0 points
History for hand R5-425570524-156
Start hand: Tue Jan 20 12:12:49 CET 2015
Table: Maastricht [425570524] (POTLIMIT OMAHAHI $0.50/$0.50, Real money)
User: carmenqueas_
Button: seat 1
Players in round: 3 (6)
Seat 1: Striv3r ($152.95)
Seat 2: carmenqueas_ ($168.43)
Seat 3: forthefamia ($50)
carmenqueas_ posts big blind ($0.50)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to carmenqueas: [Td, Ah, Ac, Jc]
Striv3r raises $2 to $2
carmenqueas raises $6 to $6.50
forthefamia calls $6
Striv3r calls $4.50
--- Dealing flop [2c, 6h, Kc]
carmenqueas_ bets $14.50
forthefamia folds
Striv3r calls $14.50
--- Dealing turn [Jh]
carmenqueas_ bets $40
Striv3r calls $40
--- Dealing river [Kh]
carmenqueas_ checks
Striv3r bets $64.50
Main pot: $128.50 won by Striv3r ($126.50)
Rake taken: $2
Seat 1: Striv3r ($218.45), net: +$65.50
Seat 2: carmenqueas_ ($107.43), net: -$61
Seat 3: forthefamia ($43.50), net: -$6.50
End of hand R5-425570524-156
Hello, I would like your advice on this hand.
Vilain is a good reg. A bit tight pref but good postflop. He plays a lot up to 200$ table. He is 26/15 , steal 27%, 5% 3bet , fold cbet 56% in 3bet pt. River agression 36%. I have only 600 hands so those stats are not perfect.
BB is a middel player, playing to loose, he should be tilty since he lost flush max vs my straight flush recently.
I'm not used to play so deep, so every comments are welcome.
Preflop play is standard with my very good AA,
Cbet standard, maybe I should size a bit higher since we are so deep and I'm OOP like 17. BB folds et good reg call.
He could have a lot of things on this board so deep. Any K, any 2 pairs ( who wait a safety turn), pair+ low SD, pair + FD, dry FD Q high,...
After analysis I think I made my biggest mystake on the Turn. I think now it's a clear C/R turn.
I have J blocker vs KJ 2 pairs. I have FD max, overpair and gutshot. And some paired cards river broke his 2 pairs hands. With all this equity I'm never in bad shape vs his range. + He could fold bad 2 pairs hands vs my shove: K2/62/maybe K6,...
- River will be very difficult to play for me if He just calls given the fact they are so many draws now. I'll be OOP and SPR will be minus 1. He can play perfectly vs me.
A check looks kind of weak so deep turn with so many draws. I'm expecting He could stab few times. He could potentialy check back, realises his equity or waiting for a safe river. But it's not really a big deal for me since I have also many good cards river: Flush + Q + J + A+2 (10/6 could be tricky). It keeps SPR higher in a tricky spot.
As played, I think I prefer a bet pot turn if I bet. It looks stronger, like KK top set.
And I dont know if my river play is correct. My A blocker to flush heart is without interest since He will call every flush, He calls every K as well.
I think there are a lot of backdoor flush and K in his hand. FD clubs is less likely if we get to the river since I have the nut FD.
And the combo small pair (without K) + low SD are a small part of his range i think.
I'm surprised by his sizing. Either a bluf or a value bet should be all in. But i'm slighty thinking this lower sizing looks like a value bet.
I get crazy odds to call, but I still prefer the fold.
Any thoughts ?
Last question: can I go broke flop if reg shoves me? (knowing he would have very strong range so deep: 22+, K2+ :FD,...
Sorry for the english
Jan. 20, 2015 | 6:13 p.m.
Hey Robin,
Welcome to Run it Once, I'm glad to see a new PLO low stake teacher.
One question: What would you do if you were in vilain's shoes Turn on the first hand?
When u check/call this dry board flop so deep, you look very strong. It seems like a trap.
