26 points
Effective Stacks: $3,000
I have been losing literally every hand that I've played during this session which was only about 1.5hrs at this point but have played 3-4 decent sized 3bet pots where I had to fold turns every time. My image may seem weak/scared/losing up to this point even though I played with the same players the night before and I had a strong/crushing/fearless image but I highly doubt they are approaching me the same way they did last night.
2 Folds, loose rec player opens to $30(prob raises 20% of hands from any position), another loose rec player calls(and he doesn't typically fold to 3bets much, maybe 60%+ VPIP). I'm OTB with KsKd and 3bet to $150. Arguably could go bigger because I expected to get called in at least 1 spot here and I've been 3betting a decent amount up to this point. PFR calls, other guys folds(I'm shocked!). HU to flop.
Flop: Ac 3c 3d
He checks I bet $120(not in love with my sizing here, I would prefer betting $80 or check for many reasons that I would not like to go into because I know other regs are members and are probably going to read this post but thats normally my standard here on this type of flop). He check raises me to $350 which I don't hate all that much because live poker has that "spazz factor" in people. When he raises I feel like he's repping 33, maybe A3, I block AK but he can still have AQ/AJ to "see where they are at". Now A3/33 may be more inclined to check call the flop since they have the board totally smashed and are fearless of my holdings. Most rec players are not thinking about how to get stacks in here imo. I don't have the Kc so I don't block some flush draws that he can have, so I call.
Turn: Ac 3c 3d As
Turn card comes out and he snap throws in a yellow chip for 1k. His bet is HUGE imo with Ax here and more seems like he's betting big trying to get me to fold rather than bet smaller to get more calls, and also the second ace on board blocks more Ax combos etc. Villian has ~$1,400 behind. My thoughts in this spot is if we call the 1k here he's most likely always shutting down on the river with air, however lets say his flop bluffing percent is ~20-30% on this turn I would expect it to drop to say ~10% for continuing. Typically live players take one stab bluff in spots like these. Thoughts?
Aug. 17, 2015 | 1:11 a.m.
Am I understanding this correctly? 17min mark of video
Optimal Calling Frequency(Also MDF)
If Villain bets pot and is bluffing 33% of the time we must defend 50% of the time? I don't understand why we have to defend that amount? Is that because we have some hands that beat Villains value hands? Or are we assuming that Villian has nuts or air?
Jan. 6, 2015 | 1:01 p.m.
I would always bet the river and feel pretty confident that I'm getting called by almost all recreational players and most reg's. However, I may have a crazier image. What are we worried about really? If you're cr gutters here are you not firing 3 with this run out? I would probably bet $575-$650 OTR with a smile :) Just because this player is tight doesn't mean he's going to fold 2 pair here. He will fold 1 pair most likely yes but that is good for our bluffs if he is over folding in this spot.
June 11, 2014 | 10:57 a.m.
5/10 Live -
Mp(3k eff) opens $40 I call JJ in SB, BB($1700 eff) 3bets to $120 pfr call I call.
Flop J99r. Hero? I think leading is prob best but idk. I ck pf3 bets $150 other guy calls. Hero? I call. -- What about check raising here?
Turn 6 I ck, thought about leading again. Pf3 bets $240 other guy folds I cr to $680 he had $1550 total on turn including his bet. Thoughts?
June 11, 2014 | 10:49 a.m.
From the last 2 hands it seems that you keep limp/calling suited connectors in EP. On most tables its best to fold them unless its T9s+ imo. I would avoid the limp/calling unless you limp/raise some of the time with those hands but overall I think folding is best. With the fish in the hand here I would probably just lead, but checking is ok too to cr because fish has the last action. If you check turn here I'm definitely check/calling. He is going to have a ton of draws and Ax that we are way ahead of. If we decide not to bet turn and check then checking and deciding on river is the way to go. Folding some of the time, calling some of the time etc. Most people are not going to be betting river without A6+ so it comes down to his bluffing frequency for how often we call non-bad rivers.
June 11, 2014 | 10:44 a.m.
I would check call flop almost always. If I cr flop I'm most likely betting turn shoving river as a default vs most live villains. I like check calling flop and check raising non spade turns maybe 1/2 the time, check calling spade turns and check folding the rest of the time. Also, if I cr turn and we miss I'm most likely bombing river. This is also assuming that this player isn't a super nit and has somewhat of a decent turn betting range. You said he's young/active so if he's stationy then maybe shutting down on the river is best if he's a hero.
June 11, 2014 | 10:36 a.m.
5/10 Live, I cover everyone
1 limp nitty recreational player opens 70 utg I call JTcc OTB limper calls who's on tilt.
