How much value is there in amassing a big stack early on?

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How much value is there in amassing a big stack early on?

I'm not a full time MTT player [I'm not even a full time plo player lol], and whenever I play an MTT I tend to late reg at the last minute and try and get the chip lead or bust very early on. Just wanted to know from some people who are knowledgeable on this, is sacrificing some chip EV to try and get a big stack okay to do, and how much value do we lose from missing the poor players who bust in the early stages of a tournament? like say, early on I am very happy to get it in with ~40% just so I can double up or bust, partly from a time perspective, as my hourly is a lot higher doing this than playing multiple hours just to bubble/mincash, but also because I feel my EV in a tournament is a lot higher when I have the table covered and can steal a lot/run people over. Where do we draw the line on this sort of thing, and what are peoples personal preferences on this subject?

Any thoughts/advice on this would be appreciated, cheers

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