6 points
Oct. 6, 2016 | 8:10 a.m.
Why are we 3betting pre? I hope this is not something u do as a default
Anyways u have hand to check in this case
Oct. 6, 2016 | 8:07 a.m.
But agree that JTs is a good candidate to turn into a bluff on these runouts
June 25, 2016 | 4:20 a.m.
IF u are value betting all AQ+ i am concerned how ur check range would look like at this spot
June 25, 2016 | 4:19 a.m.
You dont need PIO to beat NL50
June 20, 2016 | 7:11 a.m.
this is very useful and i agree with most of the content, thanks so much
June 20, 2016 | 7 a.m.
Im talking about play as BB defender not preflop aggressor, so im assuming BB checks entire range to PFR
And how we react when facing a flop cbet by button
June 20, 2016 | 6:56 a.m.
Very vague question and very long post
Been running some simulations with gtorb (GTO range builder) with different kinds of monotone boards in single raised pots (btn vs bb)
Now lets talk about disconnected monotone boards (i.e K73hhh 953hhh)
Figured out the pre flop aggressor has a pretty decent 1.5-2 bbs range advantage on these boards,
but the cbetting frequency suggested is still relatively low
compared to some other boards where with such a massive range advantage we should be cbetting high frequency with small sizings
Question 1: Can someone explain this to me please?
but independent on what the High card is, it seems like when the big blind is facing a flop cbet, he should always go ape shit on these boards with middle and bottom sets and most of the time we are trying to get it in on the flop more often than not
On the other hand we should be slow playing low made flushes on the flop but check calling them
I sort of get it because low flushes are basically drawing dead vs nut flushes/ high card flushes, meanwhile sets still have 7outs on the flop and 10 outs on the turn, but here comes my second question
Question 2: Is protection/value really that important when the preflop aggressor isnt really cbetting that wide afterall with hands like 2 pair or sets? that running into a made flush is just a cooler?
and Question 3: In reality, im pretty sure people in low stakes (100nl or below) play way too tight vs a check raise on monotone boards, they probably never reraise with a hand like Ah4x or A9 no hearts on 953hhh when facing a check raise, and every time they jam its a "puke and sad life sigh call gg fuck my life why he runs so good"
so it is still a good idea to check raise sets/2 pairs in these stakes?
June 19, 2016 | 5:29 p.m.
SB: $55.25
BB: $50.83
UTG: $76.57
MP: $51.34
CO: $62.14
Rake is $1.70
June 4, 2016 | 7:08 a.m.
Spent a very decent chunk of my BR for live mtt and also vacations, desperate for help with improving my game and also support for a bankroll
Looking for a backer that will offer full backing if possible for low stakes cash game (100nl preferred, 50nl also fine), other deals are negotiable
Full time universtiy student done with exams and will be hard working for the coming 2 months, can guarantee a lot of volume
(100K hands per month), also an active learner willing to listen and adapt. Speaks fluent English.
Can also play on Partypoker/PokerStars/888
June 1, 2016 | 4:18 a.m.
SB: $124.59
BB: $104.77
UTG: $220.56 (Hero)
MP: $83.12
CO: $51.91
Rake is $2.50
May 17, 2016 | 5:44 p.m.
depends on positional stats on villain tendencies, i prolly would consider 3betting QQ vs a range of 15+%
flatting QQ readless is fine vs UTG open
I think the population varies a lot in terms of opening range @ UTG from 9%-20%
Your value 3bet range vs an average UTG range looks a bit wide to me
Aug. 19, 2015 | 7:15 a.m.
SB: $349.37
BB: $192.35 (Hero)
UTG: $102.00
MP: $188.41
CO: $129.23
BB lost and shows a pair of Aces.
SB wins $217.20
Rake is $2.80
July 6, 2015 | 8:19 p.m.
Hi everyone,
I would like to bring to your attention a website
neverdeal.com that blatantly plagiarize from runitonce.com. This is going to be
way TLDR but I really hope runitonce.com management will see and act on this. The
website is based in and targeted at poker players in China. It is heartbreaking
for me to be typing this as I am a poker player from Hong Kong and am
ethnically Chinese. I am furious and ashamed of what my fellow countrymen had
done. I also have some information that leads me to believe that the creator of
neverdeal.com intentionally plagiarize and is not particularly apologetic about
Firstly, the website is at www.neverdeal.com.
I am not exactly computer savvy so I would recommend you use reasonable amount
of caution and anti-virus softwares. If you visit the home page it should
already struck you as familiar as it has the same style, layout and feel as
runitonce.com. To see their videos, a free account is needed. You may make your
own or you can use the following that I created using a throwaway Gmail
Login: HongKonghero
Password: Ionlyfuckthatmany
Once you are logged in, you would see the page design is a
complete ripoff of runitonce.com.
Secondly, I shall credit the discovery of this site to 2p2
user Nightmare87 who created a thread on this matter. The link is (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/chinese-coaching-site-priate-edition-runitonce-com-1479232/).
