alligatorblood's avatar


6 points

I think since you described the V1 as a bad PASSIVE reg we should just be flatting after she raises and then check calling turn. If she bets all three streets after we see the Ah you can muck your bottom two easily on the river.

Also, if three to the flop I would be betting $35-45 not $20.

July 3, 2018 | 7:19 p.m.

Hello RIO Fam,

Had an interesting spot yesterday that I lost but felt ok with my play.

Hero in CO with [6s] [5s], Villain in MP3. Two limpers then Villain raises to $20. I call and so does one other player. I have $450 and Villain has $320 at start of hand.

Flop [6d] [3s] [2d] - Checks to the Villain who bets $25. This Villain has generally just been a calling station and not shown much aggression. Check backs most hands but not all that he whiffs. I flat other player folds.

Turn [6d] [3s] [2d] [8s] - Check to the Villain who bets $50. I have $355 remaining while Villain has $225. I am now definitely putting him on a sizable over pair or possibly still nutted diamond draw [Ad] [Kd] etc. I feel like if he has TT-JJ-QQ or the nutted diamonds I can get him to lay down on a turn shove. If he has AA he calls most of the time and Kings most likely the same. I shoved and he thought for about 2 minutes then called. Villain was in for $95, pot was $438($213+my shove for his remaining $225).

I am newly back to grinding poker and honestly never really studied before. I have around 35% versus any over pairs and was very sure he was in that ball park. Is my shove correct majority of the times? What is the actual math in going into figuring out spots like these. I am terrible at math, sorry. Trying to learn more and more each day.

Oh yeah for those who were interested in the end result. River [6d] [3s] [2d] [8s] [8c] - He tabled [Ac] [As]. Not sure why he took a full 2 minutes to call while holding the [As].


July 3, 2018 | 6:46 p.m.

Thank you James!

June 24, 2018 | 6:45 a.m.

Comment | alligatorblood commented on nl200 turn EV

What about the option of raising his flop bet to $50-55 to continue our story of having a big hand(AdJx, AdAx, or AdKx with this board) and potentially getting to showdown cheaper? I like this line. You can find out a lot about his holdings. Best hands he is leading the flop into you with are Jx not including KJ, QdTd, and maybe Td9d. If we make the raise and he flats then we have really put him in an awkward spot with any flush draw since we hold the Ad. I don't see any information about the villain so less to base anything off of.

As played, any non Q or non diamond we can fold on the turn. However, any diamond turn we MUST call the $50 into $126. What else would we be calling the flop bet for? 100% call turn and puke river on any non diamond.

June 21, 2018 | 10:14 p.m.

Hi RIO fam,

I have been playing poker very casually for a good ten+ years and recently have finally decided I want to take the game serious to where I could eventually try it full time(Live Cash). My biggest issue at the moment, just joining a poker site, I don't have a fucking clue what half of the abbreviated terminology is being used on here lol! I understand all of the positions, MP UTG etc, but REALLY am lost on when I see OTT, SRP, GTO, etc. I just haven't ever used online sites for a very long time. Where can I go to understand what I am reading? What is also the best avenue to learn the math needed to help in game situations? I plan on getting a monthly subscription here if I continue to enjoy the forums, content, etc.

All help is appreciated!

Best of luck on the felt,


June 21, 2018 | 9:51 p.m.

I actually think since this guy seems to be a huge fish, as described, that a bigger raise preflop is in order. He paused but I don't get the feeling he is folding even to $90-100 preflop. Him pausing also gives me the feeling he does not have a big Ace of any sort. He raised from EP/MP w/ QJcc and blind shoved a short stack. If he had AK-Q here I don't think he would be hesitating at all with his preflop call. Worst case scenario is he called with a really weak Ax here. It feels like a KJs, QJs, or K9s type hand that he is betting. With the line you took I would be calling turn 100% of the time based on the villain and then making a decision after we see the river card. You also block both flush draws having KdKs which makes him holding the draws less likely but based on who this is I'd be calling one street at least.

June 20, 2018 | 5:13 p.m.

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