davidroi1's avatar


27 points

Thanks for the advise :)
Well obviously I do a lot of things wrong since I am loosing at these stakes but I like to put pressure on my opponents. Will try to focus more on studying and hopefully will fix a leak or 2:)

Aug. 9, 2023 | 5:54 p.m.



Almost one month into this journey and I don't have many things to be proud of. Result wise, I am donating money almost every session .5 more buy ins and I will need to go down back to 5 nl.

On a positive note, I like that despite my plays I keep putting decent volume and frankly I am not that bothered loosing those money because I think that is the fee I have to pay in order to improve.

I've already build a habit by eating healthy and I do some sort of cardio almost everyday.
Let's hope the rest of the month will bring more green in my stats :)


Aug. 9, 2023 | 3:33 p.m.

will try to include those in the next week update . That way will have more hands :)

July 17, 2023 | 4:54 p.m.

July 17, 2023 | 4:19 p.m.

GL and see you at the tables :)

July 17, 2023 | 8:39 a.m.

Hi Zeneka . First of all thanks to engaging in this thread and GL with your own journey. I am sure you will become a better version of yourself if you will stick to the plan you created. As you said, with your skill set and your position , would be a waste of potential playing only 50h per month. There are a lot of factors to it but I think you get the idea.

Coming back to your request, these are my stats. Sorry for being this messy, I tried to add as many as possible. I will get better with practice :).


Very small sample but still a lot of bad things happening here. I plan to take it step by step and for the next week or 2 I will only focus on my xR flop and Xr River. Atm , I'm at a shameful value of about 4. I plan to reach somewhere around 15, but how I'm going to do that, I have no idea :))


July 17, 2023 | 8:35 a.m.

As I mentioned in the introduction, it seems that at the moment the only stake I can beat is 5nl.
The positive part is that in these 2 weeks I put an ok volume in terms of hours played and I think I learned a thing or two about my player pool.



Plan for the next week

-15-20 hours of play
-stop calling river raises
-drop to 5nl if needed
-10 min of light workout/day
-eat clean at least 5 days


July 16, 2023 | 12:55 p.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: From 5nl to 1knl in 2 years

Current state

I've played on and off for 4 years now. I've created 4-5 threads here without committing more than 2 weeks. Never played above 25nl but my only stake that I can beat over larger sample is 5nl. All the mentioned make me a professional whale, but these things will change.

Why now

Recently I started watching a lot of poker content on YouTube and Twitch and it rekindled my interest in poker. This, plus the fact that my stable job is no longer stable and the fact that I realized that I don't want to be employed for the rest of my life, I decided to give myself another chance.

The plan is simple

To build a routine and manage to stick to my work. I am convinced that it will not be enough to reach my goal because in terms of strategy I am clueless and I have so much to learn and endure :)). Therefore, the real purpose of this blog is to become so persistent that I succeed in entering a CFP. For me, it's the only chance to become really profitable.
I don't aim to become the best poker player in the world. I aim to make as much money as possible for me and my family.

What to expect

Weekly updates and some funny hands with which to demonstrate my skill in throwing money away.


July 13, 2023 | 5:44 p.m.

noob question but how can u play on acr or other site from europe if it s unregulated? I mean would the site be block when you try to access it? You guys using a VPN or how can you do it? thx

July 16, 2022 | 11:15 a.m.

Hi there. I just love to play and atm i don t have the skill to beat other stakes. Regarding the money i havea a job so no pressure to take money out from poker for day to day life. I intent to use the profits for taking shots at higher limits.

Jan. 27, 2022 | 6:24 a.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: 2022 could be a great year

2nl crusher(no graph, you have to take my word for granted) ready to risk it all on higher stakes.

On a serious note, I plan to use this thread to keep me accountable. As of now, my only ambition is to build a routine and have a healthy life style.

I will be happy if i could play around 30k hands/month

Let's see how this one goes.😁

Jan. 26, 2022 | 8 p.m.

Plans for July
Hit the gym 4 times/week
Eat healthy 6 days a week
Cold showers every single day
Meditate at least 5 days a week
Study poker
Play ~25k hands

June 23, 2021 | 5:11 p.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: David's poker journal

Hi RIO !

It is quite difficult to express myself in writing so I will try to be as relevant as possible. I make this journal in hopes that it will motivate me and help me stay focused on what I have to do to become a full time poker player. I'm currently a losing microstakes player so we can say that my journey begins right here, right now.

Year-end goals:
become a better person and a better poker player than I am now.

Few things I think will help me achieve my goal:
-build a routine
-improve my mental game
-work hard
-have fun

That's all for now. Good luck to me!


