aggression level v stake

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aggression level v stake

am I overly aggressive ?

I tend to have more winning sessions than losing but my losing ones often hurt im up but mostly just end up with rake back value and not much more.

my min unless drinking or just passing time is 10-25c plo short pref ante though ive been a bit slack with those tables to date this year.

played a little session and am going back just 2 tables as other site too and these stats are slightly though only slightly higher than norm (% wise) as I had a bit of run good....but would this class me as overly agg / maniac or about the right amount?

247 hands

saw flop 35/41 bb 85%

33/44 sb 75%

79/162 other 48%

total 147/247 59%

show down 28/58 48%

with out 53

I have been paying more attention to the stats rec and I prob have a 75% ave bb and 70% sm and fewer show down wins and a slightly higher other poss % played.

been playing awhile but plo only 2-3 years and mostly sng and tourney player pre 2012 with ok results cash transition cost some profit but I seem to be having more success so would appreciate some input in regard to my aggression level thanks.

oh and 10-25 25-50c I play more agg than 50-$1 and 1-2  prob take off ave of 8% ? unless I find agg table obv should I be keeping it the same? I seem to just break even higher or drop a % of my rake over the month


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