Jacob Smith
2 points
Yeah those points make sense to me I do the same. Would you say you keep your bluff cbets in 3/4b pots on the smaller side majority of the time?
Jan. 4, 2013 | 7:08 p.m.
In tournaments im curious as to what sizing other players are using when cbetting flops in 3bet/4bet pots. What i mean is if your sizing of your cbet is different from a regular opened pot when the pot has been 3 or 4 bet. For example Blinds 1/200 you open to 600 and get both blinds to call Pot:$1800 check to you your cbetting 2/3 so your cbet is 1200 now how about in a 3bet pot obviously situation dependent player dependent etc etc im not trying to get in that deep with my question but are you cbetting roughly the same % of the pot as you are in non 3bet/4bet pots? This is a tough one for me to explain but i really think its an interesting question. why why not etc etc let me hear it!
Jan. 4, 2013 | 8:41 a.m.
Yeah I agree I'm not saying its kq or or nothing it's just hard to put him on a hand that truly makes sense wouldn't u agree? With the line he took
Jan. 3, 2013 | 2:02 a.m.
Ps he's 400 bb's deep
Jan. 2, 2013 | 8:52 a.m.
Is it that awful to flat a 3b from the blinds with kq? What is a tag supposed to do fold it? Surely not 4bet it. I 3bet a loose opener my range is wide I'm cbetting 80% of the time on this flop with any 2 cards it's not horrible to peel one off? U think he's supposed to just fold cuz I bet and he missed lol I don't know if people still play that abc
Jan. 2, 2013 | 8:51 a.m.
Well for starters I lead the turn I don't check raise it. I feel like a good player might check behind on the turn with a flush draw rather than bet the pot. He's more likely to have floated the flop bet with any 2 overs just bcuz he's in position and you just bet the pot on a paired board. He can have 45 or maybe a gutshot hand with an ace of hearts. Any two overs that could have a jack in it he could play those hands this way. The river I'm pretty sure you should lead u just check raised the turn why would u check the river. Checking says the heart scared you please bluff this card leading says the heart doesn't scare me. I like leading and reacting here better than check folding or check calling.
Jan. 2, 2013 | 7:31 a.m.
Yeah I'm not sure if the sizing is how I got into this spot. If he will cold call a 3bet of 65$ I'm sure 75$ would get a call as well? I'm always very active but I don't normally have to show down junk so I get respect from players. I wonder if there is anyway he can do this with a pair+gutshot draw kj qj q10 aq etc. I mean I am the type to three barrel and I am also the type to lay down tons of hands to his ship.
Jan. 1, 2013 | 9:45 p.m.
Well I don't see how my sizing can be too small there isn't a single hand I can get max value from that would make sense. We are deep why not check raise the flop with a smaller set I mean I bet a little less than 2/3 . And where can I bet bigger? I 3bet smallish for te opener to spazz out for me. Why pot the flop with top set on a inside straight draw board only ??
Jan. 1, 2013 | 12:25 a.m.
deep game Blinds 2/3 there is a straddle this hand one fold loose player opens to 24 folds to me in c/o i 3bet to $65 with AA i have about $920 behind button folds small blind insta cold calls he has about $1200 behind hes a pretty tagish player bb folds straddler and opener muck heads up to the flop.
FLOP : Ad 10h 4c
he checks i bet $95 he calls
he checks i bet $200 he tank ships it.
IMO its KQ or nothing here, I mean to flat my 3bet and check call get there on the turn it seems like just a bad beat story for it to be possible but i dont see what other hand he can have to take this line? Maybe 1010? would be a terrible line for AJ , could be JJ but why ship now
expandFLOP : Ad 10h 4c
he checks i bet $95 he calls
he checks i bet $200 he tank ships it.
IMO its KQ or nothing here, I mean to flat my 3bet and check call get there on the turn it seems like just a bad beat story for it to be possible but i dont see what other hand he can have to take this line? Maybe 1010? would be a terrible line for AJ , could be JJ but why ship now
Dec. 31, 2012 | 10:21 a.m.
i agree grayson i think my raise pre was very smallish i probably deserved to get shipped on lol but are you ever folding? in this spot same player same read / situation etc simply to avoid a flip?
Dec. 31, 2012 | 10:02 a.m.
so justin you never fold the best hand while playing? my read is spot on and i was 100% i was ahead but this early in the tournament is it really the best play to call(0fe) to enter a flipping situation? thats my question
Dec. 27, 2012 | 1:57 a.m.
In this exact spot the example I've given do u call all day long? Never folding?
Dec. 26, 2012 | 8:55 a.m.
$225 LA poker open 100k guarantee ended up being 300+k prize pool. 7500 starting stack blinds were 75/150 utg and the next 2 players after him and the cutoff also limp. I'm in the bb with about 8900 I raise to 700 total with 1010 utg flats fold fold cutoff ships 7k... Doesn't make sense. That's my question his story doesn't add up but it's a lot to call and early on. Havent played too much vs him but i feel like hes the usual LA reg that feels they play at a high level but are actually quite terrible. My read / his line tell me that he never has a hand here that has my 1010 beat. I figure the hands i have crushed under pairs and random spazz hands im a 70/80% fave and if he has 2 overs im about 50/50 which leaves me with 20-30%+equity. My concern is im calling off a ton of my stack in the 3rd level of the tournament. I know i have the best hand but im still not sure what the right play is. Should i have played the hand differently, do u call or fold here(why/whynot) this spot isnt anything spectacular but it really got to me. Please any comments let me have it!
Dec. 26, 2012 | 6:27 a.m.
I personally never late reg. for any tournament simply because your putting yourself at a disatvantage chip wise most of the time. Entering the tournament instead of at the starting point where stacks are eqaul but now guys are going to have tons of chips already. They say you cant win a tournament in the early stages anyways so playing to get a big stack in the early levels in a reckless(gambling) way isnt really a good idea imo. MTT's are for grinding so you should be willing to sit at the table or laptop all day before entering lol.
Dec. 16, 2012 | 12:15 a.m.
Thanks makes sense I have my own general idea but it's good to hear some outside input I appreciate it!
Dec. 13, 2012 | 3:07 a.m.
Thanks. Any blatant spots come to mind when you think of this topic? Or not neccesarily spots but concepts when referring to my original question?
Dec. 12, 2012 | 5:52 a.m.
I sometimes find myself questioning my play in certain spots where the fact that i have an edge on the field or player has an effect on my decision. Im wondering how much ''your edge on the field/player'' should influence your decisions. Maybe my question isnt as clear as i need it to be but hopefully someone knows where i am coming from!
Dec. 12, 2012 | 4:58 a.m.
Load more
Jan. 5, 2013 | 6:26 p.m.