Nate Rotten Tomatoes
10 points
D: I've mistaken 2/3 for 1/3
Nov. 22, 2015 | 10:54 p.m.
at 6:21: u made a fold K8dd on 762hdc vs MP 3waypot cbet(a bit small size).
Isn't defending an option? If its heads up, it seems like an easy defense and also a pretty good candidate for XR. And board seems pretty strong for us.
Would it not be profitable to defend here vs 3 way pot cbet? Or for minimum defense.
Nov. 22, 2015 | 11:50 a.m.
Nice Video!
at 21:50 like the one above asked, calling with 33 OTF; is it for GTO defence?
When villain cbets 3/4 pot OTF, I think we need to defend like 57% (let me know if its wrong)
I made a rough simulation on flopzilla and Middle Pair+/FD/OESD was like 45%
And for extra 12%; I do see that it is marginal with 3d3x here on KhJd6d.
I'm trying to learn in this spot for my defence and having trouble with 'which marginal hand is better' to call with OTF.
AT(with no diamond), 2d2x, 55(no diamond), Th7h(backdoors), AXo(with Ad), Q9o(no diamond)
Could you tell me which hand from above that you are calling in this spot?
Callng with them all(and such) gives me like 61% for my range(30% flat on BBvsBTN).
Sept. 17, 2015 | 1:56 p.m.
im just not good enuf :P
Aug. 9, 2015 | 6:17 p.m.
Sorry; mistaken CO for MP.
And I have no fuckin clue limper's MP range and neither of ur SB completing range.
My guess is sth just pretty damn wide :)
In your tone.
Aug. 9, 2015 | 5:31 p.m.
Thank you very much taaazz for in-depth review :)
It took more than half an hour to understand and implement it myself; it s a good stuff to study and develop my game.
I agree its a marginal spot and fold seems slightly better (and I think ill assign KK in his vbet range too; simply cause my stat wud look pretty stationy 3bp OTR which I have to admit my leak).
And choosing selective vbetting range OTR with AA; was a part I learned a lot. (AdAx/AcAx). Since not having Diamond/Club with AA simply makes the SB range more polarized.
"Like, ideally, he'd want to have the combos of AQo w/ no club and diamond in it, which is just 2c (the less he has, the more pairs w/ blockers in Villain's range, so we can expect more FE this way - blocking bluffs is not good for bluffcatching, right?)"
This is the part I'm still having struggle.
First of all, I have to say that even the aggressive villain is not going too get out of line w/ all AQ every time.
But he(aggressive one) might choose some;
So when we assume that he wants to bluff with some of AQ (not the obvious ones AdQd, AcQc).
I assume 'Villain' in the context is myself; the hero.
OTF, I think myself(SB) here will check most of QQ for balance.
However, if I wanted to check;
I'd choose to check my QdQx(3 combos) cause I block FD. And I'd bet other 3 combos of QQ to charge him from draws. <- I have one more question here, if this is the right play. Or shud it be the other way around?
So OTR, in villain(BB)'s perspective, if SB have taken XC/XC line; SB cud still have QdQx.
If BB has AQ w/ no diamond or club (2c as you said, AsQh/AhQs), SB can still have QdQx.
-> Less FD.
If BB has sth like AxQd, SB cannot have QdQx.
-> More FD.
Similar example, if I(SB) wanted to bet some AA and check some AA OTF.
I(SB) would check AdAx (3 combos) and bet rest of AA (another 3)
If villain(BB) has AQ w/ no diamond, SB can sill have AdAx.
-> Less FD.
If villain(BB) has AdQx, SB cannot have AdAx.
-> More FD.
So villain shud be less inclined to bluff w/ AQ that has no diamond or club in it.
Am I following you correctly?..
I'm very sorry for the long post; and u already helped me a lot with this subject.
I completely understand if u choose not to answer it (even if I was you, I would be bothered)
But I really want to improve my game...
Aug. 9, 2015 | 2:50 p.m.
I like jamming OTR too w/ Ah OOP. I do not see much better hands that XC XC and gets river.
Aug. 9, 2015 | 1:38 p.m.
OTR, I'm folding this.
But OTF/OTT, I think u missplayed by leading out twice.
MP has all 16 combos of T9. And once u complete preflop on a limped pot, its hard to rep 77+/ T9s.
Basically, its a great board for MP limper OTF.
I don't know much about donkbet strategy but in this spot i think its a mistake.
You ended up building a limped pot where nut vs 2nd nut can easily happen.
Play OTF/OTT, i think is a clear mistake for both balance/ur current hand.
