1 points
http://www.highstakesdb.com/live-results.aspx ok last try think this is right one
March 17, 2014 | 5:25 a.m.
don't know if this will work its the link
March 17, 2014 | 5:22 a.m.
go to HSDB then click on link to live results which will goto list of last24hrs winners change it to 48hrs click on isildur1 name it will open all tables and results for 48hrs click on a table it will show hands and replays though small uncontested pot are not shown I think. they were all the 300-600 plo tables
March 17, 2014 | 5:20 a.m.
WB to tables, time for turn around good luck.
great match been watching on and off since start
March 16, 2014 | 12:28 p.m.
I forget what its called but the newer holdem manager HUD will seat you at a table you should do well at based on prev profit v players seated etc.
I would call it fish finder but you can look at the sites that sell HUD packages if you want.
me old school defending blinds reduces the oppositions desire to go for easy steal you lose a couple by defending does not mean you wont be better off in long run.
don't want to make it long and pain full for you and don't fancy being normal deff not in poker
Oct. 9, 2013 | 11:44 a.m.
sorry I will give it ago but when they get long its because I am writing while thinking I have ideas not formula ask a question that makes me think I prefer to write as it comes leaving more room for debate I am also quite a few JDs down as well but its part of my game plan unpredictability while playing honest ;)
an open forum with live chat would be great for this site don't you think?
Oct. 4, 2013 | 2:17 p.m.
sorry 2nd paragraph you state hu play my plo hu is restricted to sngs and 6 table starting with occasional side play with individual I have been playing 6 seater who I believe I can learn from so I have no place to giving my opinion though I have experience in other forms of hu and use those sort of principles, this day and age if you are new to any format there are programs that will sit opponents who have had success against you as soon as you open a table so you could be facing the tougher side of opposition with out having the opportunity to learn with others on same level I have no idea if you use hud or how long you have been playing it or plo and where but if its stars and you are new then there is the chance you are being targeted by very good hu players with those programs could be worth looking into getting the $60 program if you don't have it? any way gl
Oct. 4, 2013 | 1:53 p.m.
for me as who most would probably call a hyper agro player it depends on contestability and the basics such as stack size and how I would classify player in aggression terms but my basic is raise with 1 or more callers I have top range draws I am re raising mid range flatting and poss with low range depending on experience with other contesters and stack size...we know sm1 with 6 blinds after call who is loose is calling flop with anything and hyper agg is prob rasing.
but against one I am mixing my top range middle and you must be joking range dependant on how I classify player but am more than likely flatting against any of them just because I believe it transfers pressure as they are first to act on flop I have way more info coming my way before making my decision.
add that to the fact that when people become aware that you will defend your blinds and are not afraid to flat call monsters or make monster river bluffs to represent a draw that has been apparent from flop and at very least in my opinion it takes away value for them to attempt blind steals and leaves you more options for value showdowns when you flat high % not to mention the fact that players may chose the no value in making any move for the 6 blind pot and check to river if you don't bet giving you more insight into their betting tendency and hand range.
having said this obv with tighter players who raise and in turn make it heads up I may re raise for easy limp fold on flop or turn with a dry board obv putting them on top to mid top range pre flop draws
Oct. 4, 2013 | 1:14 p.m.
it was a very nice flop for you against agro player turn would have been a tough one too
Oct. 4, 2013 | 12:37 p.m.
don't think I would call for me it would be re raise or fold hard choice sb v bb I tend to trust my gut in these if yours said fold then right choice always leaves room for simular play for you with nuts on river and seeming tilt re raise.
that deep and position play guts my only choice
Oct. 4, 2013 | 12:35 p.m.
i have only recently started looking into the recording stats and sessions ( duration / win % / loss % # hands etc) as my start was prob same as most tourney and sng and my main focus was to do with that side of the game.
i am very new to the terminology so things like 5bb/100 is something im going to be looking up this week end which prob sounds stupid from sm1 who has played on line for ? 6- 8 years ?
but i can tell you that when multi tabling more than 3 i was making the mistake of rr river etc on table i had been caught out in quite a few bluffs and being too agg on tables with people who were more wary of me after seeing some good showdown wins... that's why i like deep and max 4 tables if playing this way more attention to detail less maths my standard is 3 with 2 beginning of session and quite often 2 till end.
