15 points
I agree with folding pre with 33 utg and cbetting on the flop if you open 33 utg on that kind of board.
When you check the flop and bet turn, your range won't have a lot of two heart combos. It's mostly Ax, 33, or two diamonds. Against an unknown, I'm definitely calling 33. Villain could show up with two diamonds or weirdly played two pair.
Sept. 7, 2020 | 11:02 p.m.
Your range is 22, KT, Jh9h, and flush draw with no sdv. I guess you could have TT if you don't squeeze TT preflop. You can find a fold with KT, but not 22. It's too strong in your range. Villain's range could include KQ and hearts.
Sept. 7, 2020 | 10:44 p.m.
Calling the river is fine. It sucks but AQ is the best hand you could have in that spot after checking the flop. If you're not calling AQ, you're folding all of your hands.
Most players, especially in low stakes, are imbalance in their overbetting bluff-to-value ratio. With enough info, you could overfold or overcall against certain players including exploitatively folding everything in a capped range.
You don't have enough info and even if you did and he's never bluffing, maybe he's overbetting with A9 or A8? It could also be AQ. Obviously, overbetting isn't ideal for a hand like A9 but you never know what certain players are doing.
Sept. 5, 2020 | 9:06 p.m.
I prefer check/folding flop because it's 3way. When you're cbetting against two people, you want hands that have reasonable equity like JTs, J9s, T9s in your bluff cbet range. Cbetting 65s HU is fine, but too loose 3way especially with the bet sizing.
As played, definitely barrel turn.
Aug. 29, 2020 | 10:02 p.m.
I think folding is fine. JJ might be the worst hand you can have on turn after 3bet vs UTG, cbetting and calling raise on flop.
Your range would be something like AA, KK, QQ, JJ, ATs.
Aug. 25, 2020 | 6:45 a.m.
I prefer cbetting flop and turn.
KhJh is a good hand to put in your double barrel bluff range to balance the times you have overpair or better.
Aug. 25, 2020 | 6:06 a.m.
I like every decision you made in this hand.
I think it's a call. When you 3bet vs UTG and cbet in 3way pot, KK is one of the best hands you can have here on the turn. Only TT and AA are better hands in your range. There are worse hands to fold. UTG is rarely bluffing in this situation, but I think if you fold KK, you'd be folding too often in this spot.
Jan. 15, 2020 | 8:50 a.m.
I'm not assuming that JJ is ahead against every player in 2nl. You can fold JJ to particular players who don't bluff and would only raise with KK+ or a set for example. Those are the exceptions.
I do think JJ is ahead of the 2NL population's range in this case. In order for the call to be +ev, you need to be right at least 27.7% of the time.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 2:08 p.m.
Yeah, you're right.
Perhaps I was wrong regardless if we're talking about 2NL or GTO.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 11:54 a.m.
You have showdown value and not many outs to improve. I would check back flop. AJx flop is also good for UTG's range. If villain lead bets on a brick turn, you fold.
There are better hands to bluff cbet flop with like broadway straight draws .
Jan. 13, 2020 | 10:36 a.m.
I think the play is to call two streets and fold river with AQo. Like you said, villain's range is polarized, there aren't many bluff combos, and your range has many better hands than AQ to call. Of course, the 9 lets straight draws get there. You also have a Q so Villain is less likely to have combos of KQ.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 10:23 a.m.
I like what you did on the preflop and flop.
I don't understand the turn bet. You put him on AQ or small pairs. I don't think he has small pairs because he 4betted pre. You're not getting action from AQ, AJ, or small pairs anyways. You're most likely getting action from hands better than JJ.
I would check and call turn if villain bets < half pot. What's your 4bet calling range in this scenario? Let's say it's roughly QQ, JJ, TT, 99, AK, AQ. I would 5bet pre all in AKs, QQ most of the time. So JJ is in the middle of your range. If you enough evidence that a person is very passive and never bluffs, you could exploitatively fold a turn bet on K high board.
Fold river if another bet comes.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 10:17 a.m.
I like the 3bet pre and bet/fold on 3way flop.
JJ is near the bottom of your flop betting range.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 9:25 a.m.
Facing a 1/4 pot bet, I need to be right >17% of the time to make the call +ev. With AQ I'm calling expecting to lose most of the time but not more than 83% of the time.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 9:10 a.m.
Preflop call is fine especially with the limped utg. I'd normally 3bet most of the time. It depends on how the table defends 3bet. I'm calling all streets with the min bet on the river as well.
Raising on the flop would force Villain to continue with his value and fold out his bluffs and value hands worse than JJ. If you call, it allows Villain to potentially cbet on the turn with his bluff range. It's possible to you could deny equity to AX, but overall I like calling more than raising. Calling also allows UTG to continue with weaker hands that he would have folded if you raised. It also prevents awkward scenarios where MP 3bets flop.
There are better hands to raise flop with such as sets/straights/flush draws w/o showdown value.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 8:53 a.m.
I like getting in it on the flop as well.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 8:35 a.m.
I would squeeze ATs, but not ATo.
River overbet seems spewy. You don't have many outs vs. villain's calling range. I highly doubt it's +ev especially in microstakes.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 8:22 a.m.
I'd lean towards x/raise flop w/ 66 along w/ 55, 65, and draws.
As played, I'm never folding 66. Getting it in and getting coolered.
