15 points
To add to this discussion and this hand in particular, as PFR why can't we just lead most of our range on dry ace high flops? Also in practice is 99 really a good check raise candidate when we heavily block the most likely hand our opponent will bet on this flop (A9**)? Unless our assumption is that this opponent or the player pool is likely to bet top pair with 2 or 3 over cards. Zachary Freeman or Phil Galfond if you guys could comment on this I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the great content Phil! Good luck in your future challenges!
Aug. 26, 2020 | 6:56 a.m.
Hey Phil quick question, at 13:45 you said that we should be turning our kings into a bluff because we are at the bottom of our range and our opponent has a lot of weak flopped two pairs that we need to fold out. I completely agree with this line of thought but do we really need to bet full pot to accomplish this? Wouldn't it be more effective to bet something like half pot to merge with our aces up two pairs? If we bet full pot in this spot aren't we representing mostly flushes, and if so wouldn't it be better to do that with the king of diamonds in our hand?
Aug. 25, 2020 | 6:54 a.m.
I would also focus on always consciously adjusting your 3bet strategy based on the opener as well. If you see a MP open from a very tight reg(~12%PRF), maybe don't 3bet 55-88/JT-KT/A3s-ATs.
June 25, 2020 | 11:40 p.m.
I honestly think the way you played this is pretty much perfect. I don't see any problem. As for getting run over out of position, I agree with RaoulFlush . Jamming might be a good option. I don't necessarily like just flatting a 3bet with such a strong hand against an abhorrently weak player pool though. Your bet sizing was pretty spot on, I think the only other thing to mention is - If this player is looser, this flop should be pretty +EV for a more open 4bet calling range. Your 4betting range is going to be like AQs+/JJ+. The larger majority of that is going to be like AK/AQs, so I think an opponent is going to call any QQ/AJ, sets obvious, and all the other things quixoticflux888 mentioned. This board in particular I'm guessing you're going to be betting at a high frequency regardless, but maybe just be more aware if you're facing a looser opponent on boards like this, and be more willing to give up if you don't have the goods. I would say don't just think about this spot when you have AK, think about this spot considering your whole range, and see how all the different hands play out. You're probably actually printing here with your whole range, AK is just a portion of that :)
May 8, 2020 | 2:13 p.m.
Hey Phil,
Another superb video as usual..! As I've mentioned in your past videos I really like that you have a full ring game in the mix, when I play live PLO it's always full ring and it's very difficult to get to heads up flops. So I really appreciate getting to hear your analysis in these multiway pots. I want to point out that at 20:42 the player that bet pot on the river against you on the river on Q4568 is the same player that put his stack in on the turn on the bottom left table with two pair, not having top pair, and no redraw. This would imply to me that he's not a very good player and has a very shallow value range. Given this I think it might be possible that he's even value betting Q8 or 23 on this river spot, his range may not purely just contain air and 8/9 high straights. Also on the top right table on the A22TJ board you mention that it's possible our opponent has slow played AA but is it also possible that he has a single ace that he wanted to show down but because of our river bet he now thinks he's behind and has decided to turn his top pair into a bluff? Anyways just a few thoughts I had on the video, I really enjoyed watching you play..!
Best Regards,
Jan. 7, 2020 | 2:03 a.m.
hi Phil Galfond I'm really enjoying these full ring videos! When ever I play live PLO it's always full ring and it's been very difficult finding content on the site for that. Please continue with the full ring videos! Quick question @29:56 in the tournament table, when we bet pot on the turn with the T high flush draw I'm assuming our river strategy is check call if the flush hits and jam if the wheel is still the nuts? Also @16:30 I see that we're folding some very pretty looking hands from early position (6789 SS and 9JQA SS) , if we're folding a perfect 9 high run down from early position are you concerned at all that our range is going to be too high card heavy when we open from this position?
July 28, 2019 | 10:17 p.m.
Hey Phil great video as usual! Quick question at 12:34 on the bottom left table when we flop a boat on KK9, what is our course of action if an ace, queen, or jack comes off on the turn or river and our opponent leads for pot or close to pot? Should we give him credit for a boat and fold our hand? Would our strategy change if we had 99XX where the side cards are both below 9 and our opponent leads on any card from Ten to Ace?
June 25, 2019 | 5:07 a.m.
