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48 points

Post | Spades posted in NLHE: Open invite to new study group

Hey guys I’ve created a discoed study group. Here’s an open invitation to you all if you want somewhere to post HH’s and review them

Feb. 26, 2020 | 9:21 p.m.

Hand History | Spades posted in NLHE: QQ on a 98793 board
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) MP: $17.29
CO: $5.12
BN: $13.93
SB: $15.29 (Hero)
BB: $10.00
UTG: $10.00
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is SB with Q Q
MP raises to $0.25, 2 folds, Hero raises to $1.00, BB folds, MP calls $0.75
Flop ($2.10) 9 7 8
Hero checks, MP bets $1.00, Hero calls $1.00
Turn ($4.10) 9 7 8 9
Hero checks, MP bets $2.56, Hero calls $2.56
River ($9.22) 9 7 8 9 3
Hero checks, MP bets $5.75

Feb. 24, 2020 | 7:11 a.m.

Comment | Spades commented on nl50 set vs aggro

I think you should be betting the turn to get value from all of his overpairs/ fd’s

Feb. 23, 2020 | 10:36 p.m.

Thanks for the reply. I was in the SB. I updated thread. How strong of hands are we checking to protect our checking range on flop? I was thinking 77 could be the top of our checking range.

Jan. 15, 2020 | 1:02 a.m.

$15 effective 10nl

HJ opens .25

Hero 3b to in sb $1.00

HJ calls.

Flop 987r

What should hero's range/bet sizing here be for checking/betting?

I'm thinking I want to bet 1/2 when I do decide to bet and my value combos be : JTs, 99-77, 98s, 87s, AA-QQ

I think it may be okay to even check AA and QQ here sometimes?

And bluffs, which were tricky to find: QTs, A5s, A4s-A2s w/ a BDFD.

I think we should be checking JJ-TT because I don't think any worse hands call.

What do you guys think? I know at these limits it's usually okay to bet with your over pairs a large portion of the time but I think this may be a spot where some balance is required.


Jan. 14, 2020 | 9:55 p.m.

I understand the hand is misplayed in the beginning. And that my hand has no equity/ good blockers to run this bluff. My main question is does the math check out on the river?

Jan. 13, 2020 | 5:33 p.m.

1/3 game, 500 cap/match the stack. Runs deep.

V is on BTN and is a competent reg, we both know each other are likely the most thinking players at the table. We’ve discussed ranges, poker training websites, both regular viewers of Bart Hanson’s crushlivepoker channel, etc.

1/3 1000 effective

2 limps to H in CO. Raise to 20 w ATo no diamond. BTN 3b to 60. Expecting him to know I’m wide here and raise his 3b frequency against me here more than average.

Folds to H, I call.

7d 5d 2c

Check check.


H checks. V bets 60. H x/r to 200. V calls.

I think the majority of V’s range here is AK. So I decide to x/r here expecting to get called a high percentage but expecting to get folds from blank rivers from AK with no diamond a very large percentage of the time. V can also have A high flushs he checked the flop with.

Turn is the 2d.

H bets $325

Here I decide to make a pretty reckless gamble on him having AKo w/o the Ad. I believe I get folds from all his besides his nut flushs.

I thought a lot about this hand and how reckless it was after I left the table. Then I got curious and decided to see the math behind. The following is what I came up with and I would appreciate if anyone could see if I am doing this correctly:

According to the break even formula for bluffs we need V to fold:

$325 / 325 + $520 = 38%

of the time to break even on our bluff.

So I went into poker cruncher and assigned his calling range as: AKdd-AJdd, A5dd-A3dd, AKo w/ Ad, AQo w/ Ad

For a total of 18 combos we lose to.

Then I thought about his folding range:

AKo w/o Ad, AQo w/o Ad for a total of 12 combos.

Then I divided 12 by the total number of hands, 30 and got 40%.

So now what at first thought felt like a suicidal bluff now seems slightly above breakeven.

What do you guys think?


Jan. 12, 2020 | 9:14 a.m.

Comment | Spades commented on NL50z KK vs unkown

What about a check otf? Villain has all the sets and we only have QQ. Also V is cold calling 3 bets pre so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he could have J9s.

Dec. 30, 2019 | 9:03 p.m.

Comment | Spades commented on NL50z QQ vs turn x/r

Check turn for the reasons you gave

Dec. 30, 2019 | 8:55 p.m.

