Tyler Williams
0 points
I have a theoretical question regarding preflop PLO play:
Against solid players I open the PokerJuice $FI30 range of hands in the CO (the same as 30% in odds oracle with adjustments based on playability). If I'm playing at a table where the three players behind me have a VPIP of 70 and a fold to steal of 10, how should I adjust this range?
I'm really struggling with this question because I find that I am constantly playing 4-way pots with hands that don't seem to play well multi-way. Is the answer simply to only play hands with nut components? Would I then be playing too tight of a range from the CO?
Thanks in advance for your help. I'm really having trouble conceptualizing this situation.
You can get by worse by studying, but only if you don't understand what you are studying and/or how to apply it. If you are new to poker and watch a video on constructing GTO bluff-catching ranges, there is a significant chance you will lose money when trying to incorporate this concept into your own game. This doesn't mean learning about GTO is bad, it just means you didn't fully grasp the concept of GTO and how/when to apply said concepts in your own game.
Continuing with this example, just because one of the RIO video makers uses AAxx as a bluff catcher on certain board textures when facing a river bet doesn't mean you should use AAxx as a bluff catcher on those same board textures when the players you face will likely have very different tendencies. I don't know specifically what games you are playing, but in general I would imagine it's much more profitable to play the push/pull of a maximally exploitative style in micro stakes games.
All of the above being said, the beautiful thing about learning poker is that you are allowed to make mistakes. Learn about a concept and then try and implement it into your game. If it doesn't work, learn more about it and try and understand why. In the end you are only becoming better and better at the game and at the expense of losing only a few dollars worth of currency.
July 27, 2015 | 4:27 p.m.