Hey Phil great video as always! It's very enlightening to be able to hear you think through a hand in a live setting..! At 16:53 when we have AAQQ on the KT79 board and our opponent leads the turn for half pot, would it be a better play to utilize our blockers and raise pot representing the nut straight given that our opponent's range is very two pair heavy with KX? I assume that most players would bet the flop with top or even middle set so we are primarily concerned with our opponent having 68 or 8J. Against a set of nines or sevens our hand doesn't have enough raw equity to continue as we are drawing to potentially 8 outs, against the second or third nut straight I believe we can get a fold from our opponent at a decent frequency if we commit to two barrels. With the second barrel only being fired if the river doesn't pair the board or bring in the flush. I'm curious to know your thoughts on this spot.
June 4, 2019 | 12:21 a.m.
Not at all. This is the kind of conversation I'm trying to get out of my RIO subscription. I really appreciate it. I have all the same concerns you do.
April 20, 2019 | 6:44 p.m.
Yeah I was purposely trying to capture the stat as a whole and not narrow it down. Otherwise I would have filtered for OOP vs IP.
April 18, 2019 | 11:16 p.m.
Hey Tyler Forrester , I've been reviewing your calling 3bet videos as a whole. After watching I still had questions surrounding what your database should look like and what an acceptable bb/100 rate is for "called 3bet = true". Could you take a look at the following post please? Thanks in advance!
April 18, 2019 | 4:28 p.m.
Something I've noticed is that I have a hard time navigating my way through pots where I have called 3bets preflop. I was taking a look at my database by position and realized I'm down quite a bit in this kind of spot. I was wondering if that's a position where I should be down for the most part overall, and if so, what is a reasonable bb/100 to be down here? Here's the stats on it, sample size is kind of small.
April 17, 2019 | 5:33 p.m.
Is it possible to perform these same sims with Pio?
April 14, 2019 | 5:27 p.m.
Hey Phil great video as usual! Quick question at 28:32 when you lead the turn with the bottom wrap aren't you drawing to reverse implied odds against ranges that call you? Not to be results oriented but as it turns out both players were drawing to better straights. That being said if we're not comfortable betting most of our straights for value on the river and we aren't very likely to generate two folds on a very dynamic board on the turn then is it worthwhile to bet the hand in the first place? Are we planning on bluffing certain rivers with our hand if we brick our wrap? I'm not implying in any way that your play was non-optimal but I am just having trouble following the logic as to why we're placing this bet.
April 8, 2019 | 5:27 a.m.
Hey Phil, amazing video as usual! This format is great, it's much easier to watch your one table videos on my phone.
Question about the turn decision with 369A on the AQ36 board (14:20 in the video). As you mentioned on the flop , the decision to call the donk bet from the SB is close because there are very few turn cards that will improve our hand. Therefore when this happens and we have 6 outs to a boat against AQ on the 6 turn don't we have to continue to protect our flop calling range? Otherwise we risk over folding on (A-Broadway-Low) card flops against an opponent who could just be betting twice due to range advantage. If we're close on folding the flop, and then folding on this turn doesn't that mean we need to re-evaluate our pre-flop strategy of defending this hand from the BB? This board is near the top range of boards we could hope for with this particular holding.
April 8, 2019 | 4:03 a.m.
I play 100nl regular games but I'm looking to transition a bit to Zone, so I have two questions:
Does anyone know why Ignition doesn't have 100nl Zone?
What are some good resources on RIO for transitioning to Zone from regular games?
Hey Phil Galfond great video as always, the pacing was just right and I feel like you were very thorough with the analysis :). At 27:55 on the left table, facing the 2/3 pot bet from the PFR you advocate for a fold on the premise that there aren't many thrilling turn cards for us. I would like to point out though that in these player pools there is a tendency to over c bet as PFR. This in conjunction with the fact that we have 40%ish equity against his dry over pairs / wrap no pair range would make me lean towards a call. When you advocate for a fold based on turn playability are you assuming that the player pool will continue betting most turns? I think that exploitatively most novice players stop betting on straight/flush completing turn cards when they don't have the draw that completed and that they will continue betting over pairs on the cards that give us two pair. I guess I'm just wondering that when you're deciding to fold the turn there are you giving the opponent too much credit for having a balanced flop betting strategy? Anyways I really enjoyed the video and I hope to see more member review videos like this in the future!
Oct. 7, 2020 | 3:57 a.m.