David Zforlife12's avatar

David Zforlife12

8 points

It's been brought to the attention of PokerNews that Lynton Limited is no longer under the jurisdiction and regulation of the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, effective Sept. 1, per a press release from the commission.

"As of the effective date, the Commission no longer licenses or regulates Salmon River Technologies Limited, Lynton Limited or any gaming site operated by either entity," the release reads. "The Commission is not responsible for complaints received after the effective date concerning these entities or the gaming sites they operate."

Lynton Limited is the parent company of Ignition, which recently acquired Bovada's poker offering. It's unclear at this time what that means for U.S. players.

Sept. 29, 2016 | 12:48 p.m.

Emptied my account today via Bitcoin (literally took 1hr to receive), prepared for it to be Black Friday part 2 🙈😭🙄

Sept. 29, 2016 | 3:11 a.m.

Best wallet? US person? What are your thoughts?

Aug. 11, 2016 | 10:27 p.m.

on another level Nick, enjoyed reading, Thank you

Jan. 5, 2016 | 4:57 p.m.

i think its a good question thk, dabbling around I see people crushing mtts and some cash. nobody really saying much i wondered the same. I feel like most that crush have very little except family circumstances keeping them tied to the US. I'd love to hear if any RIO guys are crushing US sites as well.

Jan. 5, 2016 | 4:33 p.m.

Vanway, although you've spent a ton of time working on your mental game try and look at the big picture. You've mentioned you broke even (better than losing). You've just competed in the most difficult field and ran deep. Try to look at the positives and even in the strangest scenario damn the results. All we control is the input and so we must damn the outcome. If you put it in good or had the correct read and ran into top of range etc. be ok with the outcome. It stinks that it was the biggest spot of your career (largest payday) but really use this as fuel and that you are ready to breakthrough...just my two cents man. Keeping grinding.

Nov. 23, 2015 | 5:09 p.m.

Congrats on living your dream man. I'd use online and your primary bill payer because MTT's can be brutal as you know, I'm sure. Save as often as you can from poker roll to live roll. Playing in the midst of a downswing is very comfy if you say I am ok I can run this bad and still have one year of bills saved for etc. This in itself will allow you to play better if run bad occurs. I know you probably know all this but I really think online should be your bread winner and mtts are an enormous +ev spot but the results are so tough to quantify for BR.

Nov. 23, 2015 | 5:05 p.m.

I think you can greatly benefit from the advice mentioned above. Also, play a little trick on yourself. I am guessing you know exactly what your plan of action is...whether you are firing for a big barrel bluff or value betting. I would try to deep breathe first and foremost and then do something separate from the action at hand. Deep breathe and maybe estimate all chip stacks at the table. Rethink the action and then execute what you were planning to do. I think distracting yourself from the thoughts of the action can help you calm yourself. Restack your chips and delay for a minute. Also pretend if you lost the hand are you rebuying. Or with the new accumulation of chips do you cover the table? I guess just think about something else is what i'm trying to get at. Don't get tank happy, but in a big spot it's perfectly acceptable to take a minute and breathe. Hope this helps...pretty general but all of these things have calmed me down until I started not caring at all about the money (in the direct spot obviously).

Nov. 23, 2015 | 5:01 p.m.

Comment | David Zforlife12 commented on Spin Luckbox

Obviously this is peanuts, but I am going to work on my game and give 10$ spins a legit shot all of December.

Nov. 16, 2015 | 6:19 p.m.

Post | David Zforlife12 posted in Chatter: Spin Luckbox

After watching Steve Paul's video I decided to give four hours of my Saturday to Spin and Go's on BCP in a sample of probably 50. I hit a 500 and 200 :) 160$ and 60$ after we struck a deal on both. Fun stuff! RunningGood2, the name still suits me.

Nov. 16, 2015 | 3 a.m.

Payment structure is a factor, bankroll is a factor, you could go a less variance route (an attempt to flat but probably awful given 5 handed and he's re-shoving 99 always) If you feel like your edge is huge with 17BB you don't have many options. Completely fine line IMO.

Nov. 13, 2015 | 4:26 p.m.

I understand where you are coming from, but I don't understand how making a well timed bluff that gets picked off or not winning a "significant pot while stuck" factors into poor state of mind. It seems you are very attached to outcomes which is super tilting in a game that you only control inputs. Example of a bluff that would be excellent is getting called extremely light where you are at the very bottom of your range. The perceived image the table has of you now, is plus EV+ the rest of your session. Also, one thing that has helped me a ton is realizing when my game is deteriorating from a thought stand point. If I am no longer making any sort of reads, less intent on bet sizing, less intent on action I'm not involved in, I leave. The level that you're playing at (2/5 deep stack) requires more than smacking the deck. Obviously, your game when close to A is capable of beating the stakes...try playing then and stay rolled for the stakes so tough decisions and beats aren't soul crushing. Hope this helps, fairly obvious stuff, but I hope it's thought provoking for you. GL at the tables.

