5 points
BN: 5,580
SB: 9,079
BB: 9,110 (Hero)
UTG: 5,683
UTG+1: 4,025
MP: 3,909
MP+1: 5,045
MP+2: 1,024
Jan. 22, 2016 | 11:07 p.m.
Thanks for the input, appreciated and agree!
Jan. 22, 2016 | 9:37 p.m.
MP+1: 4,894
MP+2: 3,327
CO: 4,192 (Hero)
BN: 4,217
SB: 5,285
BB: 4,035
UTG: 5,537
UTG+1: 6,055
Jan. 22, 2016 | 9:36 p.m.
Minute 14: given stackdepth Lets say you did 3bet the Q8s pre and flop comes as it is QKx with bdfd do you cbet or check behind, and why?
Jan. 21, 2016 | 7:57 p.m.
@around minuten 28-30 when we are in the BB +- 25x ES VS 19/12 MP1 open. You say A4o if fine eitherway. How do you feel about 76o/87o/98o type of hands. Assuming al suited low(double) gappers are a call.
Jan. 21, 2016 | 5:02 p.m.
@minute +-35 Lets assume we did open our suited wheel and the flop comes as it was A27cc giving US the NFD and toppair.
Do you like to have this hand in our checkback range (22x effective stack SPR 4:1 otf (80k:320k)? If so how do you feel our check back range should look like here? QQ- KK (bet 66-JJ for protection) AT, some AJ and some total whiffs 33-44-55 QTs without backdoors? Does it even make sense to add A5s (NFD) here if we probably also add each A5s(also the one with a bdfd) here without a NFD otf, meaning our checkback range is already quite strong.
Thanks in advance
Jan. 21, 2016 | 1:28 p.m.
@KTs i like a 3bet pre (playabe hand IP), Lets say we did 3b pre (~27k, potsize OTF: 70k, SPR +- 2:1)
Do you deel we should cbet the KQ8 flop in that case. Why would/ would you not?
He can probably call 1 street w KJs,AQo,AQs, QJs,QTs, aswell as with KQo,KQs,KTs and likely fold the rest of his range. (I.e he has more Qx than Kx in his range)
Merits of pot control checking the flop bet turn and check river versus bet flop and check check? I assume in both cases we only go for one street? Or perhaps 30%, check, 30%? Or does this line also makes us too vulnerable to C/r
Jan. 21, 2016 | 12:02 p.m.
AKs spot: how do you feel about AKO in this spot (flat pre 4betjam after squueze?
What about AQo or a hand like 99-TT
JJ likely a 4betjam and flat at first no?
Jan. 21, 2016 | 11:45 a.m.
Minuten 24-25 assuming you arr the villain here with the ATs hand, would you prefer a 3bet here? Its a hand that has decent playability and dienst necessarily need to fold to 4bet. What do you think a decent 3bet range is here (99+, AQ+,AJs+ value but what hands for Bluff/ to play better in the 3betpot as opposed to flat?)
Assuming hero opens ~50% btn
Jan. 20, 2016 | 4:51 p.m.
03:00-4:00 isnt it better to fold pre here with non suites, non broadways Kx (like our K8o)
Jan. 20, 2016 | 3:24 p.m.
BB: 1,995 (Hero)
UTG: 2,875
UTG+1: 2,755
MP: 2,204
MP+1: 3,731
MP+2: 3,175
CO: 2,600
BN: 4,130
Jan. 18, 2016 | 7:45 p.m.
SB: 7,147 (Hero)
BB: 2,097
UTG: 1,442
UTG+1: 2,819
MP: 2,640
MP+1: 3,738
MP+2: 5,755
CO: 9,048
Jan. 18, 2016 | 6:07 p.m.
John how do you counter the fact that T high flops or better occur with a much higher frequency (if im not mistaken 67% of the time) as opposed to the flops where we, obviously due to inclusion of the subset of hands that perform well on9 high boards or worse, generate a higher R.
Yes we perform better on boards with more low cards but the frequency of having such a board is also much lower.
Yes you state that you are aware of this, but there must be more to that. Thanks in advance
Jan. 17, 2016 | 9:46 p.m.
UTG+1: 37,429
MP+1: 63,664
CO: 25,115
BN: 98,660
SB: 59,198
BB: 65,293 (Hero)
UTG: 75,570
Jan. 3, 2016 | 12:01 a.m.
UTG: 3,291
UTG+1: 1,731
MP: 5,703
MP+1: 5,679
MP+2: 5,521
CO: 4,042
BN: 7,945
SB: 2,945
Jan. 2, 2016 | 11:51 p.m.
MP+1: 4,398
MP+2: 47,735
CO: 60,204
BN: 127,998
SB: 21,170
BB: 37,596 (Hero)
UTG: 76,051
UTG+1: 19,861
BB wins 21,460
Jan. 2, 2016 | 10:44 p.m.
SB: 3,100
BB: 4,533
UTG: 4,808 (Hero)
UTG+1: 2,865
MP: 3,350
MP+1: 3,555
MP+2: 3,000
CO: 3,680
Long post hopefully you'll find time to answer this :)
@ Akira - Effective stacks ~ 65bb. I doubt we happily get in 77-AJ either. more likely to flat those, and 3bet (which can induce a lot of flats given stackdepth) some of the better (dominating - KQs QJs) suited broadways along with ATs (for playability he can still flat a big chunk of his Axs range, AQo+ should be fine aswell.
This would give us 8 (suited broadways), 6 (suited ATs + 50% AJs not 100% happy to call to a jam), ~about 14 combo's of playable hands where on the other side we should have
99-AA (probably 3bet 99 only ~50% of the time with intention gii) 30 value combo's in pairs
AJs-AKs (50% AJs not necessarily gii pre) 14 combo's
AQo-AK 24 combo's
If we add in some playable hands that he might flat (aforementioned KQs QJs - 8 combo's) we can possibly still add in some more of those. To make our bluff range bit stronger
Agree on suited gappers lets say we take 58s 74s T7s 97s ~still only 16 combo's
Makes me think if our value range is this wide.
Suited broadways
a) Do you like to expand it with suited broadways, as decent floppable hands just to counter our value-ish range
b) Merit vs not seeing a flop with those hands (due to 4bet and have to fold) versus initiative pre-flop ?
Another argument against this is that once we 3bet lets say QTs (instead of the stronger suited broadways) we likely fold out all his worse Tx (and Qx), excluding T9s, giving us unfavorable implied odds
Argument in favor is having initiative (although OOP), and building up a somewhat stronger 3betbluff range. Although not necessary stronger if we look at his flats
c) Up to 30bb I agree that in the majority of the time we should just flat suited broadways oop here. ~40bb likely a threshold to do something different with it (?).
In general:
How would you go about constructing the # of combo's you want to balance against your value-range. If it is this hard for us to find enough combo's against this, shouldnt we just tighten our value-range and have a stronger check range?
Jan. 23, 2016 | 12:45 p.m.