Simon Novak
42 points
You mentioned on some river when we have basically bluff catcher that we count how many value hand vs bluffs villian has so that we see if the call is profitable. This is more exploitive play right? This is not how let's say GTO
works right? I mean solvers doesn't think like that? Another begginer questions I have is how you count combos? So if I have 22 that's like 6 combos or 8? :)
Sept. 25, 2023 | 9:24 p.m.
Hey I'll also join the discord channel. I'm also looking for some study budies.
Sept. 21, 2023 | 9:45 a.m.
Hey great video. Really like your though process. I noticed in hand AA vs AK villan only called your 3-bet. I often get in trouble with AK preflop, many time I 4-bet it and calls all in against AA. Any advice how to play AK preflop? Sorry for noob question. I'm only a begginer. Thank you.
Sept. 18, 2023 | 6 p.m.
Can I ask you what's the name of the trainer you are using?
Sept. 13, 2023 | 9:09 a.m.
Hey Paul really liked this video. I'm re-starting playing poker after 5 years and will try to learn differently then before. I'm just micro-stakes player now. But can I ask you about GTO wizard analysis? Do you think it's good to have it already now as a micro stakes player? Or should I wait to get to NL50, NL100 pool? Also what are your thoughts about uploading hand history in GTO wizard? I really like that option because AI shows your when you played wrong and all -ev decisions. So if I decided to go GTO Wizard I think I'd go for premium membership.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Sept. 13, 2023 | 9:04 a.m.
Great video. I've railed some stars $200 zoom and it seems tougher than here.
Sept. 11, 2023 | 2:12 p.m.
Thanks all for your answers. I always had bad BRM that's also why I tilted so much, but if I played on lowerstakes I got bored or unmotivated so it's complicated for me. I practice mindfullness now it's helped a lot for me. It's helped in that way that I don't play poker anymore =) At least during week, because I'm too tired after my job. In past I'd just go and play tired and usually I lost many Buyins this way. Now when I'm more mindfull I ask myself: How do I feel? Am I tired? Is it right time to play poker? And answer is usually Yes I'm tired, so I don't play and do other things. It's great feeling to be able to say no to poker when it's right to do so.
March 27, 2015 | 4:49 p.m.
Hi. I also have tilt problems but find myself to very near tiltlesness when I watched Tommy Angelo's series The eightfoldpath to poker enlightment on DC. Have you watched those series? But I kinda get it when I watched them for 2nd 3rd time. You should watch specially episode 2 (which is based for Goals&Targets) and episode 3 (Mindfullness).
In episode 2 he explains the difference between goals and target. Goals are something you set and reach it, and then you set yourself new goal. Targets are something you wanna hit over and over again (like throwing a little rock in a lake if you wanna them to jump on surface). And one comment which helped me a lot was Wayne's post in which he said: "going from mindset I wanna play 40k hands a month to a mindset "I wanna play this hand, this time as best as possible, saved himself a lot of emotional turmoil. Targets have no pass/future/fail but are all in present. Also in some other video he discussed that there is no losing or winning streak that it's our mind which creates an illusion that we lost/won some amount of money. If you look it at present time you'll see that you always have x - amount of money and you neither lost or win it :)
Episode 3 is all about the mindfulness. Mindfulness is intentional awareness. Training mindfulness you extract your emotional capacity and get mental thoughness. You'd never realized how many times you got angry without even realising it. Mindfulness is all about being aware of your emotions and actions at all times instead being mindlessnes or on autopilot your whole life.
There are some great videos on youtube like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz384dqU0XQ (a poker player who suffered from depression in life and tilt in poker) or this one which I'm watching right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TeWvf-nfpA
Also my friend told me about pokerplayer Boywonder (don't know if you heard of him, search him on twoplustwo). He's highstakes player and one of the first players that said how important mental game is. According to him mental game is 80%-90% of his success and 10% due to technical game and he's made like a million in poker or more... I don't know.
