Jonathan Wieben's avatar

Jonathan Wieben

0 points

If you are better at short stack play, late reging seems fine and I dont see any problems by doing that.
But if you end up playing from the beginning, I would recommend playing fairly tight and then loose up your game once the antes kick in.

I prefer to just late reg the regular tourneys, because I think the early stages are just not worth my time/attention, especially when Im multitabling. But I choose to play the 6-max tourneys from the beginning, because I think I have a better edge and can exploit my opponents better at 6-max, making it worth my time.

Aug. 26, 2015 | 5:26 p.m.

I guess you are right, thanks. :)

Aug. 26, 2015 | 2:53 p.m.

So I probably overvalued my draw/made hand on all streets. Classic PLO-fish-move I guess.
Anyway, thanks for your oppinion, seems legit. :)

Aug. 26, 2015 | 2:52 p.m.

Hey, I would appreciate some help from you guys on a hand i played yesterday,
we are playing a homegame with friends with 5ct/10ct blinds. We mostly play NLH, but sometimes play some hands of PLO. So noone is really competent at that game. Anyway, this happens:

Information on Villian: thinkings player, doesnt overvalue hands, never bluffs, likes to call/draw

UTG folds
UTG+1 opens to 0,30
MP calls
HJ (Hero) call with 8743o
D (Villian) calls
SB fold
BB call


4-way to the Flop: 5 6 6 (no fd)

UTG+1 checks
MP checks
HJ (Hero) bet 0,80
D calls
Rest folds

FLOP POT: 3,15

HU to the Turn: 5 6 6 3 (no fd)

Hero bets 2
Villian calls

TURN POT: 7,15

HU to the River: 5 6 6 3 8

Hero (4 behind) ...

Question: How did I play this hand? Thought process: On flop, I wanted to take controll of the pot with my moster straightdraw on this dry flop. When Villian calls, I think he has a lot of 5x, some straight draws, which I block, maybe a 6 with an overpair. When I turn the Nut-Straight, i bet for value, hoping to get called by a random 5 or a Pair + straight draw kinda hand. When Villian calls here I put him on a good 5 or a boat, because I think he wouldnt do that with weaker hands. Now on the River I am not sure what to do to: Its hard to get called by worst, but it sucks to check fold, doesnt it?

Any oppinions on my play and the river spot?


Aug. 25, 2015 | 6:50 p.m.

Hey Owen, love the video.
Your Indroduction was really heplfull and had some really good tips in it. I, as a MS-Player, sometimes do stuff, which would only work against thinking players, where as most of my opponent aren't like that. You just made me remember, that I should stop doing that. Thanks. :)

Aug. 25, 2015 | 12:26 p.m.

Remember you can speed it up in the Player-Settings. I listen to it at 1.25x Speed and i quite like it.

July 25, 2015 | 7:05 p.m.

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