Daniel Almeida's avatar

Daniel Almeida

2 points

Do you always play 6 table? Qhat do u think about 12 tables or more?

Dec. 1, 2016 | 6:38 p.m.

Hello Steve
Nice video again!!
Can u show us the { math} to calculate the raise fold in that hand situation that u become with 11.7%?

Oct. 19, 2016 | 2:23 p.m.

watch Sean Lefort vídeos.
basicly all you need is there.
Sulsky and Galfond are very good, but it's harder to understand and apply without a theorycal backgroung.

Oct. 9, 2016 | 3:01 a.m.

chipev. ez call.
ICM, think that is a fold, not sure, will depend a lot of his openshove 16bb deep
i open jam ezly JTs rigth there, so don't mind at all for this call

Oct. 9, 2016 | 2:47 a.m.

i think tha'ts poor and randomicly.
you dont have relevant blockers, and don't rep really that much.
don't see you check jamming flushes.
and, like, 86 is a such better combo. you dont have that many valuehands to transform a 93 into a bluff profitably.

Oct. 9, 2016 | 2:45 a.m.

actually 25-40 BB is "wrong".
you should have diferent raising ranges for each one of this depths ( 15/20/25/30/40 )
you can't raise the same range with 25bb and 40bb. actually you can, but is bad.
The counter strats from the sb will be diferent at every depth.
any solver can help you with it
i strongly advise you to study more this dinamic and above all things, try to exploite your oponentes weakness. Even most of the reg's don't have a well constructed strategy about this situation.

Oct. 9, 2016 | 2:40 a.m.

I'm with you Neonwired. I don't mind we are shallow. if u don't defend ate least 80% of your PF opening range he can 3bet u with any2cards profitably. In GTO i often shoves it pre to balance with my value hands. But exploitatively, if my oponentes never 3bets me ligth at this depth i'll never shove as a bluff. If u have the rigth pot odds and don't defend, you're automaticly losing Money, so we should defend 80% of our opening range by calling or 4betting ( in this case a jamming ) to loose less than floding. I usually fold hands that don't have de capability to realize equity or retain equity very well, as 55, 66, some unbalanced TJo that i choose to open, stuff like that. The majority of my range i'll flat even oop and get it in when my equity is realized ( at this specific sitiation. more deep, more carefull). In long run terms is the rigth thing to do, and the ev gap between fold or react will be very significant, so keep doing it. you're in the rigth way. ICM considerations and specific reads can chage things a little bit, but i imagine you already know that.
And don't say donkaments, be polite with our moneymaker
GL at the tables


Oct. 9, 2016 | 2:22 a.m.

Post | Daniel Almeida posted in MTT: Figth back vs overbets

Imagine this situation:

You're playing 200 bb deep and CO opens 2x a 35% range and u 3bet 6x from the BTN. CO calls.
flop came 5s6d7d. CO check and you Bet 40%pot. He calls.
the turn bings a 2c. CO checks, then due the fact of CO's range is capped in one pair hands BTN decides to bet 125%pot.
CO, even capped, should have a raising range there?

This question came to my mind when i realize that i always call, even with a very good hand. or fold, due the level off polarization of the oponent's range. For me sounds awkawrd raise this spot, once you'll never have value hands to go with your bluffs.
unless u start to check raise turn with TT, 99 and stuff like this, but i think you'll get crushed raising those. Exploitatively could be done raising only your bluffs vs oponentes who overbets too much, but into a GTO perspective, is doable ?

i'd love to hear some opinions about this.


Oct. 9, 2016 | 12:45 a.m.

amazing stuff. congratulations

Feb. 19, 2016 | 6:56 p.m.

Great video man , 16:20 you give a call on the river with KTo ( J2AT4 ) . At the time I thought of the raised line, as it has the K and I believe that the villain would drop TP or even two pair. You think very spew ?

Nov. 17, 2015 | 12:05 p.m.

Excellent video Sean, again. I've been trying to translate your cash game 6m ranges to my MTT environment, and it's been pretty fun - once you put an extra ~1bb in the calculations (due to the avg. antes in a 9max MTT), things tend to get really wild.

In the "How wide can we limp" part, the EV calculation:

0.75 * (R * E * 3bb - 0.5bb) + 0.25 * (-0.5bb) = 0

I struggle with the frequencies because I don't know in an optimal point of view if the BB should be raising far more than 25% due to the bloated pot PF (bc of the antes) or if it doesn't matter since if he starts raising too much we can still make his life hell by LRR more.

Another question I have is related to stack depth:

Do you think this strategy is still optimal when stacks start to get around 20BB? As an MTT player I often myself playing against or with these weird stack sizes.


April 30, 2015 | 5:11 p.m.

In the A8o(30:01), whats your range to open and get in against My Brim low or European? And whats your range to open shove that spot?

Great series Espen, thanks to share with us!!!

March 12, 2015 | 4:53 p.m.

In the AdJd(27:02) what u think about make a bigger size on the turn to shove the river? I think that most of the players will not be able to fold and Ace in this spot and u can double up with bigger sizes in earlier streets.

Feb. 28, 2015 | 3:04 p.m.

In the hand you decided to check/call 64o OTT when the A hits vs Assad, it seems to me his range is almost always capped in one pair Ax while ours is not. This way, wouldn't it be better to C/R anything that has equity as he just can't continue with a single pair? Seems better than letting him V-bets us relentlessly with a "weak" hand or letting him realize his equity by betting.

Nov. 25, 2014 | 8:41 p.m.

6:19 on the AhQh in the Sunday Million. Do u like 3bet/call against a random??

March 19, 2014 | 4:36 a.m.

Who is that on your PS avatar?

Oct. 8, 2013 | 7:33 a.m.

Brilliant video again Ben! Already waiting for part 3!

Aug. 22, 2013 | 12:42 p.m.

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