How to Assign Limp and flatting Ranges in Live PLO? And multi-way Equity Increased Hands.
Posted by cAp217
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Mid Stakes
How to Assign Limp and flatting Ranges in Live PLO? And multi-way Equity Increased Hands.
For the common 1/2 or 2/5 games how do we define ranges for villians? Online data gives us so much info and players are playing more predictable bc there isnt much limping involved. But in live PLO the hands are 90% mulit-way and it can get tricky in lots of post flop play. I personally use 10-20% ranges for hands and then if it gets 4 way or more I can assign 25% ranges to the closers. But what is a 25% range hand?
The 2nd part of the question or actually realization is how weak hands improve in multi-way pots. Of course we know the basicas of it but diving into actual simulations it gets interesting.
If we take a hand like 5d6d3h4s and get it HU vs a 10% range:
5d6d3h4s 38.78% vs 10% 61.22%
If we add a player 10% and 15%:
5d6d3h4s 31.67% vs 10% 35.34% vs 15% 32.99%
If we add another, all of the sudden we are the favorite in the hand:
5d6d3h4s 27.63% vs 10% 25.01% vs 15% 23.70% vs 15% 23.65%
Now you say that 3456ss is a pretty decent hand. So lets add a dangler but ds: 5d6d3hjh
5d6d3hjh 40.98% vs 10% 59.02%
Add a 15%:
5d6d3hjh 31.67% vs 10% 35.51% vs 15% 32.82% v
Add another 15% 4 way:
5d6d3hjh 26.19% vs 10% 25.60% vs 15% 24.15% vs 15% 24.06%
Now if we keep it 4 way but change a 15% for a 25% which is more likely our equity drops .3%:
5d6d3hjh 25.87% vs 10% 26.38% vs 15% 24.70% vs 25% 23.04%
Now lets look at a strong hand like kdqsjdth:
HU we arent doing well vs a 10% hand:
kdqsjdth 40.30% vs 10%% 59.70%
Surprising vs a 20% range were behind:
kdqsjdth 45.41% vs 20% 54.59%
Around 38% range were flipping (this is education for me bc I would have taken this hand vs any hand a lot):
kdqsjdth 50.07% vs 38% 49.93%
Now lets go multiway with it:
kdqsjdth 27.97% vs 10% 39.44% vs 20% 32.59%
4 handed:
kdqsjdth 21.95% vs 20% 26.25% vs 20% 26.18% vs 25%25.61%
5 handed:
kdqsjdth 16.39% vs 20% 20.86% vs 20% 21.00% vs 25% 20.70% vs 20% 21.05%
So obviously pushing your stronger hands to HU pre and calling with weak hands for multiway pots is the smart thing to do. I am sure we all know that but to play with it, its surprising. I thought that 10% would be a tighter range and 25% is a pretty wide range to assign but my assumptions might be off. These 2 questions can be 2 discussions but I think of them as 1 so I posted this way.
Id like to learn a lot from this thread and I started to get lazy with my posting but hopefully it all makes sense.
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