i can remember where and when and with same opponents on other tables mix it accordingly (smtimes ;) )
my prev experience with cash was mainly fixed limit and a bit of plo8 fixed obv being more math and value based and much simpler to multi table though in the long run for me unstimulating.
my move to plo started with full ring and way to passive more tourney style expecting people to just pay me not giving enough respect for differing styles etc the move to short being way to aggressive with all the standard draws early giving more experienced players way too much value to fold in so many multi way flop all ins or deff implied odds with turn all ins almost 100% kinda irritated me started thinking i was being bad beaten all the time because i wasn't thinking enough about more intermediate basics like lose two of 4 4 ways you still winning.
when i went away and back to basics ( game wise ) to replenish my chips i guess i started playing with this idea a lot more unfortunately life commitments have left me with no where near the time i like to play or in mental state at end of day it would be stupid to play higher so for the past 12 months i have prob played less than 20% of previous years.
i do not play this way all the time but a lot of the time i like to have diff sessions but i do seem to be having at least 3 winning to one losing session and prob better last few months though ive had more days with a couple of hours so maybe the short sessions more frequently has a lot to do with it.
i waffle quite a bit don't i?
i find if i start of loose like this and get sm big pots str8 off the bat i can continue a far more agg session in this manner with obv mixing of styles but yes way more non show down wins ...and if i start of losing the table can quite often become way more manic with those not used to my style all playing more agg and making a very enjoyable table with far bigger show down value more so when they don't notice the tightening and continue playing more agg when im in a purple patch assuming im still going for loose draws if im sitting with 4 buy ins or more.
i think a key element in my recent apparent success is % of players i have a lot of history with on table % of players playing too many tables to be sitting at ones we are on if they are just using the math side of game.as well as basics like seating (a lot of reg 6 or more table players seem to leave when i join after a round or so) i love it when i have an agg opponent opp me i have history with and 4 no play experience with in between us as we are both going to do well by end of session or one very well as our styles often seem to compliment each others even when one does significantly better than the other. eg played smone very agg seated opp he prob won 80% of showdown against me and got a hell of a lot of folds on river from me but i still left a winner no doubt because others did not know how much history we had. very enjoyable game but 2 hours for rake and about 2 blinds :) so i guess a lot would not call that value time... he ran hot it was bb central honest ;)
the short stacking with newbies helps? stars is good because min buy in is not 50% so i like the option to play so loose of the bat lose 2-3 all ins then buy in full win one in a hu hand and be even with a big stack (as im not a player who hits and runs) gives the options to chop and change styles and keep people guessing i hope.
i also think this style works due to the % of transition players in 10-25c 25-50c (way more 10-25c) who are very solid and not so used to the differing overall player base transition from 5c10c with so many wanting to jam on flop to people who will flat call then throw out a 3 buy in bluff on river on occasion for eg.
i thinking what im working with along the fixed limit looseness with attention more to showdown value may do ok in the 10-25c and 25-50 ish but from what i can see higher its going to be massive up and down swings if i am lucky way to many theory based players and people with tons more experience than me.
any way like i said plo short im new ish and i have no idea how much is running higher than ev or player perception that will change and get me caught out in long run but i am very much enjoying my sessions which is my main aim while not using my own money and at least slowly building which no doubt helps with the enjoyment factor.
its Friday ive had a few and am off to play so apologise for waffle and bad formatting just trying to formulate ideas and gain inspiration and information from those with way more experience so im attempting to give as much info in regard to my thought proses for maximum feed back
Oct. 4, 2013 | 9:31 a.m.
not sure if its what I had in mind as topic related but I play on various sites stars is main and the session in op was up 4.2 buy ins but though I said my agg level was prob 8% ish less im not sure if that's accurate as I stated I have not been paying attention to these sort of stats b4 it felt like about my ave game play but I did start off very well with diff play styles which in turn prob led to slightly less aggression focused my way in blinds things like that.
its not that session that is on my mind more the ideas and thought process with diff levels of aggression and also changes people make dependant on stake as well as the concepts I tried to address in above.
Oct. 2, 2013 | 9:49 a.m.
thanks I should have got more hand stats info before I posted it was bad judgment call by me and I didn't explain my self very well in first post for a combination of reason including im not quite sure what im trying to work out yet. I have next to no other stat info like in first post as I have only been looking into recording these things for a couple of weeks and did not have any of the others to hand. usual method of review for me is hand replay of sessions etc.
