brob99's avatar


20 points

Always highly rate your stuff Daniel including the deeper dives. This format is great for knocking some rust off if, like me, you haven't played a lot recently. Looking forward to next parts.

Nov. 21, 2021 | 2:27 p.m.

Video seems to be down.
Btw always enjoy your videos, keep up the good work. Would be nice if you could do a multipart HH review in the future. That way you could expand on why you are using the lines and sizing that you do a little more.

Jan. 26, 2018 | 3:51 p.m.

Hi Seth, good work I am enjoying the series.
Can you elaborate on how you are constructing your BB 3betting ranges at different depths. My own strategy is not very sophisticated here, at anything more than reshove depth I am really polar and just 3 betting premiums and some low suited cards.
26:00 you say A9o 35bbeff vs mp is a good candidate. Why?

March 13, 2017 | 11:34 a.m.

Interesting topic. It appears my strategies are WAY off, much too passive, especially on the K22 board.
PIO is certainly not a Negreanu fan, no small-ball here.

Jan. 13, 2017 | 2:20 p.m.

Comment | brob99 commented on $1K MTT Hand History

I have to agree with Jans here I am afraid.
Ryan, if you haven't already, I'd suggest watching some of the excellent MTT content on this site from the likes of Sam Greenwood, Setherson and Sam Grafton etc to understand the level of depth and precision elite subscribers are accustomed to from the coaches. And if you read some of the comments discussing videos you will realise how adept the subscriber base that you are coaching already is (if I ever want a dose of humility I watch a Sauce video, go through the comments, and realise just how off the pace I am at NLH).

Dec. 8, 2016 | 3:23 p.m.

Jason, I ain't mad at yah for the live vid, but prefer hh reviews. Whilst great, your videos don't come around often enough, so seems a waste showing the hit-or-miss content of a live recording.
Congrats on the recent big scores.

Sept. 3, 2016 | 11 a.m.

Probably a leak in my game, I likely wouldn't be 3betting this hand as I wouldn't know how to respond to 4bet from this villain (when he is so icm handcuffed and we have no aggro history).
Thanks, I'll check the series out.

July 7, 2016 | 11:36 a.m.

You are advocating 3betting TT Btn vs (apparently tight) CO 56bb eff.
How are you continuing to a 4bet (say we make it 18k, he makes it 45k? or a large 4b jam?
And what are the stack size boundaries for each action.

July 5, 2016 | 12:09 p.m.

Though you were going to be playing every hand- what a nit!

I preferred the pace of this video to your other hh reviews that can feel a little rushed. Also really like the scenario-specific videos you have been making, please continue.

June 22, 2016 | 2:03 p.m.

Tough negotiation is good but I find purposely trying to humiliate your opponent in chat a bit distasteful.
Belittling/insulting of opponents is a regular feature of deal negotiating, and quite possibly it is +ev, but then so is snap-raising every hand when your opponent has been temporarily disconnected. Both tactics are fair game, but I do think, as individuals, we should consider if that is the way we want to conduct ourselves.

June 9, 2016 | 12:15 p.m.

Interested to see how to value bounties as you get deeper in a tournament. I know I have found myself guessing in final table spots where the bounties are large but ICM is a big factor.

I would think the 85s would be a raisecall in that scenario. You are using $1bounty=10chips, but the marginal value of a chip in your stack must be much lower than the tournament average so $1bounty must equate to >10chips?
When the bubble bursts at 54 left, the remaining prize pool will be $237,500-(54*1155)=$175130 (assuming mincash $1155). Am I right in thinking a $1bounty would now equate to 2375000/175130=13.56chips on average?
That would seem to imply a big stack such as yours should be using a value somewhat higher than this.

Oct. 27, 2015 | 4:14 p.m.

Comment | brob99 commented on $162 6-Max (part 6)

still broken. 

March 3, 2014 | 4:26 p.m.

103:30 PCA Qualifier: I'd be typically be reshoving or folding here, maybe defending some suited broadways. I was a little surprised to see the flat with 99. Can you elaborate on your reshove, flat and fold ranges in this spot please.

Nov. 27, 2013 | 2:48 p.m.

Comment | brob99 commented on PokerStars $260 KO

Nice video.

AJs hand around 10min mark: 

Can you clarify why you are 3betting larger to force Chester to jam and not 4bet small? 

I would have thought with AJs, that a smaller 3bet sizing would be better if it would allow him room to 4bet/fold his air, and give him less incentive to jam low pairs.

Oct. 27, 2013 | 3:35 p.m.

Love the live videos, keep them coming.
Re: the key AKo vs AQs hand in 109R.... at the time I believe you were 1st and 2nd in chips with 15ish left, without any battling history with the villian. How happy are you to call 45bbs with AKo there? You need about 45% disregarding ICM, but must need more in this situation(not maths-whizz enough to know how to quantify),even though you'd still have 18bb if you lost. What if stacks were reversed?
What did u estimate his range as?

ps- your idea of neat and tidy tables makes me feel really OCD!

April 30, 2013 | 12:02 p.m.

April 7, 2013 | 3:47 p.m.

brob52: raises 480000 to 660000
James240674: folds
melisse38: calls 460425 and is all-in
marquesse: raises 660000 to 1320000
bigbang2029: folds
brob52: raises 2733423 to 4053423 and is all-in
marquesse: calls 2733423

marquesse: shows [Qc Qd] (a pair of Queens)

fold =3,393,423
jam and bigstack folds = 4,092,573+ 2221275(*.63)=5,491,946
jam and bigstack calls = 6825996(*.43 ) +2221275(*.329)=3,665,978

{giving melisse38 25% opening range and never folds, giving marquesse a 4bet/calling range 99+,AKo+,AQs+}

Its clearly chip ev to 5bet jam after I have squeezed, especially when I do think he is sometimes folding
given how he has been playing.
But I am not sure how to calculate and apply icm factors to this calculation.

I 3bet without a plan. My instincts at the time were that I had to fold to the 4bet due to ICM and just concede to being exploited fairly regularly...So of course I jammed.

John, I think you are right. I can't think of a better play than 3bet folding but I still don't like it.

Feb. 26, 2013 | 6:16 p.m.

Hand History | brob99 posted in MTT: ICM final table decision.
CO: marquesse: 7429342
BN: bigbang2029: 3805190
SB: brob52: 4060923
BB: James240674: 871631
UTG: BolleKopFFR: 1418967
UTG1: tonio041972: 1011300
LJ: melisse38: 647925
HJ: frisumol: 1694722
Preflop (90000) (8 Players)
brob52 was dealt K A
BolleKopFFR folds, tonio041972 folds, melisse38 raises to 180000, frisumol folds, marquesse calls 180000, bigbang2029 calls 180000

Feb. 25, 2013 | 3:55 p.m.

Excellent video James, loved the depth of explanation, and reminded me to actually think whilst playing poker.
Re: the 66 open, you chose to open based on image/situation, so would you have made the same open w/ a wide range (anything with some equity vs 5bb stack jam A2o, K5s,22, 76s etc) or are you just expanding your opening range to include the hands just below those you would raise/call allin with?

Jan. 16, 2013 | 6:12 p.m.

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