9 points
UTG: $20.76
MP: $12.14
CO: $16.72
BN: $10.00
SB: $8.78
Jan. 11, 2018 | 4:34 p.m.
MP: $9.85
CO: $17.60
BN: $10.51
SB: $10.00
BB: $10.95 (Hero)
Rake is $0.20
Jan. 3, 2018 | 2:03 p.m.
Hey, can you tell on what type of range you are putting him here?
Flop aint he best but I think you should still be defending your QQ, he can have flushdraws or straightdraws and you dont block the spade. You are basicly looking bad just against T9 and 88. But he still has JJ-99 in his range and flushdraws and you want to get value from that.
Nothing in his range improves on the turn(he would have to call with A5s or 54s and i don't think that's very likely). What you didn't want to see OTT was a spade, OC, T, 9, 5.
Let me know what you think.
Jan. 3, 2018 | 8:19 a.m.
Depends on a lot of stuff. If you think he's on tilt for whatever reason (just lost a big pot etc.), he might be shoving any Ax, or even a random hand like Q9s.
Shortstacked gambino just joined the table and shoved first hand? Might be a good spot to call with JJ
If not he probably is doing that with Kk+,AK, and just prays that someone doesn't believe him.
Thats my general observation, if you don't see that the villain got tilted or is gambling with shoves, he will have basicly AA 90% of the time.
Jan. 3, 2018 | 8 a.m.
Could you say something more about the 94s hand at 27 minute mark.
I'm not a good player, with my skill I wouldn't ever call this hand vs CO, you do and then you flop an OESD + BDFD and you fold to an almost half PSB.
Shouldn't you try to defend this hand here, not sure what you are looking for on the flop with 94s in a spot like this?
Nov. 21, 2017 | 5:23 p.m.
stack preflop, you won't find a better way to play KK.
Aug. 20, 2017 | 10:48 a.m.
Do a review by taking all your range in this situation and see in what category TT falls into. I don't know how your range looks like here but TT is good enough for me to call, he can even bet Adxd like this and chasing his draw that you already have beat. You would have to decide what to do on the river, thats where people get really honest when it comes to their hand strength.
Aug. 20, 2017 | 10:45 a.m.
Hey Samu, thanks for the comment. It's quite obvious for me that betting the turn was a big mistake.
Thanks for advice about simplifying my strategy, I'll always try to not over complicate things.
One more thing I took notice of is the cbet frequency on this board, it's really low even if I cbet very weak holdings like backdoor straight draw
Heres the cbet strategy on this board:
The worst hand i included is the 98o with any h for the potential to hit a weak backdoor flush draw and I still didn't reach even 40% of cbet%.
Maybe it is specific for A high boards because even a hand like KK is just a second pair on such board and I wouldn't feel comfortable to cbet that hand.
I checked the range on a Jxx high flop and my frequency goes up to 41%
On this board we have some overpairs that I can comfortable cbet. The specific hands I will cbet will of course change but the weakest hands will be weak backdoor straight/flush type of hands. The frequency goes up to 41% and it still feels like it's a small cbet% as the training materials say that a balanced strategy involves cbetting 45-55% of the time.
I would like to cbet more but betting my mid strength hands seems wrong, reason behind that is that I don't want to build the pot with those hands, villain will continue with stronger range that has good equity against me and he might force me to fold by reraising.
At the same time low cbet% feels wrong because we let the villain to see many free cards and we don't apply much pressure.
Should I choose even weaker hands to cbet like the 22-33 that have a backdoor straight potential and can hit a set, dunno if a 4th pair would be any good if and villain would just check back all the streets and we would go to showdown.
Anyone has any thought about this topic?
Aug. 9, 2017 | 10:48 a.m.
MP: $7.36
CO: $5.00
BN: $3.91
SB: $6.02 (Hero)
BB: $5.00
Aug. 9, 2017 | 12:06 a.m.
