2-5 Hand review

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2-5 Hand review

Hero 89c on straddle 2-5 game. Drunk lady limps (she just stacked off with Q 10s and called 60 pre flop with 73 off. Has limped ever hand since sitting down). Cutoff limps as well and is limping his entire range and is a huge station vip around 40% if not more. Hero raises to 45 to get more money in pot against the drunk and feel like most favorable boards I can take down the pot. Both call. Flop comes Ah-js-7d. Check through (was testing for a A/I knew neither would fold one) turn comes 4c. Check, check, hero decides to take a stab of 75. (I'm figuring my check back range is KK-QQ-1010 and sets as well considering I'm C betting often, some weak A's, 2nd pair but I understand live players don't really think that far). Drunk folds and cutoff calls. River 10. Cutoff leads out 100 hero re-raises to 325. Cutoff tanks says did you slow play a set then shoves for 300 more. Do you ever fold here? Is the talk just too obvious of a tell or do you just pay it off everytime? It's just so hard to fold a rivered gut shot. He ended up having KQ.

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