playing much atm) but this day we already built up a lot of history because we started a lot of tables, where he won like 3 stacks in the beginning but lost a lot in the last hour (i think hes definitely a little bit on tilt, not sure how much it effects him though)
he was opening 32% from mp after 600 hands and is cbetting 75% overall...
Preflop ($15.00) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt T A
HJ raises to $30, Hero calls $30, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Flop ($75.00) 7 6 4 (2 Players)
HJ bets $50, Hero raises to $140, HJ calls $90
i decided to raise his cbet, because he wasnt cbetting the turn very often (44%), so i want to have a wider flopraisingrange and i think he has a wide enough bluff3bettingrange here to make a 4betshove profitable. my size is rather on the smaller site, but is definitely enough to stack off easily with 2 more bets...
Turn ($355.00) 7 6 4 8 (2 Players)
HJ checks
on the turn im now interested about your play:
would you check back to draw to 12 nutouts + the ace, and maybe rep sets that slowed down on the turn and valuebet
or would you bet, to get him off all overpairs on the turn already, but with the risk of getting raised off our strong draw (or bet big enough to be able to stackoff...)? what are your plans on the river if he calls our bet?
note that he was opening quite wide in mp, so there are all 55, 65s, 75s and 54s combos in his range

Dec. 26, 2012 | 8:45 a.m.

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