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Meat Head

10 points

I would raise back considering his flop raising range. You have a great image to create fold equity from his weaker holdings. All his one pair hands are almost always folding. This also creates some non made hands in your flop 4 bet range.

Oct. 6, 2017 | 12:25 a.m.

Comment | Meat Head commented on Tough Spot Live 1/2

I don't think we're winning too often here. Villian has 22,88, and kk. Sometimes aq,aa, and qq however were blocking these. He sometimes has worse with kq. But at 1/2 there are so many spots to pick in a sesssion I'd let this one go and find a better opportunity.

Oct. 6, 2017 | 12:05 a.m.

+35225566325 play 2/5 5/10 and have taken shots at 10/25

Aug. 31, 2017 | 6:41 a.m.

In your situation that you put yourself in I'd say your line is fine on the flop. You could also pick a 35-70% sizing on flop and jam turn with some potential fold equity potentially since spr is already big. I'd wait for a better spot to 4bet. Create a range of hands your doing this with that contains blockers of A or K. Even a hand like KJ or AQ blocking kings and jacks lowers his chances of having those hands significantly. Your also oop which doesn't help the cause. If his range is 20% containing two blockers will be profitable if you expect him to be only continuing with AA-1010.

March 3, 2017 | 7:30 p.m.

Comment | Meat Head commented on The Big Picture

Some play for money or love of the game. If your playing for money it will be tougher to have success imo. Your going to have to experiment and apply over and over in this game so you can understand if it's variance or working/not working and that involves not looking at direct results on a month as something that defines how you did and understanding you need to make mistakes to get better. I played 150 hours last month at 5/10 and came out behind (I'm a live 2/5 player). But I was able to learn more in one month watching a few crushers play then I learned all of last year at 2/5. Thanks for the motivation Nick and I would love to hear more videos on similar topics.

March 3, 2017 | 6:43 p.m.

Interesting video, reminded me of college a few years ago.

Feb. 23, 2017 | 8:12 p.m.

I wouldn't flat pre flop. Your inviting buttons wide range in with a 30$ call to win 150. Id just be 4betting to 125-150 all day. I like 125 with your stack size but when deeper 150. Goal is to get it in by street 3. You don't have to worry much about that flop against his Cbet none of that board really touches his story and he could be Cbettint with Ak, Aq thinking he has two overs and a gut shot. Call or raise and hope he has QQ or JJ. I'm not folding KK here unless turn is a 5 or A.

Feb. 22, 2017 | 9:11 a.m.

I'd definitely Cbet a little larger. Pots 75 going to the flop. I'd say somewhere around the 50-55 range (also id raise larger probably 20-25 preflop) I think overall folding here is fine if you sized larger and looked stronger but your sizing looks weakish to me and villian could of perceived that as well. Is villian a maniac or a winning laggy player. This matters as in a winning laggy player knows your not betting into 4 others with air and your at the top of your range. If that's the case villian almost always has the same hand, combo diamond draws, exactly A8 or sets. If he is a losing maniac it's a toss up spot and I'm calling one or two streets and folding river jam or deciding based on the sizing on turn if I'm going to stick with the hand and go the distance. I hope that helped.

Feb. 22, 2017 | 9:01 a.m.

I really enjoyed the video, thanks!

Feb. 13, 2017 | 6:51 a.m.

Post | Meat Head posted in NLHE: Call or jam spot?

Hero is playing a local 2-5 game that was very loose and had been running all night long. Hero has 2500 behind and villiant a gangster/drug dealer had 1800 behind. Villan was tilting/drinking as well and playing overly aggressive just got stacked then called down 70% of stack with a gut shot and hit a miracle card on the river to double up a few hands before. Hero raise to 30 with QhQs villain re-raises to 200. Hero flats in position. Flop comes Qd-7d-3d. Villian bets 350. Hero Jams. Is this a mistake jamming here? Should I just call. There was a bad outcome on the hand but I'm curious to what you guys think? If I call and the turn comes a diamond I'm basically folding to a shove everytime. But I think I'm getting him to call off all AA, KK combos, and even a single flush draw based on the player not caring about money like a normal person. Villian ended up having Kd-Qc. I think I played it fine but curious to what you guys think?

Aug. 18, 2016 | 1:19 a.m.

Post | Meat Head posted in NLHE: Big blind live strategy

I have seen a ton of videos on defending your big blind on this site against the 2.5/3x opens but I'm a live player and I find when it gets folded around there opening the button to 4x. Also majority of raises in general live are 5x. Curious to what kind of hands your defending against those open sizes. Also do you take a linear approach in the big? Im starting to feel thats the best way to play out of the small and big is having a linear range. Im trying to almost never call 5x out of the small unless I'm set mining with multiple players in the pot or I have a hand that plays very well multi way. Im using a similar approach in the big but have a few more calling hands.

July 29, 2016 | 4:55 p.m.

