0 points
I can't see any hand on villain value range with this line. Most of missed bet/call flop. Seems like random, sd value into bluff, or a flopped set wrong played.
I would call.
Aug. 31, 2014 | 10:34 p.m.
1. 4bet and 4bet range is not the same.
2. You have about 11 samples of 4bet? Why don't you try to guess his 4bet range in this spot. Worst hand he is pushing is 99 if BTN is fish and you are a good player who SQZ/fold on this spot. If you sqz/fold so much he could push 22+ and about AQo+ ATs+ .If youre nit, worst hand he is pushing is JJ (and crying).
3. I would SQZ/fold or CC. SQZ/call is EV-.
Feb. 25, 2014 | 2:50 a.m.
Nothing. The point is: Do you expect any bluff? If not, you can play exploitable. Do you expect any worst and? I expect the worst hand is KQ (that you are blocking), probably a good player KJ.
Feb. 24, 2014 | 4:45 a.m.
I think you can fold your toprange. Your range is face up and I dont expect any bluff from this player at river.
Feb. 24, 2014 | 3:35 a.m.
How many bluffs do we have if pushing river?
I prefer x/c if villian is able to turn sd value into bluff with cards like JT QT.
Even our check is weaker than our push so he could try to push some double pairs.
Feb. 20, 2014 | 11:32 p.m.
3bet pre
Feb. 19, 2014 | 4:51 p.m.
This kind of aggro players just could be thinking on your range. You never have AJ and shouldn't have Qx (bet turn). This by one side.
What's you valuebetting range on river? KJ (dont you 3bet?) J9 (arent you raising sometimes flop? betting turn vs missed?) Would you bet K9 for value?
So your betcall river (without info) is only J9 in case that you are SOOOOO passive player IP SBvBB that never raise flop and semibluff turn vs missed.
Your range:
bluff: 78, 89, J8,
value: Kx J9
checkbehind: 6x Tx
The question is: does villain seems the kind of guy who could expand his checkraise on this spot when your range is thin valuebetting/bluffing?
Villain range is like K high, Jx, Ax and flush.
Sept. 3, 2014 | 1:54 a.m.