MGuess's avatar


1 points

What a timely post, I just played my first heads up match - two tables PLO25. Our match lasted just over an hour and a half And I had so much fun playing it! I found it much more of sports-like competitive vibe than traditional 6 max play and I love a challenge and competition ;) Match started very bad initially started being down 4 Bi's real early. But fought back and ended in profit :)

Some interesting/fun topics to cover imo for HU PLO play could be. 

- Building reputable 4 Betting and 5 betting ranges when stacks start getting deep. 
-Opponents perception of your play style and how too utilize it best to your advantage. 
- When and how too take nonstandard lines to your game. 
- Raising turns Ip/oop :)
- Game Dynamic/Metta Game: When playing lengthy sessions (ex. Bttech and Isilidur daily battles) and frequent opponents. Even at lower stakes.

May 26, 2013 | 5:27 a.m.

Comment | MGuess commented on University- what do?
Great ^^^^^^^^

April 7, 2013 | 3:20 a.m.

Comment | MGuess commented on University- what do?
Education will never hinder a persons life and you will never regret having opted for the best education for yourself. But theres something to be said about education through experience. Without a little risk in life how can you expect to live it fully :) Some of the most influencial and most successful people in the world dropped out of University some even high school and went on to become GREAT (Bill gates, Shawn Carter -JayZ-)

I've also read Phil's Blog (posted above) about this topic and found it very moving. Having finished two years of University myself, I would agree the social aspect is the part you would regret the most ( assuming you are an extrovert and enjoy that) if you were to leave now, because it really is the best times of my life (22 yrs) But with proper balance in your life I think it can be made up. You have the brains and intellectual capacity to be successful at WHATEVER you decide to do in life... Take a shot if you really want to :)

April 4, 2013 | 2:35 a.m.

Awesome, I'm in the midsts of studying through Elements of Poker. I'm in the beginning stages to take the journey of becoming a professional, trying to implement a sound building foundation from the bottom up. Lol but I guess like you I'm also a fish out of water in terms of finance management :P I agree though, I think Sound BRM fundamentals more then just an exact Science of how many Bi's you have or need to play in a certain game. I think your attitude you bring to it is also essential. Knowing when to drop down, when to take shots, game selection is a huge aspect for ANYONES game, and your insight on other topics is so profound and high-level its great to hear your view on it. Thanks Zen.

March 25, 2013 | 3:25 a.m.

Great insight Zen, Couple of questions about your post.
1) What is your view on your Poker Bank roll Vs Life Roll. (bills, living-costs). Are they one and the same split by jus an "imaginary wall" ? Do you have a defined life roll and defined poker roll? Im curious to your habits and practices as a professional.

March 24, 2013 | 11:10 p.m.

Thanks for the the book Zen, Im a book junky, reading Elements of Poker By Tommy Angelo right now completely dissecting it AMAZING pick up. Just added The Adult learning module to the list after reading the summary . Always love a good book recommendation. - Thanks

March 11, 2013 | 3:38 a.m.

Great series Mike, I really liked the consistency in thought process while thinking out similar situations in a couple of different hands you reviewed. And your thought about an ISO stat is interesting I had a similar feeling in past hands.
Looking forward to more!

Feb. 18, 2013 | 11:08 p.m.

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