425 effective

Hero UTG J♦️J♥️ raises 25. Utg1 calls.



Hero bets 30. Villain calls.



Hero bets 80. Villain raises 200. Hero calls.



Hero checks. Villain goes all-in 170.

Exactly 4:1


Dec. 26, 2019 | 1:27 a.m.

Comment | Spades commented on x

You are at the rock bottom of your range on the river since I doubt you’re calling a 3b preflop with T8s. I’d rather call with ATs, KTs, QTs, and JTs. QTs and JTs are probably break even but at least you block value like the other poster said.

Dec. 26, 2019 | 1:20 a.m.

Hand History | Spades posted in NLHE: AK donked into on river
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $8.41
SB: $27.33
BB: $31.03
UTG: $27.56 (Hero)
MP: $25.00
CO: $21.45
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is UTG with K A
Hero raises to $0.60, MP calls $0.60, 2 folds, SB calls $0.50, BB folds
Flop ($2.05) A 3 8
SB checks, Hero bets $0.97, MP folds, SB calls $0.97
Turn ($3.99) A 3 8 J
SB checks, Hero bets $1.88, SB calls $1.88
River ($7.75) A 3 8 J Q
SB bets $9.02, Hero

Dec. 12, 2019 | 2:38 a.m.

Does anyone know of any other RIO videos in this format? I really enjoy it.

Oct. 3, 2018 | 9:10 a.m.

Good video though I think I prefer 3 tables over 4

Sept. 30, 2018 | 10:22 p.m.

I enjoy these videos going hand by hand in the replayer!

Sept. 30, 2018 | 10:20 p.m.

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players) BN: $9.18
SB: $11.60
BB: $12.93 (Hero)
UTG: $22.89
CO: $20.60
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is BB with 9 9
2 folds, BN raises to $0.30, SB folds, Hero calls $0.20
Flop ($0.65) 7 6 5
Hero checks, BN bets $0.36, Hero raises to $1.07, BN calls $0.71
This flop hits my range pretty hard and I think I can throw 99 into my x/r range for value and protection. I think V is stabbing a lot here with broadway cardswhich I think he will fold out except for AK and maybe AQ.
Turn ($2.79) 7 6 5 3
Hero checks, BN bets $2.02, Hero calls $2.02
Not sure if I should continue betting here after I've narrowed his range down quite a bit. Perhaps I should be betting to target AK? I feel like if we bet we're only getting called by better and protection isn't as important with 1 card to come. When we check we also leave his range a little wider when he bets as opposed to him calling our bet. Now he can have some bluffs if he chose to float with overcards.
River ($6.83) 7 6 5 3 K
Hero checks, BN bets $4.90, Hero folds
I feel good about this fold. What do you guys think?
Final Pot BN wins $6.46
Rake is $0.37

Sept. 28, 2018 | 2:30 a.m.

I'm sure some people are like me who have been interested in using a solver and bought CREV which comes with GTO+

It would be nice if some coaches could incorporate it in some videos.

Sept. 27, 2018 | 7:48 a.m.

Hand History | Spades posted in NLHE: This hand is stressing me out
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) UTG: $19.13
MP: $10.82
CO: $17.38
BN: $14.20 (Hero)
SB: $10.23
BB: $11.62
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is BN with K Q
UTG folds, CO raises to $0.30, Hero raises to $0.90, 2 folds, CO calls $0.60
Flop ($1.95) 4 5 7
CO checks, Hero bets $0.60, CO raises to $2.40, Hero calls $1.80
Turn ($6.75) 4 5 7 K
CO bets $4.50, Hero calls $4.50
River ($15.75) 4 5 7 K J
CO bets $9.58 and is all in, Hero
($6.40 to call)

Sept. 20, 2018 | 12:25 a.m.

Raising ATo pre in the BB vs SB open is fine. I also think cbetting AT is fine but probably wouldn't cbet KT-QT. We're getting value from worse Tx, denying equity too his combos of KQ and T9s.

I think calling turn is fine and I don't hate calling the river either on this run out where most of his bluffs missed and we block JT and plus all the T's are different suits so he only has 1 combos of JTs and some V's would throwaway JTo pf but ofc some may call as well.

Sept. 19, 2018 | 8:12 a.m.

