Holding myself accountable
Posted by dezbear
Posted by dezbear posted in Poker Journals
Holding myself accountable
Hi guys,
This is my first big post here on the website so hopefully this will be the start of a beautiful relationship between us all!
So I just started taking poker seriously at the start of January after playing on and off for the last 3 years. After a full month of full time play I was able to beat 2/5c at almost 10bb/100 and move up to 5/10. Although I was winning at about 4bb/100 in 5/10 a recent downswing caused me to be breaking even at the end of the month. While its tempting to blame variance, a majority of the downswing was definitely due to my mental game, I punted off a few stacks in quick succession after bad beats. Whilst I'm sure I have many leaks, the two that I am most aware of are my mental game during a losing session, and my motivation to consistently study. As a result I have been keeping an offline poker journal to give myself more structure. However, this is not keeping my study accountable and I am finding I will do the bare minimal each day and give myself every excuse imaginable.
So here I am, I feel an online journal will make me put in the extra few yards each day and also push me to upload more hands for discussion. The schedule I have been trying to stick to each day is:
7:00 - 8:00 wake up, do yoga and meditate and then have a quick smoothie
9:00 - 14:00 play 1 hour sessions with a 10 minute break between. A 20-30 minute break after 2 sessions.
14:00 - 15:00 go to gym/run/walk (off days)
15:00 - 18:00 STUDY
As I said earlier studying is definitely where I am slacking. Each day I am going to try watch at least two videos here and then post the hands I'm having trouble with from that day's session for discussion. I'll probably be posting everyday that I am playing, so if you catch me missing for a week please feel free to yell at me for slacking as the whole point of this journal is accountability!
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