Being mindfull you'll need also to be aware which emotions are present when playing poker. Acording to Jared Tendler tilt is all about being angry. But what is anger? Anger is emotions that represent conflict. Conflict is between how you want poker to turn out (i wanna win 5bb/100 at NL200) and what actually happens (you run like a shit and lose 10 buyins in a session). But if you won 10bb/100 you'd never tilt because you wanted that :) So point is you tilt because you lost money. Jared Tendler cause it Hate-losing tilt. It's the same conflict if you were arguing with your brother for ex. what you'll be watching on TV. You want sport your brother movie. You'd be angry. But when you resolve problem (friend invited you to watch TV at his house) anger would be gone. Same with poker.
But if you say I wanna TRY play as best poker as I can you'd never be in conflict with yourself. I think major reason for tilt is MONEY!!! It's about how money in our society is important or about how YOU think is important. I also helped me a LOOOOT to watch some great documentaries about our society and economy like - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. There's a great intro in this movie: Grandmother tought him to play monopoly, at first he was bad didn't know how to play. Then he got better and won more money. Then he figured out how to cheat, how to beat his grandmother. He was on top of the world, he tought he sucsseded, he was on top of the world. Then know what happened?.................................................................................................................................His grandmother told him to put it all back to the box :) It's really never yours what you gain.
So my advice to you would be NEVER have monetary goals and set yourself only process oriented goals like playing this hand well as well is I can play. Maybe you'll be still losing player but you won't tilt as much. And also search like crazy for mental game... I've been searching like crazy for two years now I found many interesting things. The problem was I didn't know where to search until I found Tommy Angelo videos (for 3rd time not for 1st time I watched it), boywonder and mindfulness.
Hope this helps. Sorry for long post and mediocre English :)
March 18, 2015 | 3:33 p.m.
Thanks for your adivces Luigi. I think you're right I played poker only for money to pursue my dream to become proffesional musician. That was the main reason for tilt. I must change this mindset and try to enjoy poker more. I'm happy I'm not alone in this thing. Best wishes to you all to solve tilt issues. I worked hard last year on specially my mental game, I made a lot of progress but still need to do. If you also need some help just PM me or ask questions. I'm strong theoretically but need to put in practice.
March 12, 2015 | 3:34 p.m.
Hi. I'm new member of runitonce and I'm soooooo excited about it. It has great design, great price and great coaches. Most of them are my poker idols (like Sauce, Phil, Kylonnen...). It's so nice to be in runitonce team.
Little about me: I'm 31 years old, I'm musician (pianist, singer...) I teach music in elementary school. I've been playing chess for about 5 years and poker for 2 years. I'd say I'm decent chess player, many of my friends said I'm very talented in chess and have a lot of prospect. But in poker I honestly didn't come far as NL10 (I played some NL20 and NL50, unsucessfully) and I think It's not because of my lack of talent for poker but mostly because of my mental game, or because I set myself monetary goals which I think lead me to tilt (or subtle tilt) almost every session I played.
I read both books of Tendler, watched Tommy Angelo, listen to all podcast of Jared Tendler and I'm still confused about setting monetary goals or not. Tendler in one of his article defends result-oriented goals, Angelo says it's not good to set goals that are in future and just stay in the present and focus on playing each hand as good as possible. Also some poker players gave me advice to have monetary goals which could keep me motivated but I think it only tilt me because of this goal.
I know it's stupid to be result oriented in single hand, but I know it's logical to be result-oriented in 1.000.000 hands (or is it?). I'm also too focused on result because I don't enjoy my job that much and would like to have a lot of money and only do what I like - music. Money represent freedom to me. I care about it too much and I think that's bad if you're poker player, honestly.
My question is this: How can I detach from result? How can I achieve that I don't tilt when I lose money? What are other goals that I can set to myself that aren't monetary? How does other players solve this problem? I read once Phil Galfond's quote "No monetary goals, there's too much variance in games I play". But could variance be minimazed if you play large sample of hands?
Please help with any kind of advice. I fell I'd be a very good player if I only solve or improve my mental game. Thank you very much.
March 12, 2015 | 1:17 p.m.
Excellent video!!!
Thank for you're reply. That was great answer.
Oct. 5, 2023 | 5:08 p.m.