What is wrong 2/3 sizing on flops if we're not betting range?

Sept. 18, 2018 | 3:09 a.m.

It depends on the player. Readless I'm probably just calling since I'm assuming V's range is polarized so I'll treat my hand as a bluff catcher on dry run outs.

If Villain is an aggro fish then there's time's where GII on flop could be good. If V is tight passive then it's best to be very carefull and possibly consider folding the flop especially if it's a board where a lot of 2p's+ are possible.

Sept. 18, 2018 | 2:14 a.m.

If we are splitting our range on flops between betting and checking instead of cbetting range 1/3 pot should we ever be cbetting a split range 1/3 or always be betting bigger since our range will be more polarized?

Sept. 15, 2018 | 9:08 a.m.

Comment | Spades commented on TPTK facing 3rd barrel.

I think the board is so dry and V's line is so strong especially on the flop I think we can make an exploitative fold even with the river decreasing his set combos. He just looks insanely strong here so without reads I would probably call and hate my life when he shows 44 haha. But yeah I guess fold river.

Sept. 15, 2018 | 1:58 a.m.

Comment | Spades commented on vs Donk leads in 3BP

Definitely raise bigger pre like 4 - 4.5x being 300bbs deep to give V less implied odds to call you with small pp's and sc's. AP I think I'm raising flop and looking to get the money in vs 99-JJ

Sept. 15, 2018 | 1:52 a.m.

I agree this was a great video!

Sept. 13, 2018 | 4:02 a.m.

NL Holdem $0.1(BB)
SB ($12.18) [VPIP: 11.6% | PFR: 9.3% | AGG: 16.7% | 3-Bet: 25% | Hands: 43]
BB ($11.35) [VPIP: 15.7% | PFR: 13.6% | AGG: 45.6% | 3-Bet: 12% | Hands: 479]
UTG ($15.23) [VPIP: 9.9% | PFR: 9.2% | AGG: 25% | 3-Bet: 0% | Hands: 131]
HJ ($20.04) [VPIP: 28.7% | PFR: 21.6% | AGG: 30.6% | 3-Bet: 9.7% | Hands: 37]
CO ($21.42) [VPIP: 10% | PFR: 8.4% | AGG: 40.1% | 3-Bet: 3.6% | Hands: 2640]
HERO BTN ($10)

Dealt to Hero: Ac Qs

UTG Folds, HJ Raises To $0.25, CO Folds, HERO Raises To $0.85, SB Folds, BB Folds, HJ Calls $0.60

Hero SPR on Flop: [4.95 effective]
Flop ($1.85): Kh Ks 3c
HJ Checks, HERO Checks

Turn ($1.85): Kh Ks 3c Ah
HJ Checks, HERO Bets $1.37 (Rem. Stack: 7.78), HJ Raises To $2.89 (Rem. Stack: 16.30), HERO Calls $1.52 (Rem. Stack: 6.26)

River ($7.63): Kh Ks 3c Ah 5d
HJ Bets $16.30 (allin), HERO?


Sept. 13, 2018 | 12:14 a.m.

Hand History | Spades posted in NLHE: Bluff line 10NL
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (4 Players) SB: $10.38
BB: $16.20
CO: $12.46 (Hero)
BN: $14.68
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is CO with Q J
Hero raises to $0.25, BN raises to $1.05, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.80
Flop ($2.25) 9 T 5
Hero checks, BN bets $1.05, Hero raises to $3.15, BN calls $2.10
Turn ($8.55) 9 T 5 7
Hero bets $8.26 and is all in

Sept. 11, 2018 | 8:48 a.m.

34:36 The King hit's Doug's range extremely hard and misses Rast's range so Doug should bet this hand a ton and be unpolarized. You say we should use a small sizing because of this but then recommend a 1/2 - 3/4 pot sizing on turn. Why not 1/3?

I see pros use 1/3 a ton on flops when they're betting a large part of their range, howcome the same concept doesn't apply to turns?

My main question is: Howcome on flop 1/2 to 3/4 sizing is considered large and on turn 1/2 to 3/4 sizing isn't considered large?

Sept. 10, 2018 | 3:36 a.m.

Why is the Kd specifically the best K for Doug's range at 32:50?

Sept. 10, 2018 | 3:28 a.m.

Could you explain a bit?

Sept. 6, 2018 | 11:05 p.m.

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