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1 points

Post | Etris posted in PLO: HU postflop sizings


Im PLO50 Heads Up reg.
I have big problems with sizings postflop Heads up.Right now, most of the time im betting "standard" 70-80%, because i dont know when i should bet smaller or smash full pot button.
On what I should look at, when I choose the size of my bets?? Maybe there is a video about this??

Dec. 18, 2015 | 1:59 p.m.


Im plo50/plo100 HU reg. Im curious about limping in plo Hu, I mean at my stakes the vast majority of regs (me included) IP just raise ~80-100% hands and dont care about limping.
But recently I've seen a few videos of Phil, where he limps a lot. Ofc im not Phil but im curious, is it worth to have limping range at my stakes (in my standard gameplan) , or just raise ~80-100% IP.
If its worth, then how good/balanced limping range should look like?

I ask for a detailed explanation if you can and have time ofc :) because in my head i still have the belief that limping is for fish, and you dont need limping range.


July 7, 2015 | 12:30 p.m.

Thx for all answers

But these things are pretty obvious, I want go deeper

Midori you said

I would think a decent 3b % in HU is somewhere between 18 to 25%,
although this depends on so many factors

You know, I want to know this factors. I mean i need to create a good gameplan for 3betting first ,and i dont know how to do that. And without plan i cant proper adjust to various opponents.


April 27, 2015 | 3:43 p.m.


Im a Heads Up player. I thing that one of my biggest leaks is bad understanding of how to construct a 3bet range.
Now I want to fix it, but I do not know how.
I want to know - WHY, why this hand is good or bad to 3bet vs this opponent? etc
Because right now my 3bet range is a total MESS.

Any videos , other resources? Generally how I should work to improve this? This is most important for me because I want to start working on it off the tables, just i dont know how.

April 21, 2015 | 9:39 p.m.


I know there is a lot of similar topics but i read them all and i still cant figure out what to do.

Right now im playing normal tables plo25 with decent winrate ( Ev ~12bb/100) and my main goal is to become better and better at poker and moving up as soon as possible.
On the one hand i read that normal tables are better for learning the game because you can focus more, feel the dynamics, focus on spotting and exploiting other players leaks etc
But on the other hand i read that good quality volume is most important because MORE VOLUME = MORE EXPERIENCE

On normal tables i can do about ~50k hands per month, but on zoom i can easy double that, or even play 2.5x more hands per month (its easier for me to play 3-4zoom than 8+ normal tables)

And another aspect, from what I see, most newest videos are from zoom rather than normal tables.

So zoom or normal tables in my case??


April 2, 2015 | 5:57 p.m.

Comment | Etris commented on MTT earnings

Thx for link, hmm so top mtt players earnings are lower than cash players I always thought, is the opposite

Nov. 13, 2014 | 3:07 p.m.

Post | Etris posted in MTT: MTT earnings


I'm curious how much money earn top online MTT players per year. I ask because I can not find anywhere answer.

Nov. 12, 2014 | 11:24 p.m.

Thx for the answer.

My sample is small ofc but i feel i have big edge over majority of plo50 players pool.

The only thing i dont like is playing vs more aggro villians, I mean I
hate this feeling when somebody pushes me around (it could be ego
thing), I prefer to be a player who has control over the game, and when
someone takes me this control (like very aggro villian) then I'm
getting lost most of my edge, and I am getting frustrated


May 30, 2014 | 7:01 p.m.

Very often i fight vs opponents with 30-40% 3bet, and i think this graph
should be a lot better, when i have position advantage + villian have
weak wide range

May 30, 2014 | 10:56 a.m.

Post | Etris posted in PLO: Facing 3bet HU PLO - need help


I have problem with my redline in HU PLO50

I think my main red line leak is playing vs 3bet.

here is graph from this month, facing 3bet=true

So awful!!
How to fix that, What other info/filters i should post here?? To get help?
I do not know how to play vs 3bet especially when villian is very aggro and 3bet 25%+.

What is good strategy vs very wide 3bettor?? What i should do vs wide 3bet range??


May 29, 2014 | 5:11 p.m.

Thx for answer

Darley_arabian very helpful post, if you can then write more :)

May 10, 2014 | 8:32 p.m.


Im low stakes HU PLO player. I want to learn as much as possible, how to exploit my opponents. 

Here is the question - "how i can learn how to exploit my opponents?? and next, how to analyze opponent and take the best things from his game and implement into my game??"

This is mind blowing question!! I know.

my first thought was "analyze best regs in Holdem Manager deeply"

But I have no idea how to do it: which filters to use?, what things to look for?...etc

Any idea here?

Thank You for your time and effort.


May 8, 2014 | 7:49 p.m.

I notice that, i have a lot of problems with ppl who play passive preflop/flop (float alot) and very aggro turn/river. I dont know how to adjust to wide villian betting range on turn/river when pot is big. i always felt overplayed by villians like him

May 1, 2014 | 7:33 a.m.

Here is villian who gave me a lot of problems. 

I played with him about 300h, he is a fish, and i cant beat him or this is just variance??

He does not adapt, He plays only one strategy.

And my question is how i should adjust to this opponent? How to exploit him. 

I have my plan, but I would like to hear your plan and compare it with my


April 30, 2014 | 11:01 a.m.

Ty for answer, im always trying to think "How i can exploit his tendencies"

But i have problems with maniacs.

Here is my tought process vs maniac who 3bet a looot preflop, and always bet pot, who barrel a lot.

"His 3bet is wide=weak, i have position i should minraise and flat a lot his 3bets.

"He always pot and almost always cbet and 2nd barrel = he bloating pot with weak hands"

And here is my problem i dont know how to adjust to this, how i should i exploit his postflop tendencies?


April 26, 2014 | 8:57 p.m.

Thx ZenFish very good advice :) I think this approach  will have a high positive impact on my winrate

April 26, 2014 | 8:48 p.m.

OK but what if they 3bet widee preflop, and almost always pot bet flop + turn + sometimes river. How wide should i open minraise preflop 90%+?? And how to play postflop in 3bet pot?? More fit-or-fold (if they always 2barrel+ ?

April 26, 2014 | 7:35 p.m.

Post | Etris posted in PLO: Heads Up PLO - few questions

Im new HU plo player, im playing Plo50 HU at pokerstars. And i have few problems:

1.How I should adjust to aggro donks??? You know that type who IP open 90%+, OOP 3bet 30-50%, and postflop almost never fold and when bet always use pot size button.
A) Limp something or not? If yes how limping range should look like?

B) How wide i should 4bet vs 20%/30%/40%/ 3betting range

C) What other adjustments I should do (preflop and postflop) ?

2. How should proper heads up session review looks like?? Any suggestions?

Earlier when I played 6max I just watched biggest pots/marked hands after session and thats it. 

And any other tips how to become a better Heads up plo player???


April 24, 2014 | 9:43 p.m.

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