16 points
Such a great video! Thank you Patrick
I have a general question about HRC.
From my understanding HRC is pretty good for preflop all-ins.
Can you think of any preflop situations where you don't agree with HRC and would make quite a big adjustments?
Two situations I am interested in are:
#1 Non preflop 3bets and defends
#2 Defend vs open raise
Example: BB defend facing BTN open
The reason I am uncertain whether I should follow HRC in these is that I think it doesn't take into account equity realization postflop, reverse implied odds etc.
Effective stacks will probably play a big role as well. Are there stack depths where your defending range would be very close to what HRC suggests and then at some point you would start deviating more?
Do you use any other preflop software?
Oct. 6, 2022 | 1:31 a.m.
We are in the situation where villain bets pot ott and I have a draw.
He bets 100 into 100 pot.
My odds are 100 / 300 = 33%
If I call we both will have another 200 behind.
I have 10 outs, which is roughly 23% equity.
Lets assume that If I hit I will always get paid.
The original was 100 / 300,
now its 100 / (300+ 0.23% x 200)
100 / (300 + 46)
100 / 346 = 29%
so my odds with implieds are 29%
is this correct
Aug. 10, 2019 | 12:16 p.m.
- I started to play MTT satelites a lot more recently bc people play really bad.
- I tried to run some simulations in HRC and the results have suprised me a lot. In a lot of a spots we get to shove a super wide range. I get the fact that calling ranges needs to be super tight but still I feel like I am missing out sth.
I myself shove a lot, especially from later positions but once I have a resonable stack I try to avoid marginal spots and just wait for other people to bust (which seems to be working fine so far) but that's where HRC doesn't agree with me. - I have run the simulation with these parametres. Results seems fine except UTG shoving range which is 81.9%! I used Multi Table ICM. I am 7/12 and 9 people gets the seat. I would expect that I need to play super tight but really no idea where I made a mistake in this simulation. Any clarifications would be much appreciated.
Satelite to HOT $109
Blinds 600/1200, ante 240
- My table
EP 7600 (Hero) 6.33bb
MP 2700 2.25bb
CO 4500 3.75bb
BN 19000 15.83bb
SB 10000 8.33bb
BB 9800 8.16bb
Avg stack: 8933
- 2nd table
EP 4000 3.33bb
MP 13000 10.83bb
CO 1800 1.5bb
BN 13000 10.83bb
SB 20500 17.08bb
BB 7000 5.83bb
Avg stack: 9883
- 12 people left
- My position 7/12
- Payouts
1st to 9th: $109
10th: $14
11: $10
Here is the hand
June 15, 2018 | 4:41 p.m.
Very nice read. I see myself in many things, which you have mentioned so far.
On studying (especially from videos): Taking notes is definitely the way to go. I think the majority of people tends to be a little passive while watching videos.They just watch and don't really do anything. It's one of the mistakes, which i made in the past. And let's be honest, it's fun to watch high stakes reg playing live session. Also, if you just wirte how he played the hand and don't really understand it, it is completely waste of time. I like to stop the video right before the action, thing a sec about it and press play and see, if he plays the same. If not, i try to find out, where i have made the mistake.
Also symplicity is the key. It is awesome to watch Sauce crushing.But it is really hard to undersand his thought process. You know, he talks about frequencies and stuff... There are some good players in the world, but only a few of them is really good at teaching. And Nick is one of them. He is very smart and has the ability to convey his thoughts simply and effective. I haven't bought a coaching yet, but will definitely do it in 2017. He seems, that he really cares about his students unlike your previous cfp programms, which is kinda sad, but happens quite a lot.
GL, keep crushing.
Dec. 22, 2016 | 1:08 p.m.
I didn't know solver prefers bigger seize so often OTT, but it doesn't surprise me.
To answer to your question: I did not find solver preferring this size OTT, but
I think, i should use bigger sizing OTT >> I should apply more pressure on his weaker pairs and draws. And like you said, this runouts are quite good for this strategy.
Also, i like 1.7x more compared to .9x. It immediately puts him in much tougher spot. And population plays quite bad vs overbluffs. So, i should think more in certain spots and incorporate more overbets into my reperoir.
Thank you for reply.
Dec. 21, 2016 | 12:43 p.m.
Yeah, i agree As is much better bluff candidate OTT. Also i can bluff on spade rivers expecting very +EV 3barrel, b/c he doesn't have many flushes OTR.
I like your reasoning for 3barrel this hand on the majority of runouts. It really makes sense! Thank you for reply.
Dec. 21, 2016 | 12:06 p.m.
Even though this might be profitable cb ott, i should have probably picked to bluff other hands with some equity. (like FD's, gutshots, etc.)
Dec. 21, 2016 | 11:47 a.m.
$109 tournament
Hero SB
Villain BB - unknown
40bb eff stack
Everyone folds to me.
Preflop: (pot: 2,6 BB) Hero has 9c 7c.
Hero opens to 2,5 BB
Villain calls
Flop: (pot: 6,1 BB) Ks 8d 2c
Hero bets 2,1BB
Villain calls
OTF i have easy cb.
Turn: (pot: 10,3 BB) Ks 8d 2c 3d
Hero bets 7,21BB
I chose to cb 35% OTF. It is quite a dry board, so this cb is big enough. He probably expects me to cb OTF a lot and my sizing is not very big, so i do expect him to have many floats here. Turn is basically a brick - he only improved with some diamond floats. So i think i have profitable second barrel OTT, XF seems to weak to me.
