Monetary goals or not?

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Monetary goals or not?

Hi. I'm new member of runitonce and I'm soooooo excited about it. It has great design, great price and great coaches. Most of them are my poker idols (like Sauce, Phil, Kylonnen...). It's so nice to be in runitonce team.

Little about me: I'm 31 years old, I'm musician (pianist, singer...) I teach music in elementary school. I've been playing chess for about 5 years and poker for 2 years. I'd say I'm decent chess player, many of my friends said I'm very talented in chess and have a lot of prospect. But in poker I honestly didn't come far as NL10 (I played some NL20 and NL50, unsucessfully) and I think It's not because of my lack of talent for poker but mostly because of my mental game, or because I set myself monetary goals which I think lead me to tilt (or subtle tilt) almost every session I played.
I read both books of Tendler, watched Tommy Angelo, listen to all podcast of Jared Tendler and I'm still confused about setting monetary goals or not. Tendler in one of his article defends result-oriented goals, Angelo says it's not good to set goals that are in future and just stay in the present and focus on playing each hand as good as possible. Also some poker players gave me advice to have monetary goals which could keep me motivated but I think it only tilt me because of this goal.
I know it's stupid to be result oriented in single hand, but I know it's logical to be result-oriented in 1.000.000 hands (or is it?). I'm also too focused on result because I don't enjoy my job that much and would like to have a lot of money and only do what I like - music. Money represent freedom to me. I care about it too much and I think that's bad if you're poker player, honestly.

My question is this: How can I detach from result? How can I achieve that I don't tilt when I lose money? What are other goals that I can set to myself that aren't monetary? How does other players solve this problem? I read once Phil Galfond's quote "No monetary goals, there's too much variance in games I play". But could variance be minimazed if you play large sample of hands?

Please help with any kind of advice. I fell I'd be a very good player if I only solve or improve my mental game. Thank you very much.


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