It is also this very thread that brings my attention to this site. Nightmare87
posted some screenshots about the site creator Hao “onlymany” Tian. There were
also screenshots of video listings on neverdeal.com that suggest that the site
carries videos from runitonce.com from contributor Paul Senter, Espen Sorlie,
and Owen Shiels. To give you an example, (http://www.neverdeal.com/post?id=2089)
and is a video by Paul Senter and is identical to this
Thirdly, Tian posted a response on that 2p2 thread. The link
is (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=44833667&postcount=44).
It is up to you to decide whether his defense is adequate or not.
Fourthly, while Tian’s tone in his statement seems at least
somewhat friendly and mildly apologetic, the same cannot be said about his
public conversations on weibo. (FYI, weibo is the Chinese equivalent of
Twitter). Another 2p2 user ypt brought this to attention (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=44835426&postcount=56).
You need a weibo account to see the tweets. From what I can see he is very
unapologetic and arrogant about the site. He also stated that (in Chinese of
course and I loosely translate) “Once we got big, runitonce.com will come to us
and try to make a deal.” I have screenshots of those tweets if you would like
to see them. I also urge you to not take my words for it, and have someone you
trust who can read Chinese to check out those conversations.
I hope this is helpful to help protect your intellectual
properties. I will also be glad to help if you need more info on the matter (as
I speak and read Chinese). I also hope you understand Tian is not
representative of Chinese poker players who respect your pros, your site,
intellectual rights and most importantly, the game of poker. I is in my opinion
should be posted to all the major poker news outlets and forums including the
one on runitonce.com. Please advise what I should do. I sincerely hope Tian
will be punished for his treachery.
Oct. 6, 2014 | 9:07 a.m.
playing 100zoommm, loving it
pls add me: kinglunesm in skype
July 3, 2014 | 10:31 p.m.
SB: 9Sandbagger9: $229.15
BB: Paris Dedes: $420.22
UTG: kinglune: $350.60
HJ: Chegivarr: $183.63
CO: stewiep: $100
kinglune raises to $3, Chegivarr folds, stewiep calls $3, babbbuuuu folds, 9Sandbagger9 raises to $13, Paris Dedes folds, kinglune calls $10, stewiep folds
however, the flop certainly hits my range more than his any middle rundown, broadway wrap
i decided to go ahead and bet half pot
is it very bad?
wasnt actually playing my hand but my perceived range, but is it overrated in 100zoom?
with two obvious str8 on the board , shud i check behind here?
was thinking i could still get value for broadways, like AQxx, ATxx
and meh, he check jammed, he could only have KJ and i dun have enough odds to call...meh
July 3, 2014 | 9:27 p.m.
pls add me: kinglunesm in skype
June 11, 2014 | 3:12 p.m.
LJ: HC_68: 18679
HJ: TMoney0209: 7335
CO: Sphinx87: 22393
BN: busto_soon: 18474
SB: Dimadu: 8079
BB: Jeans89: 47334
UTG: kinglune: 18017
UTG1: gamuro is sitting out: 1725
kinglune raises to 600, Jon Doe folds, HC_68 calls 600, TMoney0209 calls 600, Sphinx87 folds, busto_soon calls 600, Dimadu folds, Jeans89 calls 300
Do u guys think I'd better C/C or B/F here?
the OESD got there obv, but its only one hand im afraid of except slowing flopped sets
and board this dry so I expected him to fire a decent amount of time when checked to
and if I bet big like 3.8k he may fold many worst Jx, so I think C/C got some merits too
and my plan was to C/C or Donk lead most rivers
its only got to get called by STR8 or sets or AJ,
I didnt expect to bet wtever hands when checked too as a bluff that often.
One of my friends suggest I can donk 6k which is half of my stack and fold to shove obv
Need advices on both the turn and river plays from you guys
May 12, 2014 | 9:55 a.m.
actually , i was not planning to pot/go otf.
I mean, the flop is as dry as a desert
after i pot in a 50 plo, i dun really expect him to expect me to fold,
so actually i was to b/f there
after all , now i think actually shoving turn will serve me better
first of all, i have no read on the aggressiveness of villain
i risk him checking back , for which those hands got considerable equities vs my hand
which may fold to my aggression ott
April 25, 2014 | 9:11 p.m.
SB: kinglune: $50.25
BB: Asmodei10: $68.01
UTG: prostak69: $50
HJ: I AM LAGOSH: $41.68
CO: legendaW: $221.85
prostak69 folds, I AM LAGOSH folds, legendaW raises to $1, 9itsmygame1 folds, kinglune raises to $3.50, Asmodei10 folds, legendaW calls $2.50
got $40 left on a $20 turn pot, i turned a nut flush draw and inside wheel draw
i can bet call for sure, in game i decided to c/s that i think can suck it one more bet from him
because sometimes he is betting with his less equity hand
or i can check/call but its less attractive since there r many rivers that would kill actions or im unsure where im at
would like to see what would we be bluffing if we take out 87s 98s T9s pre becasue we mostly flatting pre with those.
super interesting with the close to 100% lead on flop oop, would like to know also what do we do with 99-JJ vs raise after lead.
I like your video, thanks a lot!
Sept. 17, 2018 | 9:24 p.m.