I chose aggressive tables for 2 main reasons 1. my main goal in poker is to enjoy my self without using my own money
2 I can mix my play even when I feel for more thought provoking ( tourney ? style play perhaps? ) I can join as all me tightening is going to do is mess with there preconception (I hope ;) )
3 value ok 3 main reasons
obv I would like to enjoy poker and make money but after trying the 8 tabling and years ago tourneys I found I no longer enjoyed playing grind I can do but don't want to.
tourneys taught me something in the sense that I had rather good stats at one point so found on quite a few occasions when playing tighter I did not get much actions bar pre flop or flop all in probably because of preconception so I would make bad plays with minimum chip loss so people were able to to look back at hand see bad play and in turn loosen up table. if this worked I don't know but it felt like it did so I worked with it.
aggressive tables I find have value in more frequent calls for the same sort of reasons fixed limit does so I like the options this provides ie much more enjoyable game and increased chance of big pay out on show down.
also in terms of preconception fluctuating hand ranges drastically and frequently eg flat calling a standard value hand such as aa k q double suit and raising 2-2-7-3 rainbow etc will make it harder for opposition to gauge my hand ranges and betting frequency and with the number of multi tabling strong regs these days who use hud and applied math theory or ev ( not good with these terms of poker though I have been playing for quite a long time, not plo ) bringing in more randomness and the need for more thought will at least make the game more enjoyable for me.
i have no prob with standard aggressive / hyper agg play pressure pressure 4 way pre all in flop but enjoy play to river which I find can increase pressure for obv reasons (hence the flat calls and wide ranges for more info coming my way with bet sizing timing etc)
so I guess im trying to gauge what people consider loose/aggressive/maniac and work out how to make hud use against me as difficult as possible and have longer sessions with same players while on static (non zoom tables)
i seem to be doing well with 10-25c and 25-50c ok obv imo the maniac loose is destined to fail at lower levels for many reasons including the increased chance of my river check pot re raise with air trying( to rep the str8 or flush that has turned up on river after timing and flatting) being called by AA no other draw pre or flop while barrelling at me all the way.
I am not intending to imply I have winning game strategy or am great my sole intent is to gauge things like excepted levels of aggression / pre conception / differing agg v stake and as much as I can really so I can work on an idea that at the very least will bring me enjoyment.
I am kind of new to plo short by a lot of peoples standards but not to poker and game play.
oh and short stacking is only something I tend to mess with on tables with players I have no notes on or high % of players no prev game play with as I hope to represent overly lose novice (which perhaps I am) who is scared to lose a lot then tilted dummy who has lost and come back full stack in an attempt to win it all back which will work in my favour or not at times.'
as a whole I prefer deep play full stack I just don't like tables that close after one all in won or lost.
as I said just ideas I am working with and not always I have no prob playing more standard ? game with others who like aggressive play and do so quite frequently along with passive agg and more solid tighter play depending mostly on mood.
so yep still don't know what im asking or hoping to find out mostly just reading here absorbing as much as poss.
Oct. 2, 2013 | 8:38 a.m.
get a life start something go for points then come with this?
can you not read the post above yours?
im here about poker you kids keep your rubbish to yourself go away no more responding to trolls not worth the time waste your if you want or get a job so you can play poker not spend hours in a forum trying to make the equive of $2.50 per week.
or pm me your handle we can set up a hu game of your choice set nu hands etc if your not broke of course.
if not bye
Sept. 30, 2013 | 9:03 a.m.
funny you apologise here and send me childish troll pm do you lack the funds to but the vids? do you plan on regurgitating others ideas in an attempt to gain enough hearts to get a free month?
please don't waste my time and don't pm me any more childish rubbish play poker or go talk stuff to do with poker
Sept. 30, 2013 | 6:36 a.m.
the second reply was far more helpful thanks.
could not find my other notes as I have only just started recording games stats so I was fairly lazy with the post my bad.
I do fine 10-25 25-50 I will work on the rest but thanks for the second more elaborate response I will try and gauge overall aggression standards at the higher stakes by playing and watching
Sept. 30, 2013 | 6:31 a.m.
nice tom.
you don't both reading full post and assume a lot tipical overinflated child no doubt playing with dads poket money.
you could have asked why so many calls or just about anything did it occur to your small mind a may have been having my blinds just called a lot too?
the chances of me spending money for the vids on this site has gone from about 72% -about 3% well done pro play rude arrogant brat
Sept. 28, 2013 | 3:47 a.m.
yes that's what the stake v agg level bit at end of op was about.
