Mark Dillon's avatar

Mark Dillon

11 points

Comment | Mark Dillon commented on Open Face Chinese
My main consideration when setting/breaking 3 to a flush are my pair outs later in the hand.

AK4ccc gives a lot of redraw equity to stay live with As and K when you make a pair in the middle, compared to 378ccc.

Generally heads up I'll set any 3 flush in the back, as getting scooped is less painful, and low flushes are likely to win.

4 way I'd be looking ofr Jxxcccin the back.

This is when considering breaking a pair.

Dec. 13, 2012 | 3:41 p.m.

Liked the usage of software to back up the comments, and break up the video.

Your commentating style is good, you speak clearly, and the volume etc. is good.

I agree with the KK hand, and the AA hand where we end up getting 3 bet after isoing his limp. We know he has a proprensity to limp call so can likely be kac it bigger.

Later in the video you do say you've 'finally realised what he's doing' though, so maybe you noticed this yourself.

Dec. 10, 2012 | 2:39 p.m.

In spots like this I like taking the gamble.

You're never dead to his range even if his c/r range is purely value, which with it being Moorman is unlikely.

Losing probably isn't a huge ICM disaster without knowing payouts, but knowing Stars in general is fairly shallow.

Winning allows you to damage the best player at the table, have a stack to put pressure on him in position, and generally allow you to dictate the rest of the tournament if the final table is as weak as you say.

Dec. 10, 2012 | 10:42 a.m.

Slightly awkward when you're then 2 to my left for 2 hours in this weeks version of the tournament I sent the HH of from last week.

Dec. 10, 2012 | 1:05 a.m.

Lots of people go off to work, do gap years etc. before starting uni. Playing poker wouldn't be horrendous.

I didn't start uni until I was 21, took 4 years to complete my degree, and wasn't out of the ordinary really.

It's also a lot easier to explain starting uni late, and applying for a job at 25 than it is doing your degree, taking 3 years off to play poker and then applying for the same job at 25.

It seems you know what you want to do career wise, have a decent roll for a base, and as you're currently at a top uni I assume you have good a-level grades, meaning you'll get an unconditional offer when you decide to go back.

If your heart isn't into uni it's an expensive way to spend 4 years, especially if you're using student loans.

Dec. 9, 2012 | 1:59 p.m.

Definitely like raising flop, especially if you feel the 3rd player isn't great.

If you raise flop, and WishIcldFly cold calls it puts LMS_gotti in an uncomfortable spot, and gets more money in the pot now, allowing bigger bets on the turn.

If WishIcldFly is good aggro, and capable of check/raising light here with what he may perceive as a lot of dead money in the pot I prefer flatting.

Dec. 9, 2012 | 1:42 p.m.

Do you play deep cash, or cap? Whatever your cash specialisation is will transfer well to that depth of tournament. If you have deep stack cash experience you're passing up a large edge early on.

With that said, if it allows you to play an extra cash table for an hour that may help your hourly rate.

Dec. 9, 2012 | 1:30 p.m.

Sent a couple of 888 HHs if you want some smaller field Euro site stuff.

Dec. 9, 2012 | 1:27 p.m.

Huge Frank Turner fan as well, Jono proving his decision making skills right there.

Currently listening to:

The Staves: Yeah they're 3 sisters who sing mainly ballad style harmonies, but ignore that for a second and hear how awesome they are. Pretty good for not tilting:

We Are Augustines: Band from New York I randomly caught at Latitude who I haven't stopped listening to since:

David Ford: Probably one of the most underrated UK artists of the last 5 years. Here's a 1 shot video of him performing a song using kitchen utensils and looping instead of a band:

Frank Turner: Singer/songwriter, formerly of Million Dead. To add to Jono's here he is playing his biggest show at Wembley Arena, which also includes excellent shots of his batshit crazy backing band:


Dec. 9, 2012 | 1 p.m.

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