June 23, 2021 | 4:59 p.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on Journey to join BrPC

Any update? :)

Dec. 29, 2020 | 6:37 a.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on 63

Yesterday's graph 5 nl

Meditate: Yes
Concentration: B
Tilt Level : Medium
Play: B/C
Review hands: YES

Yesterday I had to stop my session because I felt I had reached my stoploss which is 5 buyins.
In terms of playing i am not happy with the way i played a lot of hands. Hope i can do it better today :)


Nov. 1, 2020 | 8:33 a.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on 63

today's graph 5nl

Meditate: Yes
Concentration: A
Tilt Level : Low
Play: B
Review hands: YES

I felt like I controlled my emotions pretty well during the poker session. The only thing that bothered me today at my game is that I forced too much aggression in certain spots and I did not respect my 3bet ranges.


Oct. 30, 2020 | 9:55 p.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on 63

Hi:). pretty much yes. That's how it is. grinding and studying and let's see where all this takes me until the end of the year :)

Oct. 30, 2020 | 10:38 a.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: 63

63 days till 2020 ends
63 opportunities for me to prove to myself that I can be better than yesterday
My main point with this journal is to reread it on January 1 and be proud of what I have accomplished.
How will I achieve this? I have set some tasks that I intend to complete.

These are:

Sleeping time: 7-8 h per night
To eat healthy at least 5 days a week
To do sports exercises at least 15 minutes a day 5 days a week
Meditate 10 minutes before the poker session
To analyze 3 hands after each poker session

I am confident that if I manage to make these things my daily routine, the results will not be long in coming and my life will improve considerably.


Oct. 30, 2020 | 9:16 a.m.

Any update sir? ::)

Sept. 12, 2020 | 7:07 a.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on Notice me

Ty for your advise. It is still hard to figure it out if my strategy is good or not. Also sometimes i play scared because of the money(i always follow my brm and at the moment i am a few buy ins away to go back to the land of 5 nl:))

June 14, 2020 | 6:54 p.m.

Comment | davidroi1 commented on Notice me

Week recap 08.06.2020-14.06.2020 graph
As you can see, i had a breakeven week and my redline is so so bad.

Goals for the next week:
-play 20 hours
-try not to look at the cashier till the end of the session
-improving my 3bet range.
-stop spewing like a bot

I feel that this week will be amaizing.Lets make it happen :)


June 14, 2020 | 12:13 p.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: Notice me

Hello guys. I am one of the many who plays microstakes and dream big. In this thread you will see, hopefully, my progress during this year.

Now about my goals:
-improving my redline by a lot(right now is going
down faster than a lighting)
-improving my mental game(im that kind of guy who checks his cashier every single hour)

June 11, 2020 | 7:54 p.m.

could anyone suggest me a hud? like what statistics are the most important for 6nl at microstakes?

June 7, 2018 | 1:24 p.m.

ty Phil for making time to post and for your input. I just opened an account on party poker and i am gonna try to play some table there .At the moment i am trying to decide what is best for me: zoom table or regular ones. I think that regular ones are better for me to understand better the action but zoom ones gives me some sort of advantage because they can t see my leaks that quickly :P.

June 7, 2018 | 10:14 a.m.

it is 6 max. i forgot to mention this :(. i want to play a 26/19 kind of game but i can t at the moment

June 5, 2018 | 9:48 p.m.

VPIP is 19.42
PFR 13.6
WTSD 30%
WSD 50.9

June 5, 2018 | 8:42 p.m.

quick update: i played almost 4k hands on 2 nl and 5l. this is the graph so far:

June 5, 2018 | 8:40 p.m.

ty mate

June 5, 2018 | 8:36 p.m.

ty mate

June 5, 2018 | 8:36 p.m.

Post | davidroi1 posted in Chatter: Starting from the bottom

Hi everyone,

My name is David, i am from Romania but right now i live in UK.
I created this post because i want to give myself a chance to learn poker and posting in here i am sure that will help me stay motivated during this journey.
History about my poker life: NONE- i played like 5k hands at 10nl and 5nl this year so not much to say about this one
Short term goals: learn ABC poker and learn how to stay focused during the grind
Long term goals: become a regular at 50 NL (hopefully i can achieve this one till the end of this year hihihi:) )

As you can imagine, on this post you will not see something fancy like 120k hands per month or crazy win rates at high stakes.In fact, i am gonna start with 2 NL playing 6 max and later on maybe i will play some zoom as well.

Wish me luck guys :)


May 28, 2018 | 8:32 a.m.

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