As played OTF, turn was a clear X/C (mostly for pot control)
- Folding pre. i think limping with random suited hands is rather better; not that I would.
Aug. 9, 2015 | 1:11 p.m.
given the dynamics in micro stakes;
I'm more than happy to call that :)
Aug. 9, 2015 | 1:04 p.m.
Thank you taaazz/cais16.
Folding turn cud also be the option; but considering the dynamics between me and the villain, KJ was too high in my flop XC range that I cudn't fold.
In game, I did end up calling but surprised the strong hand villain showed up; AdKd and I didn't rly like the call after seeing that cause that was a very strong hand; and whether my call in the long run in this spot is +EV or not was very questionable. And even in game, I did assign KK+ to villain's range since that seemed like how villain balances his aggressiveness in 3b postflop.
In game, i assigned all AQ combos to the villain.
So my initial idea (which I didnt ofc calculate in game but my thoughts) was like this
Equity Win Tie
SB 48.48% 48.48% 0.00% KsJs
BB 51.52% 51.52% 0.00% KK+, JJ-TT, AQs, KQs, JTs, AQo
What taaazz came up was roughly like this (and given what villain showed up, following range fits better)
Equity Win Tie
SB 30.00% 30.00% 0.00% KsJs
BB 70.00% 70.00% 0.00% JJ-TT, KQs, AdKd, AdQd, AcQc
Which is the result assuming that
1. AJs/QQ is not making 3 street value bet
2. KK+ will 4b pre but villain has no 4b record in 138 samples. So he likely has it more often.
if 1/2 kicks in to factors, then its -EV or b/e call for sure.
I think this may potentially be one of my major leak so I really want to ask;
(In your experience)
1. Is it too wide to assign all AQ(suited and offsuits) combos to aggressive opponents in this spot?
2. Would such aggressive opponents make thin 3-street value bet with AJs/QQ?
Aug. 9, 2015 | 12:57 p.m.
Thank you fritzlm/Barney/jonte89/zhizntakaja/Tzevkoff for the input!
In game, I jammed this cause I cudn't rly figure out hand better than me that made sense cept 99 wide value 3b pre which is less likely or AA that I block. I was hoping he slow played big ace or worse two pair which didn't make much sense but happens once in a while but I figured it was a mistake.
Pre is a default fold for me. Made a loose call. I don't like pre-call either in retrospect.
I jammed OTR and he fliped 99.
Good points guys; Like fritzlm said, his range was polarized to a point that raise did not have any merit. I think shudve called. Altho in lower stakes, Ive seen some profit by jamming in similar spots.
Aug. 9, 2015 | 12:25 p.m.
SB: $56.77 (Hero)
BB: $27.18
UTG: $58.96
MP: $38.20
CO: $37.23
Aug. 7, 2015 | 9:36 p.m.
that wasnt an argument. it was a concurrence.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 9:09 p.m.
Actually someone w/ stat 18/13/5(nit). I see lots of 55-44 here. I tend to think nits have narrower range than regs, but they have more PP; which i recently found out.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 8:23 p.m.
+1 on call pre. AP flop bet is ok but i dont see much FE OTT (against TT/JJ AQ and set/slowplayed KK+). Maybe it can get a fold from the same hand.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 8:14 p.m.
I do not see recreational players behind; then he shudn't have value raising combo here(44-55,A5-4s) but not everyone has a balanced range.
Even having said so; if ur gonna jam w/ AK+ here, i think u shud jam with ur hand as well.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 6:50 p.m.
I like the squeeze but
Fold pre. I'd fold this even IP (if not BBvSB)
AP, I don't see how u can fold this postflop. If ur gonna fold AQ here, u shudn't have called.
Pre fold >>> Post flop AP > Folding turn.
I'd only flat AQs OOP on SBvBT 4b only against few opponents.
And I believe fish sizing that Disharmonist meant min-raise 4b pre.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 6:27 p.m.
I do understand we want to keep their weaker straight/flush draws but I can't fully agree on this spot. Just the dynamics of the game recently especially against aggressive players. This is a wet flop; lots of actions to come once called and when u 3b wide and cbet wide on this texture a lot of aggressive ppl fire back w/ draws by raise-all-in OTT which we can't call. To me, hero's line make sense as AK AT and AA/TT-99/(trap) cause I see tons of ppl(espacially aggressive ones) stabbing OTT once checked. and also this maybe a spot to apply Last Bet Theory(the one jams takes the pot). And I do see KhQh an excellent candidate to do so.
I really want to think what others think about this spot. It might be me fastplaying OTT with too many values/bluffs.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 5:08 p.m.