I disagree with you. Villain (especially with no reads) could absolutely have KQ, AA, 55 or some random or overplayed hand. There's no reason to give villain that much credit.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 8:08 a.m.
I think the best play is 3bet/fold pre in 100bb games.
Jan. 13, 2020 | 7:24 a.m.
With 100BB or 180BB, I would have 3bet and fold to a 4bet.
As played, AKo is a definite fold. I'm only calling 180BB all in with AA. KK and/or QQ if the players involved are proven maniacs. But normally just AA.
Sept. 10, 2019 | 12:43 a.m.
When you 3bet accidentally and utg (9-handed) 4-bets vs. two people, that's obviously a very strong range. T8s is too weak to call the 4bet because of situations like this where you can get dominated by an overpair even if you hit a pair.
Maybe at the time, you thought it was a limp/3bet from the UTG instead of a 4bet. I would fold T8s here with a player behind left to act.
Flop is a call. On the turn, UTG cbets again on the turn on a dry board. T8s is basically a bluff catcher. I think the worst hand utg can have for value is JJ. I'd fold here vs utg's range.
Raising flop or turn would be a mistake because only better hands will call. Yes, you could be denying equity vs bluffs like AK, but against this very strong range I doubt it's +ev.
Sept. 9, 2019 | 8:24 p.m.
Right play. Bad result.
Liked the turn check back and bluffing river. MP just played the hand badly. Raising utg flop cbet in a 3way pot with 99.is terrible. River call he made is a bad call in the long run.
So when he raises flop cbet, his range is a very good made hand, a draw, or sometimes crap. 99 would not be in his perceived range. When he checks turn and river, I would think he doesn't often have a made hand. If he had a set or two pair, he would likely lead turn with two spades on board or bet river after check check on turn.
At the river, Q high is obviously one of the worst hands you could have and villain likely doesn't have a good enough hand to profitably call, so I like the bluff. When you cold call on the flop, you have a pretty strong range. He only beats spades and probably puts you on spades since you didn't bet turn.
Jan. 16, 2017 | 2:20 a.m.
You can exploitative fold the turn if a villain is passive/not betting enough broadway straight/flush draw combos. Maybe the villain here was inaccurately labelled as a maniac. Stats don't really indicate that he's a maniac so it might have been a few hands where he looked crazy.
If villain is truly a maniac and betting way too often, you should call down more often of the time with AT. Sucks when he has it but it's the right play.
Jan. 15, 2017 | 11:21 p.m.
I would fold AT against a standard villain. You don't beat any of his value range. With that river bet size. He's repping two pair or better. Doubt AK, AQ would bet pot. You beat bluffs like missed Broadway straight and flush draws. From the hijack, he can't really have many combos of flush draws because the ace of hearts is dead. When they miss, I don't see many players at micros capable of firing a third barrel after you call down two streets on an ace high flop when you're repping Ax most of the time.
So the answer comes down to how much of a maniac is your villain. There's a difference between a maniac and someone maybe too aggressive but his plays make sense for his hand. He's opening from a hijack, so he probably has a legit starting hand. Would he triple barrel with complete air? Triple barrel despite having some showdown value? Would he fire the river with a missed draw on an ace-high board enough of the time?
I do think you should call AT some of the time here so I think you played it fine.
Jan. 14, 2017 | 3:13 p.m.
You have the right idea that calling against a 3bet with a cold caller is not the optimal play. The best play is to fold.
4bet bluff AQo sparingly vs a BTN 3bet only is a profitable play but I don't think it's a profitable play as a 4bet squeeze vs a villain who 3bets vs UTG and a villain cold calling 3bet OOP especially at 10NL. But I prefer the 4bet squeeze more than calling.
So when he calls the 4bet, his range is JJ+, AK but maybe he folds AK, JJ, maybe even QQ because of the person behind and your nutted range.
Flop: I think check folding is fine. I would check my entire range here including AA, KK.
Villain should also check back his entire range here too. Betting denies your opponent a chance to barrel and you can always get value later. You see some people value bet here, so you can just simply fold and not have to burn money barreling.
Turn: I like betting half pot here too. Bottom of your range. Line makes sense when you have AA/KK. You don't beat anything villain should have and could potentially fold out better hands.
River: You can go either way with checking or shoving. One of those gray area villain dependent spots. With an unknown at 10NL, probably leaning towards giving up. Can't rely on an unknown at 10NL to fold AK.
Jan. 14, 2017 | 12:25 a.m.
I liked every decision that you made in this hand. It's just a standard cooler when you run into aces and kings. The only scenario I would ever consider folding QQ is preflop against a super super nit with an established sample size of hands who would only squeeze with AA and/or KK.
Jan. 12, 2017 | 3:43 p.m.
This is a call all day every day.
Don't hero fold. If he has a higher set, so be it. Don't try to prevent the inevitable set vs set.
You're giving a loose villain at 5nl too much credit. Obviously haven't seen his hand history but I don't see why he couldn't have worse like two pair, overpair, flush draw, openender.
With UTG posted, I'd make the preflop raise bet size larger to ~4bb.
You can fold Q8 here. I think the 8 kicker is likely the worst kicker in your opening range with a queen. So it's the worst value hand you can have after triple barreling.
Sept. 25, 2020 | 1:12 a.m.