SB: $10.00
BB: $21.72
UTG: $13.08
MP: $19.47
CO: $10.00
So kinda lost on the river here, population reads tell me he doesn't bluff here, but his line doesn't make much sense.
Rake is $0.11
May 28, 2017 | 3:37 p.m.
BB: $13.27
CO: $10.00
BN: $10.15
Rake is $0.45
May 27, 2017 | 5:14 p.m.
BB: $12.85
UTG: $20.46
MP: $10.15
CO: $10.94 (Hero)
BN: $11.10
My hand is very vulnerable on later streets and lots of cards will be troublesome for me, any diamond or higher card to my 5 will be a scare card, and it will be hard for me to call if villain bets. On the other hand betting might just pump the pot and I have medium strength hand that would like to keep the pot as low as possible and see showdown.
I'm taking into consideration that villain is a rec player and I probably don't have much of fold equity on such board. I go through my head will all the possible hands I might have, I consider the strength of my hand and make the best possible action.
One of the things I thinking about is betting for protection the correct way to play in certain spots when our hand is not really a bluff or value hand but still doesn't want to see the next street? I heard somewhere that 'betting for protection' is a thing of the past, so just would like to hear if that kind of play is correct.
I decided to not make the pot larger, taking into account that a rec player probably won't fold here.
Rake is $0.03
May 27, 2017 | 4:26 p.m.
from what i seen on nl5 and nl10 people dont bluff at all OTR, so you need a good reason to call river bet.
May 25, 2017 | 3:57 p.m.
You might want to think on your own and separating flops considering few factors, that's how i did it. Considering how many factors you will take into account will determine with how many flop types you will come out.
For the example ill separate cards into high/mid/low cards,
High being A-J
Just thinking about number of high/mid/low cards on the flop will give you 10 different flops.
If you take into account ithat every flop type might be rainbow, mono or 2 of a suit that will give 30 flops.
Are any of the cards connected? 60 flops.
Is the flop paired? 114 flops.
You might separate Axx flops into a different category, that will give you 180 flops.
So it really depends on you, into how much detail you want to delve.
May 20, 2017 | 6:02 p.m.
I have setup most of my stats until I have enough hands or samples of certain situations to show the stat. That way I don't draw wrong conclusions when looking at a stat.
May 20, 2017 | 4:58 p.m.
BN: $7.65 (Hero)
SB: $4.68
BB: $4.45
UTG: $19.78
Any thoughts?
May 6, 2017 | 8:37 p.m.
BB: $3.73
UTG: $4.94
MP: $5.85 (Hero)
CO: $5.08
BN: $6.36
The hand I'm holding here is not one of the best of my bluffs in this spot, I have lots of hands like Kx,Qx in diamonds, some of them really good like the Qd9d.
Question here is do we bluff all of our 'bluff hands' in spots like this, or do we check some of them back, do we checkback the hands that improve on a lot of turns, and bluff those that improve rarely or do we bluff all of your bluffs?
Something that I noticed now is that a Q on the turn doesn't really help us much, cuz any Kx will beat us now, so i"m really improving on a 7 and a spade OTT. I think this hand should have been a checkback and folded on a turn that doesn't help us.
Still would like to hear what you think about this.
MP wins $4.09
Rake is $0.18
May 6, 2017 | 1:48 p.m.
UTG: $14.31
CO: $10.67
BN: $6.15
SB: $5.31
Rake is $0.01
May 6, 2017 | 1:30 p.m.
BB: $5.00 (Hero)
UTG: $5.32
CO: $5.20
BN: $5.14
I consider the flop to be little on the wet side, even though there's two Q on the board there's a lot of possible draws on the turn so that's few reasons we should defend our hand by raising, on the other hand i don't consider my hand super strong, its more in the 'medium' category of hands so i don't think building a pot with it by raising is a good idea, if the opponent calls our bet how will we continue on later streets?
Can't argue with pot odds man. If you're getting the right price and you think you will get the rest of his money on the river if you hit one of your outs, its a good spot to call.
Jan. 3, 2018 | 8:34 a.m.