Its true that XR OTT doesn't get respected much.
But I like how u played it. I like the bet OTF and raise sizes OTT.
Can see the villain doing same thing with QJ KJ 87s and hearts (Call OTF bet OTT)
Not sure if its optimal play :)
but I like it.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 4:29 p.m.
SB: $28.32
BB: $25.45
UTG: $28.50
MP: $35.14 (Hero)
CO: $22.26
Aug. 7, 2015 | 1:20 p.m.
i never played 50NL+; but out of pure curiosity:
Vjam OTR with AQ!? I know AQ is better hand than KK+ in terms of blockers in this spot. But I assume u'll jam with KK+ too.
U shud have bluffs in this spot to balance that.
I wonder what's ur bluff/value combos OTR when jamming in this spot.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 12:36 p.m.
not gonna comment on pre/flop (it looks like a strategy ive seen in live games; i dont like it tbh)
but river is always fold or call.
I do not see any reason to click-back this hand.
(exploititively) It really depends on villain's stat. If he is very aggressive; I assume he will lead out OTT w/ QJ 90% of the times.
It he is not, it will be tougher but vs unk I'm folding this.
U only lose to QJ and set. And he never has set here OTR.
I wouldnt have mind calling here if u had some reads on him but raising achieves absolutely nothing.
Against any reg/nit/unk/passive ppl, even if u give him playing AT this way, its a fold. There's only 6 AT combos out there. QJ 16. Although BB shud B/F or X/F OTT if not QhJh/QcJc.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 12:14 p.m.
actually yeah. i open T9o CO too (btm of my open).
I shud've not XR flop neither cbet turn :(
In fact i do not have as many 9 as he does if not equal amount. Given the fact, my flop XR range shud be narrower.
Thanks for the input.
Aug. 7, 2015 | 12:01 p.m.
i think id make it $2.3~2.9. His flop XC wud be hands like JTs J9s 87s QTs JJ+. I do not think those hands will react differently against full pot bet or half pot bet (cept for hand like 87s which will fold against pot size bet). I think betting big here makes better sense for both bluff/value.
Aug. 6, 2015 | 7:21 p.m.
Edit* I first thought it was BTvCO sorry.
I think 76s BTvSB 3b is a mandotory call normally but given his 3b stat, id fold.
U guys both have all QJ and sets in ur range.
But I do think he rarely has set/QJ when he X/C OTF..
I still don't like ur half bet flop on this wet flop for value/bluff.
OTT I do see him playing 9x like this too or hands like 87s into bluff. I think i'll jam this.
U only lose to 98s(1combo) or slowplayed QJ T9s set turned into boat.
+ Given the villain's preflop stats; I do think the villain has flatting range SB vs BT.
If so, I think its an easy shove. It just gets rid of alot of sets/QJs/T9s type hands.
Aug. 6, 2015 | 4:08 p.m.
i'm giving up OTT almost everytime. Agreed with knoxox; there's almost no FE when 2nd queen hits.
However if u chose to bet OTT, u shud bet big. Ur range is polarized here.
If i wanted to bet on turn, I'm bombing T/R with my values(trips)/bluffs.
By big, at least little bit less than pot ~ to full pot maybe.
Aug. 6, 2015 | 2:15 p.m.
+1 on Samu. i do not see myself ever B/F OTF against almost anyone cept for the passive ones (in NL25z).
(as mentioned above) I think villain can have all sets along with wider bluffs.
Aug. 6, 2015 | 1:39 p.m.
Thank you taaazz, ishter, fritzlm for the inputs :)
As played, X/F OTR seems like mandatory here.
And I do see my leak in my wide XR flop range. I rarely give up OTT once I XR flop. Both missplayed :(
Also XR range OTF by the coach was very helpful. I'm waiting for ur next guide :)
Aug. 6, 2015 | 1:27 p.m.
Thanks for the input. Villain snap heroed with QJo here. I was wondering if my line exactly looked like what it is and whether I can actually take the same line with my T9 combos or sth like Ah9h (That I can value 3-barrel/value jam river). I can not have any AK yes, but to me by the time, it seemed like neither can he OTR :(
But yes. I have to agree that X/R flop w/ A2s on this texture won't work out well.
This guy and I had an intensive quarrel in a different poker community.
I was insisting 100% flat here to get involved with fish; and Joe was insisting 100% fold.
Now, neither of us are not even close to the the level of grinding $200z.
However, since the debate got pretty badly intense, we'd very much appreciate if you guys (the mid stake regulars) can share your opinions here.
Thank You.
Oct. 28, 2018 | 6:42 a.m.