Nov. 13, 2015 | 4:16 p.m.

Try not to let a sample size of one night/day dictate your perceptions. There are absolute fish bowls, live, still.

Nov. 13, 2015 | 4:04 p.m.

I'm convinced that if you can increase your self awareness and stop playing when you're not in an optimal state, it will produce amazing results. I think most people on this forum have a solid technical game. Or better than amateur and cresting on semi-pro/pro...anyway I know a player who plays DONs and low stakes SNGs (10-22$) and make close to 2250-2500$ a month. He simply has the best mental control and only plays when he is playing his A-game. Certainly an A-game is not needed at his stakes but he simply uses poker to supplement his income. Where his A-game is needed, as playing the least amount to hit his monetary goals. It's humbling watching his methods. I think just the tone of your post you need to take a break or find a way to get a positive mindset towards the game again. Yesterday, live, I got AA vs KK in AIPF and lost. I felt nothing and was super proud of how disconnected I've become to results. I reloaded and grinded for another three hours and won 168$ after being stuck 500$. Not significant figures but neat to see my personal progression. I've listened to all Mindset advantage podcasts and can't recommend them enough. Thought provoking for me, at least. Being positive is so plus EV in life.

Nov. 11, 2015 | 4:56 p.m.

Poker is not a race. I know you know this, but try to not look at results. The ability to make the "right" decision over time produces what you're looking for ($). I've spent so much time doing the same thing as you. Know you will win and lose and that one session doesn't defy you as a player. Write down goals and meditate and visualize them every day. Set your intentions. Control yourself.

Nov. 9, 2015 | 8:12 p.m.

a different thread @arnsa. Very much on this topic. please read.


Nov. 5, 2015 | 6:37 p.m.

I think restoring that feeling of being a "winner" is so vital. I play live when I feel like I'm tilting and I'm shown numerous examples in that session the progress I've made. It really reinforces that I'm heading in a positive direction. This is soft competition but the feeling is just the same. I reinforce what I know, realize how much of an edge I have. Often times online, when feeling negative you are playing poorly times x amount of tables. It can be costly, slow down, take a break and look at how far you've come.

Nov. 5, 2015 | 6:30 p.m.

I think you're speaking purely on a results perspective. Trying focusing on every single compound decision and damn the results. For example, you make a well attempted bluff based off of a good read and somebody calls very light or picks you off. Don't respond negatively to this. Look at how accurate you were in your justification to execute the bluff. Speaking on the significant pot part...be aware of sessions that you ran so hot any time you were in a pot you were flopping huge etc. The other side of that coin is not winning or running well. In those cases being able to win pots without smacking the deck is important. Try to get reads. Be attentive, watch betting patterns, when people show up with things how do they react. This information preps you for all future actions. Again, results be damned and just focus on maximizing each decision and sometimes...its just folding a lot.

Nov. 5, 2015 | 6:23 p.m.

I think his book will really help this particular topic.

Nov. 5, 2015 | 6:16 p.m.

The Mindset Advantage Podcast is very thought provoking man. They interview the best in poker and I take away something from each podcast. Usually some aspect is around mindset so i hope this helps you as well.

Nov. 5, 2015 | 1:33 a.m.

Post | David Zforlife12 posted in Chatter: Thought provoking....

Enjoyed these a lot. Thought both were worth sharing..



Nov. 5, 2015 | 1:25 a.m.

i couldn't agree with this more. My biggest struggles, i think we all can relate at times, is battling yourself. The price of auto-piloting/tilting etc. is enormous. This topic has been covered already by some great minds, but for me personally poker can be the biggest blessing or curse. Nothing changes about the game it's just your thoughts that are different. It's still the same exact game, but you are different. Life events or stress is dynamic just like poker. One resource that has helped me a ton is headspace. Its an app you can download for mediation. It's helped me immensely. Tilting was so common for me. Working out and meditation saved me and is really the way I can continue to play for longer sessions then before and more importantly stop when im not playing my A game.

Oct. 19, 2015 | 7:44 p.m.

Zegota, I think the fishy aspect of your thoughts does make a lot of sense. Predominantly in the form of regs vs regs and isolating yourself to one or two fish per six max for example. I know i'd sit at the same limit and play maybe 12 tables. Thus eventually impacting win rate maybe not really maximizing win potential without rigorous game selection. Anonymity resulting in just playing high avg pot size, which doesn't necessarily translate into pure fish...it could just be a few samples sizes of big hands vs big hands. Thank you for your input.