Post | Meat Head posted in NLHE: 2-5 AA slow played

UTG/villian( 1k deep/winning reg) opens to 20, Hero UTG+1 calls AdAs (1300) MP1 calls, big blind calls. Flop Ks-Jh-7s. UTG bets 50, hero calls, mp raises to 150, villain calls, hero calls. Turn 7d. Checks through. River Qc. Villian leads out for 350 hero jams? Is this too light of jam for value considering I know villain never has a 7 in his range but he also knows I never have a 7 as well.

July 27, 2016 | 4:57 p.m.

I would just call. I think 98s plays very well in a multiway pot. Calling or squeezing both are great plays. Just depends if you think you can get it through.

July 11, 2016 | 4:26 a.m.

Hero(2k behind) 2-5 NL 75c isolates the limper with a raise to 25. Button flats(villain 2200 behind), big blind flats, limp flats. Flop Qc-9c-8d. Hero bets 65. Villian flats on button (older reg just moved down to 2-5 fishy player from Omaha lost thousands this year floats gut shots and a very sticky player to me flats all my raises practically). Turn 3s. Hero bets 175 villain raises to 400/225 more to me he has me covered stack depth. At this point I can narrow his range down to j10 100% of the time. I don't think he is capable of putting more money in at this point with anything but the nuts especially his sizing tells me that he'd raise larger with two pairs and sets. I know he is a payoff wizard as well. Hero flats knowing implied odds always gets paid. River Kc. Hero bets 700 villain Jams. A few questions in the hand?
1. Is it too loose/-ev to be isolating with hands like 87,76,65 suited when there is solely one limper? Im always raising in that spot. I would limp with two or more limpers normally.
2. Should I be calling 225 more on the turn with the flush draw with my read I'm getting paid on all club rivers?
3. Should I be folding this jam 100% of the time?


July 2, 2016 | 4:42 a.m.

I'd flat and let him barrel away oop. Depends how deep he is really and how deep you are. I don't think he is just putting a flush draw in that easily if your raise unless he has pair+draw but your beat by two possible set combos and only beating A3 or the occasional AK AQ he does this with. But again I don't think he overplays those as a solid player if your calling down every street. A raise all in might push him off all the hands your beating other then sets and A3.

June 28, 2016 | 2:46 a.m.

One limp ero decides to isolates to 30 with AQd in cutoff. Four to the flop with button calling, big blind, and limper. Flop comes Ac-Qc-7d. Hero bets 65 into 120 button raises to 205 (30 year old female pro. The only thing I know about her is she is nitty apparently. Solid player though. Apparently she recently won 57 straight sessions) Anyways to the point. Whats your play oop? I almost folded. Ended up re raising to 410 and just got it in. I think she is raising with all combos of KJ,J10,K10, and 7x of clubs, sets, AQ, and A7. Can I ever fold here? My gut really told me to just dump it. Not sure why I didn't go with instinct.

June 27, 2016 | 3:57 a.m.

Post | Meat Head posted in NLHE: 2-5 Hand review

Hero 89c on straddle 2-5 game. Drunk lady limps (she just stacked off with Q 10s and called 60 pre flop with 73 off. Has limped ever hand since sitting down). Cutoff limps as well and is limping his entire range and is a huge station vip around 40% if not more. Hero raises to 45 to get more money in pot against the drunk and feel like most favorable boards I can take down the pot. Both call. Flop comes Ah-js-7d. Check through (was testing for a A/I knew neither would fold one) turn comes 4c. Check, check, hero decides to take a stab of 75. (I'm figuring my check back range is KK-QQ-1010 and sets as well considering I'm C betting often, some weak A's, 2nd pair but I understand live players don't really think that far). Drunk folds and cutoff calls. River 10. Cutoff leads out 100 hero re-raises to 325. Cutoff tanks says did you slow play a set then shoves for 300 more. Do you ever fold here? Is the talk just too obvious of a tell or do you just pay it off everytime? It's just so hard to fold a rivered gut shot. He ended up having KQ.

June 20, 2016 | 3:41 a.m.

Two limpers. One’s a fish under the gun seems to limp often and other is asian grinder looking kid over raising all big hands to 35 limps he is UTG+1. Im on the button with 42 spades. I decided to pop it to 35 and narrow the field or take it down considering a lot of my raises were getting through... both call pots 105$. Flop comes Ah-Qd-4h Check, Check, I c-bet 65. Asian kid calls. Turn comes a 2c. He checks I bet 110 he raises to 310 (only has 350 behind after that he has). Is this a easy fold? I ended up jamming bc I didn’t see him having a set of 4’s. AQ wasn’t in his range bc he is raising that but also considered he could have picked up more equity with a pair n a flush draw possibility. What do you think? Bad jam? I felt he could of picked up a combo draw or slow played AK possibly. I had the blocker for trip 4's part of his limp call range. I do realize I could of just limped but I usually play very lag. The style works for me and helps me get paid when I have big hands.

June 16, 2016 | 7:47 p.m.

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