0 points
I think hurricanes analysis is spot on. Given relative positions and stack sizes. I think it is unlikely that UTG or HJ will bluff PF. I also think it is very possible BN is a lot more wide than normal. Because he knows, that UTG and HJ will not be able to come over the top with out pot comitting themselves. And he is super deep and has position on everybody.
Jan. 5, 2013 | 4:46 p.m.
After he was caught bluffing, how did he react to this?
How you guys playing big hands with each other?
Regardless, as played, I call.
How you guys playing big hands with each other?
Regardless, as played, I call.
Dec. 30, 2012 | 4:34 a.m.
I think a big problem about betting the turn here is it is difficult for both of you to rep the 5. So if he has 2 pair he might chose a XC XC line for turn and river, reading you are polarised. I also think you can get owned by other FD. Like the only FDs you want to get it in against are KQs KJs QJs J9s. There are many other FD out there, that has you beaten right now.
I think if he had an over pair on the flop, perhaps XC on his part would have been better. If that is your read, then that might be only hand type left, where it is possible you can get him to fold. Just think there are many other hand types out there, where you dont want to be betting.
It is an interesting hand, and it has made me wonder, whether I would be going for thin value with a straight or a set here, or try not to have a betting range here at all.
I think if he had an over pair on the flop, perhaps XC on his part would have been better. If that is your read, then that might be only hand type left, where it is possible you can get him to fold. Just think there are many other hand types out there, where you dont want to be betting.
It is an interesting hand, and it has made me wonder, whether I would be going for thin value with a straight or a set here, or try not to have a betting range here at all.
Dec. 26, 2012 | 6:59 p.m.
I have experimented a lot with creative betsizes on the river. Also these small amounts. Usually they play straight forward to them. Meaning they fold worse, call with weak SD value, and check raise monsters. The check raise is rare. And maybe it depends who they are playing against, so the answer for you and me maybe not same. I would like your cheap bet with a busted draw or when going for thin value, with a hand that would not be able to value from a normal sized bet, rather than with a hand, where you beat king high. You AQ high is not good enough to go for that thin value. We will call you with his weak pairs. If you wanna bluff, just shove on him.
Dec. 25, 2012 | 9:36 a.m.
I thought about it for a couple of days. I am still not sure what to think. I think for this hand I do like to mix it up. If we decide to run a bluff, possible we need to all 3 streets. Simply because many villains will be lose on the turn with a lot of combo hands. If villain is able to call down light or raise light often, then it is probably better to take a more conservative approach. Not really sure how I would like to have a XC range constructed on this board. Possible XC XF or XF. Defently many interesting ways to proceed here.
Dec. 25, 2012 | 8:59 a.m.
Thank You for being positive for my reply. All I want to say. We have an interesting spot. We should never decline to consider why the the aggressive approach could be good. I am not saying RR that turn is best. I am very much in doubt what I like, and calling could easy best in that spot. I also want to thank the others for replying, because as well as it help Phil Long understand why other people sometimes takes a line that seems weird. It also helps me understand other peoples lines.
Dec. 21, 2012 | 7:43 p.m.
Even with a faster connection here many places in Asia, rather than back home. Just to watch with out taking any notes. It can easy take 2 hours, rather than 1 hour. Whether they are not giving the speed they are promising, or we experience "holes" due to the distance, I just dont know. But the fact is sad. Glad you are hearing us. Playing is usually smooth, unless there is a big storm some where near. Last 6 month home, I disconnected more than I disconnected in Thailand. But maybe there is a buffer trick or others. But for me, part of the watching experience is to move back in the video a lot to take notes about the spots that I did not get 100%.
Dec. 21, 2012 | 1:29 p.m.
Sorry if I expressed my self not too clear. I did not pass english in school.
I am not advocating to jam the turn. I think we should not neglect to have a 3betting range in this spot. The 3betting range does not have to be only jams, it could be like CIB as well. CIB gives us great odds, and we could do this as a pure bluff or with nut/SD outs to call it off or with flushes. It puts great pressure on our opponents, especially if they are playing back at us light. And I do think it sounds like this is a good spot for villain to play back at us. Because in your first line in the thread, you say you were XR a lot during the first 20 min. I get the feeling you have been XR really wide. I think we can conclude, that villain does not know, that your range is FD heavy, because you said you had been XF a lot on the turns and continueing with equity. I think it is a lot more likely villain looks at your XR stat and sees it is insanely high.
If I was villain, and I experienced a person who XR me a ton. I would flat my monsters with position. I would probably raise a lot of turns, as well as call down light. I would look for spots to bluff raise his follow up bet. Now that we are deep, these spots starts to occur more often post flop. I would also be aware, that once my opponent continues 1 more bet, than he usually does, then I would proceed with caution.
I prefer always consider the aggressive option of continueing the hand. I know this is debateable. I know in a lot of spots, against the right opponent, calling can be way better.
You mention you are playing a match. How many tables were you playing, and for how long? How many hands have you totally played with this villain? How did you play your monsters oop on the flop, fast or slow?
In order to determine what I like on the turn. I need to know more. I need information like, how does he perceive hero. What is he expecting hero to do, calling down light, calling and then folding, has villain seen hero call with TP on flushy boards or other lose calls. I am not so much into the level of how does he think, that hero views villain, but that could be a mistake of mine. I just dont feel at the 6max 5/10 games this is the way many villains are thinking on. But I do make notes on it when I see patterns. Is he able to follow through with his bluffs? How does he adjusts to deep stack poker?
I think for now, I like to click it back with a wide range. It sucks when we have air and villain jams. But on the other hand, it also looks like we are trying to suck out on him. If I had been XR a ton to give up on the turn, and I saw a flushy turn, against a floater, then for sure I think this is a good barrel card, for dynamics and how villain likely views hero.
