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Post | dezbear posted in Chatter: Holding myself accountable

Hi guys,

This is my first big post here on the website so hopefully this will be the start of a beautiful relationship between us all!

So I just started taking poker seriously at the start of January after playing on and off for the last 3 years. After a full month of full time play I was able to beat 2/5c at almost 10bb/100 and move up to 5/10. Although I was winning at about 4bb/100 in 5/10 a recent downswing caused me to be breaking even at the end of the month. While its tempting to blame variance, a majority of the downswing was definitely due to my mental game, I punted off a few stacks in quick succession after bad beats. Whilst I'm sure I have many leaks, the two that I am most aware of are my mental game during a losing session, and my motivation to consistently study. As a result I have been keeping an offline poker journal to give myself more structure. However, this is not keeping my study accountable and I am finding I will do the bare minimal each day and give myself every excuse imaginable.

So here I am, I feel an online journal will make me put in the extra few yards each day and also push me to upload more hands for discussion. The schedule I have been trying to stick to each day is:

7:00 - 8:00 wake up, do yoga and meditate and then have a quick smoothie
9:00 - 14:00 play 1 hour sessions with a 10 minute break between. A 20-30 minute break after 2 sessions.
14:00 - 15:00 go to gym/run/walk (off days)
15:00 - 18:00 STUDY

As I said earlier studying is definitely where I am slacking. Each day I am going to try watch at least two videos here and then post the hands I'm having trouble with from that day's session for discussion. I'll probably be posting everyday that I am playing, so if you catch me missing for a week please feel free to yell at me for slacking as the whole point of this journal is accountability!

Jan. 31, 2017 | 8:57 p.m.

yeah bigger turn bet makes sense. I remember thinking of overbetting.

I called pre in the hope of getting paid off when hitting the set, but now that I look back on the hand I definitely do not think he is aggressive enough to get paid off as much as I would need to.

I agree that its a pretty easy fold on this turn. What is more interesting is if the flop bricks, like a 4 of hearts. If he makes the same check shove play do I still fold? I don't think he is checking QQ or KK a huge amount on the turn when I've already called off 3/4 pot on flop.

Jan. 14, 2017 | 11:01 p.m.

Post | dezbear posted in NLHE: Fold bottom set at 5 NHLE?

Bit of an interesting spot imo. Villain was playing 9/3 over 336 hands of full ring with 3/3B and 73/F3B. I put his range on 99+ and AJo+. When he check/shoves the turn here I'm almost certain I'm beat by higher set or straight/flush. But at the same time it's 5NL and he could just have TPTK. Thoughts?

Jan. 14, 2017 | 10:23 p.m.

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