QT gets cr on drawy tun by frequent Checkraisor. HUNL 1k vs reg

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QT gets cr on drawy tun by frequent Checkraisor. HUNL 1k vs reg

I was playing a reg for a few hundred hands. We played few k hands prior. He is a former bumhunter who is trying to take a stand at party. He is generally straightforward. opens 100, 3bet 17, 70 oop to minraise, flop cr 5 turn cr 20 ish lately (its a move he heavily incorporated into his game since he saw me folding decent amount in past). He saw me call light a few times in recent history

here are 2 relevant hands before the hand in quetion:


hand in question:

Question is obvious but i would also like to know if checking tun vs regular turn craisor makes sense and what ranges do u in check turn with to avoid tough spots (if it should be avoided at all)

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