Sometimes i am little confused when i cb OTT with almost no equity. How do you usually decide in these spots if you should bluff or not? And which hands would be best bluff candidates in this hand?
Nov. 22, 2016 | 11:12 a.m.
100bb deep
Villain seems like a decent reg, not many stats on him though.
Me (BN) opens to 24 w Ac5h.
Villain (BB) calls.
Flop: 9c 7d 3s (53)
I bet 30
He calls
OTF here i think i can go either way. I chose to cb this time.
Turn: 9c 7d 3s Qs (113)
I bet 100
He calls
OTT, things start to get interesting. The reason i cbet - I unblock many hands which might fold OTT (Gutshots, etc.); only block 54s.
Also, Q is a scare card. I chose bigger sizing here, because i think that he is more inclined to fold his weaker draws and not to XR them. So if i would choose smaler sizing, it might not be the case. Also i am quite polarized here, so bigger sizing makes sense.
I certainly do not use this combo as a bluff with 100% frequency, would overbluff this spot. My question is, which other hands would you choose as bluff and the frequency you would bluff them. I think A high hands which unblock his folding range works out the best because i can sometimes win on the river vs missed draw or hit an ace.
Which cards would you potentially bluff otr?
I didn't use make these type of turn barrels in the past, so i am often confused in these spots. Will be glad for any clarification. Thx
Nov. 22, 2016 | 10:31 a.m.
1st I think, that people give too much value for preflop play. The most important is postflop game.
2nd If you are new to a game, you can type "preflop ranges" in google, you can get some results. But these range are probably gonna be outdated. Although if you are novice, it should be solid foundation.
3rd I recommend you to watch some videos by proffesionals. It should give you a good sense, which hands you can play and which ceirtanly not. But their defending ranges, especially on BB are little to wide. It's because they are very good players and play higher stakes. So if you play small stakes, rake is bigger and you can defend less on BB. So i would start to play a little tighter and widen your range a little by little.
Oct. 18, 2016 | 6:29 p.m.
Sometimes, this smaller cb induce a bluff from opponent. That's why i was thinking for a while OTR. + also getting great odds. But this line just doesn't seem as bluff. I think he could even have AA.
Oct. 7, 2016 | 10:51 a.m.
Yeah, i usually don't 3b this hand, but i like to 3b wider vs rec players IP, because they tend to play fit or fold postflop, so i think i should show a profit. Especially on dry boards, i like to cb 1/3 here and if the miss, the usually just fold.
3betting range which you recommend is similar to mine. But any Axs is good enough to just call. Can add more suited hands to 3b like 97s, 86s, etc.
Oct. 7, 2016 | 10:45 a.m.
BBB is mandatory here, esp. when you are on the bottom of your range. However i do not see any point in overbetting in this spot. OTT - do you think villain's calling range changes based on your sizing? I don't think so. He never folds a midpair vs double barrel here. OTR - bet is definitely good, but overbet seems like a waste of money. You wanna get him fold his one paired hands and missed draws and vs this perceived range std sizing is good enough.
Oct. 6, 2016 | 11:04 a.m.
SB: $62.32
BB: $100.00
UTG: $122.70
MP: $103.12
CO: $129.43
Oct. 5, 2016 | 2:14 p.m.
SB: $118.86
BB: $269.75
UTG: $110.10
MP: $367.08
CO: $37.19
Rake is $1.98
Oct. 5, 2016 | 1:46 p.m.
SB: $147.79 (Hero)
BB: $102.98
UTG: $197.11
MP: $105.30
CO: $64.03
Oct. 4, 2016 | 1:56 p.m.
I have recently started 4b this hand vs the majority of players, basically not to overfold vs 4b.
So, you like to use range bet with 1/3 sizing OTF?
I folded in game, but I wasn't quite sure.
Oct. 3, 2016 | 9:51 a.m.
SB: $39.26
BB: $101.50
UTG: $143.32
MP: $172.67
CO: $102.50
Oct. 2, 2016 | 10:58 p.m.
SB: $205.67
BB: $111.01 (Hero)
UTG: $56.80
MP: $142.39
CO: $100.00
Oct. 2, 2016 | 10:38 p.m.
SB: $99.00
BB: $174.14
UTG: $101.00
MP: $150.03
CO: $113.64
Oct. 2, 2016 | 10:24 p.m.
SB: $100.50
BB: $153.71
UTG: $100.90 (Hero)
MP: $161.95
CO: $184.38
Oct. 2, 2016 | 7:09 p.m.
SB: $139.35
BB: $99.23
UTG: $108.90
MP: $143.42
CO: $100.00 (Hero)
Oct. 1, 2016 | 9:16 p.m.
SB: $293.20
BB: $179.77
UTG: $139.35
MP: $100.00
CO: $102.22
Wow, ok! I didn't know.
One more question about this: sometimes I find HRC using a bit unnatural opening ranges. Do you think they make sense? or would you rather look at how much HRC is opening (i.e.15%) and open also 15% but slightly different hands and substitute let's say A7o for KTs? I hope that makes sense. Really not sure about this
Thanks for taking the time btw
Oct. 7, 2022 | 9:59 p.m.