Flop K96ccd.
Limper ck pfr 110 I call limper calls. -- Is raising flop better than calling? I was trying to keep the guy on tilt in. If the other guy wasn't on tilt is call still better than raising or vis versa?
Turn 5c Limper ck pfr leads 220 I raise to 680(How is this sizing or should I go bigger?) limper folds pfr calls has 1900 left. River 8x he ck.
Board: Kc 9c 6d 5c 8s
What would be good sizing in this spot?
June 11, 2014 | 10:28 a.m.
5k eff with decent reg
I raise QsJs UTG to 40 co calls decent reg calls OTB and SB calls.
Flop T85dds
I cbet 90 co calls 90 decent reg raises to 380.
Should I be check calling this flop instead of cbetting? I don't expect this flop to get raised a ton but when it did I felt like betting was a big mistake because I was getting blown off of my equity. Is check calling better than cbetting? Can I ever call this flop raise? I don't really know what his flop raising range is but I'm assuming that it's just T8s and sets, maybe QdJd/Jd9d/9d7d/7d6d.
June 9, 2014 | 10:57 a.m.
I think your flop bet is good but turn I would go bigger to say $70-$80 to get value out of mid pair hands, he could have Jx with a club draw etc and will probably call his flush draws as well. As played I call his turn raise and check/decide probably fold river given that I doubt he's actually even betting it much of the time and when he does he prob has 55. If he just calls our turn bet of $70-$80 depending on how villain views us and how bluff happy he is will determine if I'm betting or checking given no club hits. If we have a wild image a bet of $125-$150 should be good and if he's bluff happy I'd check/call river. Betting is usually better here though imo given that I think he'd be calling with a higher frequency than he would be bluffing on this board.
May 22, 2014 | 12:11 p.m.
On the Tc Ad 2d 3c board you were talking about that over betting the turn here is a good strategy which I like as well, but I'm curious as to how we go about balancing this..I think over betting turn here is good because we apply max pressure on our opponents bluff catching range which will most likely result in a fold but why would we play our value hands this way if our opponent is folding a lot here? Would we just do it with our 45 off suit combos and not our 45s combos and sets? I'm just curious how we would go about balancing and not losing value on our big hands.
May 22, 2014 | 11:41 a.m.
I'm assuming that you have specific reads vs Ivey that you think opening T5s vs him BvB is profitable(since I don't have these reads I'm inclined to fold). However, as played I think we can eliminate 99/33/22/32/93/92/A9/K9 from his range given that he didn't raise flop(and we don't think he has over pairs since he didn't 3bet pre), I don't think I've ever seen Ivey slowplay a big flopped hand. How are we playing our 9x/full house hands here? It would seem that bet flop, cr turn, ai river would be best since we get stacks in. With flush draws and straight draws we could triple barrel and it's much cheaper when we lose. They both feel like a polarized line but we could bet A3/44-88/TT+ with the bet bet bet line as well to protect. Is it bad if we don't have a bet bet check line on this board? I don't think so because I wouldn't expect him to call call and bluff. I'm mostly an lolliveplayer but that's my 2cents.
May 16, 2014 | 7:50 p.m.
Any progress on something like this? Just wanted to make sure I didn't overlook it.
Feb. 25, 2013 | 9:44 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2012 | 2:40 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2012 | 2:35 a.m.
Dec. 28, 2012 | 8:31 p.m.
Dec. 28, 2012 | 8:27 p.m.
1) Villains range is likely weak because he checked back turn, his preflop 3bet defending range is very wide and we have already made the assumption that villain is going to have to float/play back at us in order to "show a profit". Yes, we almost certainly have the best hand, but villain might value bet worse anyways.
2) If villain has missed draws 56,A2,A5,67, hearts, etc, now he has a chance to bluff.
3) If villain checks back I'm still ok with it at this point in the match because we can better define his 3bet calling range and flop raising range in 3bet pots. I think the added value in this alone more than makes up for the fact we might lose value from getting hero called.
4) By shoving we only learn about part of villains range in these types of spots (which we are going to get into frequently) when we get called which I don't think is that often.
How is RobinHood's 3 barrel with JJ when you had KK at the end of the video too thin when you said you were looking to call him down light? If you had AT/QT/JT etc (which you would be defending vs the 4bet I'm assuming) aren't you calling down on this run out? If JJ is too thin then he really shouldn't be bluffing off a lot on this run out, no? What do you think his 3 barrel cutoff hand should be, QQ?
Jan. 7, 2015 | 10:59 a.m.