I chose agg tables but obv not always and calling pre does not mean im continuing and those stats were above my norm agg.
I couldn't make up my mind about the higher buy ins was not sure if I should be tightening my range and only calling the loose draws pre when value or just limp raise.
the fact I have history with so many players on my ave buy in range helps a lot but was worried that maybe I was playing to tight higher where I am obv going to be tested by all the regs seems a lot of 3 way flop all ins 1-2 and some rather loose ones cant get away with flat calls with 3-4 in pot on flop and pots that give such value.
don't mind tables less agg with more standard play but my lack of experience at the larger stakes is my problem the level of aggression increases when I sit with people I have no history with and I play much more standard? tighter plo how aggressive or calling stats as an average is what im trying to work out better players more maths and aggression don't want to become too tight and don't want to be a calling station who folds flop any time 2 or more are looking committed
Sept. 27, 2013 | 11:03 p.m.
probably should have mentioned there were some regs I have history with on those tables or that I like deep ante aggressive tables and that I had won a few hands straight by flat calling with pause for timing then rr river and getting payed.
probably should have mentioned I am up over all too
I also didn't know poker was just about the hand I have I thought what the opposition think I have.
If some on flats my blind or limps it I am calling if 3 are in pot with a smallish call for me to see flop then im calling for pot odds.
I am guessing I must be a lucky fish then who is blessed with bad players on the ante tables or agg tables I chose because to date this year I am up overall and have more winning sessions than losing.
I had been playing with an idea which involves min buy in when very agg table and players I don't have history with and starting v loose then re buying max and mimicking play but instantly tightening range slightly to give false indication of tilt then mixing between supper agro and flat calling depending on my hand range.
I like aggressive tables using fixed limit implied odds and basic rules for value when the math means I can lose just over 60% of showdowns but still by up end of session.
I don't make every hand an all in pre or on flop in plo I save my barrels for the river more often than not.
but thanks for your insightful feed back great help.
Sept. 27, 2013 | 10:04 p.m.
am I overly aggressive ?
I tend to have more winning sessions than losing but my losing ones often hurt im up but mostly just end up with rake back value and not much more.
my min unless drinking or just passing time is 10-25c plo short pref ante though ive been a bit slack with those tables to date this year.
played a little session and am going back just 2 tables as other site too and these stats are slightly though only slightly higher than norm (% wise) as I had a bit of run good....but would this class me as overly agg / maniac or about the right amount?
247 hands
saw flop 35/41 bb 85%
33/44 sb 75%
79/162 other 48%
total 147/247 59%
show down 28/58 48%
with out 53
I have been paying more attention to the stats rec and I prob have a 75% ave bb and 70% sm and fewer show down wins and a slightly higher other poss % played.
been playing awhile but plo only 2-3 years and mostly sng and tourney player pre 2012 with ok results cash transition cost some profit but I seem to be having more success so would appreciate some input in regard to my aggression level thanks.
oh and 10-25 25-50c I play more agg than 50-$1 and 1-2 prob take off ave of 8% ? unless I find agg table obv should I be keeping it the same? I seem to just break even higher or drop a % of my rake over the month
Sept. 27, 2013 | 12:24 p.m.
im in Australia its 7pm my time and 5am et according to stars.
I play stars and a few others but am not in norm 9-5 so at the moment I get back about 3pm so 1am et.
I like to have stars as my main with one other for when I feel like giving them no rake and another for drunk play (deposit restrictions etc) tilts my drunk play where can I go for 2nd main?
I like to play between 2am et and 8am et weekdays.
usual game cash plo min 10c-25c up to $1-$2 depending on how much slots and other dumb gambling has taken from me.
where can I get cash plo tables at that time between those hours weekdays please?
wont use tilt as 2nd now stars have both just a personal thing id settle for fixed limit tables cash and sit n goes anything but nl holdem.
bring back the yanks fast please and don't ban the Russians or I will have to get a new job night shift
and sorry about result Phil do a ben and take it all back. after sm time off going for victor on his A game at least you will get action from him. you of all people ,I am sure none of us doubt, will have the mental composure and ability to bounce back from this and come out on top.
good luck
March 17, 2014 | 5:31 a.m.