Sept. 25, 2014 | 12:29 a.m.

Thanks for your input guys. I just don't get it but I think both your points are very valid. 

Sept. 22, 2014 | 5:02 a.m.

Post | David Zforlife12 posted in Chatter: Understanding Bovada?!?
I am very satisfied with Bovada and thank my lucky stars it's around POST Black Friday. However, I continue to scratch my head on the fact they limit to 4 tables. From a business perspective, why in the world do they limit players to 4 tables? I'm curious (im sure in this community multi-tabling more would be the norm.) do the bulk of players only play a couple tables? From an IT background are they limited on server space? Software limitations? I just can't fathom why they would limit their player pool...is this getting more players to look elsewhere (BJ, Sportsbetting, casino)? Increasing their their bottom line because the other spots are better for Bovada? Just a few thoughts on the topic. I'd love to hear another person's opinion. Thanks for reading guys.

Sept. 19, 2014 | 7:12 p.m.

Thanks Mike! Downloading poker journal now. I Appreciate it.

Aug. 22, 2014 | 4:22 a.m.

Post | David Zforlife12 posted in Chatter: Record keeping
In a much more serious attempt to transition from my career I am trying to get extremely serious about managing precise win rates and record keeping. I play live 2-3 times a week and have a simple log book to track winnings. Online, I eluded to before I try to get to a target goal, withdraw and grind back...rinse and repeat. I am finally in the situation where 2/2 NL live and .25/.50 is losing its luster. I am extremely passionate about the game; however, I feel like I am capable of doing much better. Does anybody have templates or app ideas or something extremely organized for BR? I need both online and live. Bovada & ACR are my primary places for online play. I have never played with a HUD..do some have an option to upload live results(just monetary portion obv not hands/data)? Just curious thoughts and personal methods. I am trying to "clean up" my poker game, and to get serious, I have watched friends make deep runs and some play as high as 5/10 (consistent win rates). I am such a nit that I need to start pushing the envelope. Stagnant poker careers are plenty and busto even more common. I am just so concerned with money and so obsessive over BRM that I have never taken a serious shot. I have an extremely unique situation where I am debt free, single, and have 36 months of free college education where I would like to get another degree and grind like none other. If I can just stop being such a ***** (advice on this would be great too). Excuse my ramblings but here are the things I've done to strive to be better.

Purchased desk and chair. (no more slouching / laying down / watching TV while playing online)
Doing something for 30-60 mins. study related DAILY. (vids, forums, self assessment)
Diet and exercise are not a problem but staying sharp on both is a must.
Work out Four times weekly
Sensory deprivation / meditation / Chiropractic adjustments (visualizing winning. Relaxing. enjoying the game/life.)

Anything on this topic is greatly appreciated guys.



Aug. 21, 2014 | 3:42 p.m.

Thank you guys.
- I am mostly referring my action to Bovada so it's difficult to notice regs. I def. like your idea though and would certainly implement that strat. if i knew who ppl were.

TheRaulrus- Certainly notice a direct correlation between starting sessions when i'm hungry to play, have the right conditions (i.e. no distractions)., and also just doing something that makes me feel good before starting (music, RIO video, etc). I think that's been the biggest boost to consistently improving/ playing decent. Of course only referring to my level of "decent". Thanks for the input. Good luck to you as well.

April 12, 2014 | 1:12 p.m.

yes def. 30 BIs Tom, thank you for your feedback. I'm going to give it a shot. I'm at a good spot now to just rely on my job for income and poker has always just sweetened the deal. Just want to push up to a better hourly. Thanks again Tom.

April 11, 2014 | 8:57 p.m.

Post | David Zforlife12 posted in Chatter: When to take a shot?

I have a pretty vague question guys..my BR is usually 30BB deep. Usually playing .25/.50 6max NLHE and roughly 15-20% HU at the same stake. Just curious how you decide to take a shot? Game dynamics much different, specifically at .5/1$-1/2$? What were the biggest differences you noticed? I'm concerned my hand volume at such low stakes (.25/.50) is hindering my growth. It's a strange spot because I enjoy consistently winning but when did you guys push up? I enjoy cashing out obv. but i feel like i've accepted stagnant consistency.  I usually cash out anytime I get over 2k and reset to around 30BB again. I have been here at this level for awhile and was stuck on this topic...can't think of a better place to get feedback :) thanks guys

April 11, 2014 | 8:17 p.m.

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