18 points
Look forward to following your progress Stekkie. May I wish you the very best.
May 9, 2017 | 5:32 p.m.
Hello guys,
Maybe Phil or one of the other coaches might be able to answer this.
Does anyone know if John Daly is still contributing to RIO? I have tried contacting him through PM but not heard anything in the past 2 weeks and the last activity I can see from him on here was back in Oct 2016.
Thank in advance,
Feb. 6, 2017 | 2:39 p.m.
Hey guys just wondering if you had any traction with this? Lots of "skype groups" kicking around but not so much with dedicated, focused players. We all know where the typical poker skype group ends up but maybe you are in the 1% and got something solid going. Let me know. Thanks.
Jan. 4, 2017 | 3:41 p.m.
Phil you did a great job articulating your points in this piece. Bravo sir! Take a bow.
Im sure you can almost feel the deep appreciation from the RIO community on what you are trying to achieve.No doubt the love and support will pour through this thread in the coming days and months. We are all behind you so please reach out for help/thoughts either publicly or privately!
Jan. 4, 2017 | 12:04 p.m.
What your pre+post session routines contain and how to prep to play your A game and in the zone in general.
Jan. 3, 2017 | 10:05 a.m.
Did you read Wim Hofs book? He is such an interesting guy. Seen his joe rogan appearances, ted talk, vice documentary etc but guess I should read this book too!
Will it mean spending time in the cold before grinding :)
Jan. 2, 2017 | 11:02 a.m.
Hey Nick is it too late to submit hands & footage for you 2017 CFP project?
The youtube content is great and I have already gained quite a lot from these videos.
Jan. 2, 2017 | 10:37 a.m.
I like to 4bet AQ vs villains calling 4bets oop but pio doesn't like to 4bet a lot ip in general so I might rethink my 4b freq ip. What software did you use for your color range charts?
Aug. 9, 2016 | 11:18 p.m.
I think folding is pretty bad. All draws miss and we are at the top of our range. We also hold blockers to AA and don't have a heart in our hand wich is good. AKh or Axh can take this line and I almost never expect sets in villains range.
Our calling range isn't going to be just sets here.
We risk $11.40 to win $27.55 on river so we need to be good at least 42% for B/E call.
July 23, 2015 | 8:34 p.m.
We don't need to win the pot very often for this to be B/E call. $1.74 / $6.98 so 25% only. I guess this will be player dependent on postflop skill on whether we can win the pot at least this much.
I think its probably close between call and fold pf. There is reverse implied odds to consider when we make a flush or straight here but I dont know how to consider this in a calculation.
Post - I dont like to continue here at all. With such little equity I think folding is always best here. I personally dont CR flop almost never. I might want a bckdr 65s or T8s type hand to CR rather than a sole weak pair as a pure bluff. Barelling this hand might be spewy
July 23, 2015 | 8:26 p.m.
Hi all,
Would like to get some thoughts and discussion going on this spot. It's a frequent spot but not an area I have given much attention to. Assume BTN 2x open 50-55% and SB 3B range is a linear 15-18% say. We are in BB.
What is our 4B value range? JJ+,AQ+?
What about bluffs? I am thinking some weaker Axs that we don't flat or off suit broadways we don't call, KQ/KJ,AT type hands?
Thoughts on sizing in general?
Hands we want to flat here?
That's all for now. Coolio + thanks!
July 23, 2015 | 8:03 p.m.
In terms of a bluff to value ratio I will use 1:1 as starting point. This is not from anywhere or anyone per say, its just seems reasonable to me and the style I play. I really feel taking into account our post flop skill will also play a part in devising a "ratio" of such.
For example: If my value is top 3% AK, JJ+ I will add close to the same amount of bluffs. This is kind of where I start when thinking about ranges vs good regs. Im comfortable adding 40 bluff combos IP. If villain is say 3 betting really wide SB vs BTN for example, I might widen my 4B value range, AQ, TT+ for example and this allows me to add some more bluffs if we are using a "ratio" when constructing our 4B range.
If villain is a good reg and defends vs 4 bets well I might go more value heavy and take some bluffs out, similar to if villains folds to much I will add some more bluffs.
April 1, 2015 | 7:50 a.m.
This will give you some good advice from not too long ago.
Jan. 23, 2015 | 7:45 a.m.
Ok thanks. I spent time today looking at the better more balanced regs a stake or 2 above me and seems I will need multiple bet sizes in lots of spots. Knew that already just don't how to balance them all lol...
I don't balance very well when I over bet turn either IP/OOP so will starting hands some hands here. River im not bluffing enough in general but neither are tonnes of regs and i imagine this is very difficult spot to play optimally and takes LOTS of time/practice. This seems to be my biggest issue along with not balancing multiple betsizes.
Best to start with some common sizes in spots for different boards?
Maybe 1/2 psb on dryer boards and maybe 3/4 psb for more textured ones.
Is the 1/3 PS cbetting that some high stakes players utilize going to trickle down this year?
Dec. 31, 2014 | 4:45 a.m.
Howdy all,
A little about me quickly as it's my first thread. I am full time 6 max player who made a consciousness decision to give Poker a far more serious commitment in 2015 than I did this year. The increasingly tougher games and general uncertainty with online Pokers liquidity in the coming years has somewhat forced me to either improve quickly and stay close to top of the learning curve or get overtaken by more regs and end up a SSNL volume player in the future.... Ughhh. I am confident I am at the right place to learn, improve and connect with other like minded players.
Anyway, I have a question about balancing ranges. Is there any spot that is "easier" to balance than others?
For example would it be easier to examine and balance an UTG open range vs MP call where we are trying to develop a polarized oop 3 barrel range compared to say: BB call vs BTN open situation? Does the fact that ranges will be wider here mean its gonna be tougher to balance in general? Should I address SRP or 3BP first?
I am familiar with the approximate ratios we should be hitting on each street which will depend on river bet size but struggle putting hands in correct ranges and just gelling lots of the theory to my game at the table.
Just looking for some high level advice on this topic to get me working in right direction or how other players went about implementing GTO concepts into their game.
Dec. 30, 2014 | 1:51 a.m.
Snap! Last few months ive become increasingly aware of balance in my play and my opponents. Lots of theory behind me but definitely struggling bringing it to the table. I think I am juggling too much theory, CREV trees, hand reviews etc and cant seem to "gel" it all together. My overall game is suffering as a result and its forced me adjust some ranges and take lines postflop that I know are correct but scary too as I wasn't previously taking an aggressive line in that particular spot before.
Regarding intuition, we need to be careful when we draw on experience from our subconscious. Many players will have incorrect knowledge/habits trained to the level of "unconscious competence" and hence have an underlying flaw in their thinking/thought process.
Bump anything to report back Von?
May 31, 2017 | 3:31 p.m.