MumsPengar123's avatar


2 points

Im curius, how do we count how big our edge is? "But in this field, with my edge"

Jan. 13, 2013 | 9:20 p.m.

" Its all about table image and dynamics."
-This can be tough while playing many tables, mtt regulars usally have moore then 8tables running. Isnt it better to have shoveranges with certain bb:s and rf/rc ranges?
Easy to level youreself otherwise.

Dec. 25, 2012 | 4:12 p.m.

I would do opposite in booth spots. Would minraise AK and jam 66.
But like the 66 open moore then the AK jam I think..
"So if I have I hand like pocket fives I'm going to want to go all in."
And btw dont think 55 is a profitable shove utg with 18bb.

Dec. 23, 2012 | 2:12 p.m.

"So clearly me and the other 2 guys have a huge edge on him."
Sure about this? :O
About the hand, celebrate when he 3bets and jam profitable.

Dec. 20, 2012 | 2:43 p.m.

Call-flip-win. Which site is it btw?

Dec. 18, 2012 | 12:05 p.m.

Hi, got bit intresting this hand =) First it seemed std but I have to say I agree to rr flop beacuase I think we can have quite of lot semibluffs here aswell so our range will fit good. But the most thing I wondered is about the turn? Why are you rereaising this turn? After flat flop I would def go for flat on turn aswell, here we just seems to faceup.

Dec. 16, 2012 | 1:37 p.m.

In my case it mainly is cause I have to go from 25tabling to 18ish tabling which I believe will loose me $ but ofc cant back that statement. But maybe can learn play moore tables with hud aswell. Will def try.

Dec. 16, 2012 | 12:14 a.m.

Comment | MumsPengar123 commented on 4b rejam spot?
Im def jamming this, think im jamming A5s+ k10s+ 22+

Dec. 16, 2012 | 12:11 a.m.

Lol trobbx is legend. Hes a great player, bitbitbit to spazzy many times. I would go for c/c c/c c/c and bust him =D

Dec. 15, 2012 | 2:48 a.m.

I would openfold without feeling bad about it. Its a finaltable with tough fi:s that prob can put us in difficult spots and the temptation to jam over a min3bet is tougher then just openfiolding =)
No but with ICM factors and this ft with this stack I would just openfold and find moore profitable spots.

Dec. 15, 2012 | 2:45 a.m.

Personally im using huds depending on my results, fishy I know. But ive tried booth with and without and playing 25-30mtts at once and sometimes the figures is disturbing. Actually dont think hud is that important, ofc for cashgame players but not in same weight for mttplayers imo.
But how is it comparable playing with and without? Have to have huge volume of booth to say which one is best.

Dec. 15, 2012 | 2:16 a.m.

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