With combo straight draw/full draw and FD max, do you think it's a good idea to check back turn and see the action on river. We are not really scared about river cards and we are IP. Our decision will be easier river depending of your action.
What are your toughts?
Sept. 24, 2014 | 12:21 p.m.
Hey Phil,
At 17:30. Are you sure about check back the flop 963cc with K92T ??
I can't see the stats of vilain, but in my opinion, this flop hit more our range than him. Our range is wide BT and he should have more high cards/big pair with a standard tight calling range OOP.
We have top pair. We can barrel a lot of turn that will hit our range: 3/4/5/6 (bluf) - 9/K (for value)
I would bet/fold 2/10 for value protection, we can still have the best hand turn vs overpair + FD/pair +gutshot/ FD,... and a lot of river are bad for us.
He will almost never raise 2/10 as a bluf since it's likely in our range. So easy bet/fold
When we check back, as you said the only good turn for us are K and 9. It seems not a good plan for me.
There are so many bad cards for us Turn. We show weakness. When vilain bet big Turn, I prefer also a fold since we dont know which River we can call (except 9 and K)
A last small point to bet the flop: we get the T bloker for the card removal effect: it bloks some SD and FD combo.
I prefer the agressive line and use my position.
I'm french, sorry for my english.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks for the vid, I love them so much !! ;-)
Sept. 5, 2014 | 10:17 a.m.
mmm At 21min....
I'm not sure we can't get 3 streets value??!! do you really think he can fold second barrel turn with KK/AA? It's very hard for him. Same reasons on the river. I would bet turn and river 2/3 pot.
BTW you explained in the hand that the guy is very sticky postflop. For me it's one more reason to fire turn/river. If you get an agressive image, it's one more point.
Maybe bet 50% turn/river. But I mean the guy must be pretty skilled to fold his KK/AA
Sept. 2, 2014 | 8:21 a.m.
I dont think that kind of player can call 3 big barrels with KK/QQ. Even with AA, he could find a fold vs that line (3/4 bet river). We look very strong.
Sept. 2, 2014 | 8:08 a.m.
At 14.30min.
I'm agree vilain's range is mostly KK/QQ/even maybe weak AA (+ FD). So what do you think about a smaller value bet on the river. Like 30. We loose value vs set 7 and straight. But I think it's a small part of his range. Like u said at the beginning of the hand -> Tight player call early open (his range is heavy high cards and big pairs) + we get a 7 --> so his range dont include lot of 7 and straight.
Sept. 2, 2014 | 8:05 a.m.
At 3min, why u dont want 3bet the min open from UTG+1 with KQJ10so. He is 50bb deep so he should be a fish + min open= weakness. U can play a nice hand in position in a HU pot vs a fish = good spot. For sure it sucks to be 4betting but i dont think it's gonna happen often. Fish usually open 3x or 3.5x with AA and more often when they are short and in early position. I would rather call this hand vs early open from a good player and fish after me who can call for multi way pot.
At the bottom table with set 77 on the turn. Why not bet/fold the turn? 89 is a small part of his range. I think u still have good value vs 2 pairs/pair+draw/overpair+draw,... Many river suck for our hand and it's very possible that we still have the best hand on the turn. I would prefer bet/fold for value/protection.
What do you think?
I'm french, sorry for my english
Sept. 2, 2014 | 7:37 a.m.
Hey Alien,
Nice vids!
Why do you just call with AQoA10o when UTG 4bet at 25min. Do you think you are to deep to get it in preflop? You could 5bet nearly 100bb.
I know your AA are not suited, but they are still connected.
Can you explain your approach and how deep it affects your game?
Aug. 26, 2014 | 9:48 p.m.
Hello Alien,
If we think his range is essentially FD+pair/overpair/gutshot,... What do you think about calling the raise on the flop and get it in Turn on any non flush card? There are still 60 blinds left after the raise.
Do you think we can make mistake with this play?
Nice comment WRUUM, i'm agree with your analysis
Oct. 17, 2014 | 10:43 a.m.