On the other hand, if hero had been jam happy in a lot of spots, and villain was down, then I think it is a great spot to jam for value. In that case I do not think we would behind his calling it off range.
I could be very wrong. Always, the person playing has the better feel and reads than people giving advice. I know myself, I have a unique aggressive style.
expandI am not advocating to jam the turn. I think we should not neglect to have a 3betting range in this spot. The 3betting range does not have to be only jams, it could be like CIB as well. CIB gives us great odds, and we could do this as a pure bluff or with nut/SD outs to call it off or with flushes. It puts great pressure on our opponents, especially if they are playing back at us light. And I do think it sounds like this is a good spot for villain to play back at us. Because in your first line in the thread, you say you were XR a lot during the first 20 min. I get the feeling you have been XR really wide. I think we can conclude, that villain does not know, that your range is FD heavy, because you said you had been XF a lot on the turns and continueing with equity. I think it is a lot more likely villain looks at your XR stat and sees it is insanely high.
If I was villain, and I experienced a person who XR me a ton. I would flat my monsters with position. I would probably raise a lot of turns, as well as call down light. I would look for spots to bluff raise his follow up bet. Now that we are deep, these spots starts to occur more often post flop. I would also be aware, that once my opponent continues 1 more bet, than he usually does, then I would proceed with caution.
I prefer always consider the aggressive option of continueing the hand. I know this is debateable. I know in a lot of spots, against the right opponent, calling can be way better.
You mention you are playing a match. How many tables were you playing, and for how long? How many hands have you totally played with this villain? How did you play your monsters oop on the flop, fast or slow?
In order to determine what I like on the turn. I need to know more. I need information like, how does he perceive hero. What is he expecting hero to do, calling down light, calling and then folding, has villain seen hero call with TP on flushy boards or other lose calls. I am not so much into the level of how does he think, that hero views villain, but that could be a mistake of mine. I just dont feel at the 6max 5/10 games this is the way many villains are thinking on. But I do make notes on it when I see patterns. Is he able to follow through with his bluffs? How does he adjusts to deep stack poker?
I think for now, I like to click it back with a wide range. It sucks when we have air and villain jams. But on the other hand, it also looks like we are trying to suck out on him. If I had been XR a ton to give up on the turn, and I saw a flushy turn, against a floater, then for sure I think this is a good barrel card, for dynamics and how villain likely views hero.
On the other hand, if hero had been jam happy in a lot of spots, and villain was down, then I think it is a great spot to jam for value. In that case I do not think we would behind his calling it off range.
I could be very wrong. Always, the person playing has the better feel and reads than people giving advice. I know myself, I have a unique aggressive style.
Dec. 21, 2012 | 1:05 a.m.
I also would not take it for granted, that villain is aware of all the FD is heros XR range. I mean, people tend to pay attention to the bigger pots more than the small pots. And it does sound like, the XR range is not only FDs but also has other things in it.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 4:49 p.m.
I just dont quite understand why we dont want to have a 3bet range here in this spot. I mean, people so rarely does it, so most often than not, it is super strong. So merge our strong hands with some bluffs as well. Especially being oop. If I get the numbers correct, then it is just about a little bit more than a pot sized bet left.
Also from 6max, Once they have the nut blocker, they tend to be able to call it off as light as with with TP+ hands. Now I dont have much experience 200bb deep, since those spots dont come up often. But 100-150bb deep this is super normal on 6max 5/10, Stars.
Also from 6max, Once they have the nut blocker, they tend to be able to call it off as light as with with TP+ hands. Now I dont have much experience 200bb deep, since those spots dont come up often. But 100-150bb deep this is super normal on 6max 5/10, Stars.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 4:44 p.m.
Fold as early as you can to avoid swings.
Bigger sizing also helps against the swings, because they tend to create more folds.
Also be aware, they the better EV lines you take, the easier the swings will be to accept. Because you should be winning at a higher bb/100 rate.
Bigger sizing also helps against the swings, because they tend to create more folds.
Also be aware, they the better EV lines you take, the easier the swings will be to accept. Because you should be winning at a higher bb/100 rate.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 1:31 a.m.
I am mainly a 6max player NL HE 3/6 5/10 mainly. I will be looking to move up in stakes in the new year with a healthy roll and taking shots on 10/20 when they run and maybe higher when feeling confident. I start a lot of tables, and do use table selection as well. I have 2 serious concerns about signing up.
1)Where is the high stakes 6max content for NL HE yet. I am talking about 5/10+ from players who are currently active in those games.
2) I live in Thailand and for 13 years. No downloads available means super bad quality when watching videos. I tried doing a lot of things about this in the past, but never succeeded. Possible support has a solution. But for other sites. When I watch one hour video,, then I probably spend 2 hours watching it. I take a ton of notes and replay key parts in the video. Windows media player is the best for this, and many other formats are just trash. The worst is watching it from a browser.
expandI am mainly a 6max player NL HE 3/6 5/10 mainly. I will be looking to move up in stakes in the new year with a healthy roll and taking shots on 10/20 when they run and maybe higher when feeling confident. I start a lot of tables, and do use table selection as well. I have 2 serious concerns about signing up.
1)Where is the high stakes 6max content for NL HE yet. I am talking about 5/10+ from players who are currently active in those games.
2) I live in Thailand and for 13 years. No downloads available means super bad quality when watching videos. I tried doing a lot of things about this in the past, but never succeeded. Possible support has a solution. But for other sites. When I watch one hour video,, then I probably spend 2 hours watching it. I take a ton of notes and replay key parts in the video. Windows media player is the best for this, and many other formats are just trash. The worst is watching it from a browser.
Dec. 19, 2012 | 11:25 p.m.
Load more
March 15, 2013 | 2:59 p.m.